
  • 网络Saka;Chris Sacca;Sakar;Oaxaca;Zarqa
  1. 克里斯•萨卡,Twitter投资者,前谷歌(Google)雇员

    Chris sacca , twitter investor , former Google employee

  2. Twitter的早期投资者克里斯·萨卡(ChrisSacca)早前公布了一份长达8500字的措辞严厉的分析报告,要求对Twitter的服务重新进行更深入的思考。这使得科斯特罗最近几周面临越来越大的压力。

    Pressure on Costolo grew in recent weeks after Chris Sacca , an early Twitter investor , went public with an 8500-word analysiscalling for a much deeper rethinking of Twitter 's service .

  3. 对于Twitter在现场直播方面的问题,萨卡提供了很多明显的改进建议。

    Mr. Sacca offered many obvious improvements to Twitter 's problems with live viewing .

  4. 每个人都会受益,除非是懒人和亚瑟萨卡吉尔一类的人。

    Everyone would win , except the lazy , and Arthur Scargill .

  5. 遗憾的是,萨卡其总统给我们带来了不少的麻烦。

    Unfortunately , the President Saca has brought us a lot of trouble .

  6. 萨卡总统:这也是我的荣幸。布什总统:非常欢迎。萨卡总统:(通过翻译)非常感谢。

    PRESIDENT SACA : ( As translated . ) Thank you so much .

  7. 喔,你对萨卡吉维亚可真有研究。

    Wow , you are quite the sakagawean expert .

  8. 萨卡吉维亚用了点热蜡就帮我弄好了。

    Sakagawea , a little hot wax , and I 'm a new man .

  9. 萨卡总统:我希望能去拜访你,和你聊天。………………………………

    PRESIDENT SACA : I hope that I can go and visit you and talk to you --

  10. 片刻后,考辛斯便露出了微笑,也许是琢磨着自己在萨卡拉门托的篮球炼狱终将要结束了。

    then cracked a smile , perhaps pondering that his time in basketball purgatory could possibly be ending .

  11. 可供选择的信用卡种类很多,其中有些信用卡很流行,如美国运通卡、萨卡及万事达卡等等。

    There are many credit cards available : American Express , VISA , and Master Charge are some of the most popular .

  12. 很抱歉,我们不接受美洲银行卡,我们只接受美国运通卡、事达卡、萨卡和一些中国信用卡。

    I 'm sorry , we don 't accept Bank America Card . We only accept American Express , Master Card , Visa and some Chinese cards .

  13. 由两名不愿透露姓名的内部人士透露,萨卡拉门托国王队已经决定在今天正式聘请孟菲斯灰熊队助理教练埃里克-穆斯勒曼为球队的新主教练。

    The Sacramento Kings hired Memphis Grizzlies assistant Eric Musselman on Friday as their new head coach , two people with knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press .

  14. 萨卡的设想,就好比是打造一个数字时代的电视台或电台——在一个原本缺乏生机、平淡无奇的数字世界中,让大家聚集一堂。

    The best analog for Mr. Sacca 's vision is a digital-era version of television or radio - a global coming together in an otherwise lifeless , anodyne digital world .

  15. 美国业余田联星期一宣布有3个城市将角逐美国奥运田径选拔赛的主办权,这些城市是休斯顿,新奥尔良和萨卡拉门托。

    Usatf announced Monday that three cities will vie for the opportunity to host the US Olympic track and field trials , those cities are houston , new orleans , and sacramento .