
  • 网络Sales Promotion
  1. 在促销策略,G银行采用农村信用社人员直接促销,媒体宣传促销,公共关系促销,营业推广促销和捆绑促销。

    In the promotion strategy , using G bank rural credit cooperatives personnel direct marketing , media publicity and promotion , public relations promotion , sales promotion and promotional bundles .

  2. 负责营业推广工作;

    Takes charge of sales promotion activities .

  3. 面向中间商营业推广的模式和风险分析

    An Analysis of Dealership in Business Extension and Subsequent Risks

  4. 面向消费者营业推广的实用策略

    Practical Tactics of Business Extention Facing Consumers

  5. 营业推广与广告、人员推销和公共关系是促销组合策略的四大元素。

    Business extention together with advertisement , personal selling and public relations constitute promotion mix .

  6. 营业推广上,主要以广告宣传为主,缺乏相应的营销人员。

    Sales promotion , advertising based mainly on the lack of appropriate marketing officer . 5 .

  7. 浩沙健身俱乐部对外的促销方式主要有广告、公共关系、营业推广和人员推销几种。

    Gallant sand fitness club external marketing methods mainly advertising , public relations , sales promotion and marketing of several officers . 6 .

  8. 在促销策略上要灵活运用公共关系、广告宣传、人员促销和营业推广等促销手段。

    Marketing strategy to be flexible in the use of public relations , advertising , marketing and sales promotion staff and other promotional tools .

  9. 在我国,随着商品经济的发展和成熟,企业在销售市场上的竞争日趋激烈,其中较为直接有效、使用频繁又较高的手段就是营业推广。

    In China , as the market economy constantly develops and matures and the competition is increasingly intensified , business extention is widely used as the most direct and efficient means .

  10. 构建人员推销、广告、公共关系和营业推广四位一体的促销体系,有效提供保险信息和引导、激发保险消费。

    Fourthly , constructure quaternity sales promotion system including personnal promote , advertisement , public relations and business promotion , effectively provide insurance information and guidance , stimulate consumption of insurance .

  11. 此外,本文重点分析了几种重要的旅游饭店促销策略,包括饭店营业推广策略,饭店内部促销策略,饭店公共关系促销策略。

    Moreover , the paper specially analyzes several kinds of promotion strategies of hotel , including operation extending strategy , hotel inner promotion strategy , and hotel public relation promotion strategy .

  12. 在学术领域,人们常常将营业和推广统称为“销售促进”。

    In the academic field , people call business operation and advertisement together as " sales promotion " .

  13. 另外,面对市场的竞争,香港更有我们的营业代表,推广美国、欧洲和日本市场。

    Following intensive market competition , we have our sales representative in Hong Kong in order to promote our business to USA , Europe & Japan .

  14. 农村营业部改革在推广过程中做好风险防范及风险应对是重要工作之一。

    The rural sales office reforms in the promoted process completes the risk prevention and risk deals is one of important work .