
  • 网络Sulforaphane;sulphoraphane;DL-Sulforaphane
  1. 特别要指出的是,萝卜硫素可以抑制组蛋白脱乙酰酶或HDACs,反过来又能促进原本在癌细胞内的不活泼的肿瘤抑制基因的增长。

    In particular , sulforaphane appears to inhibit histone deacetylases , or HDACs , which in turn enhances the expression of tumor suppressor genes that are often silenced in cancer cells .

  2. 萝卜硫素可能对致癌物发挥作用的启动产生作用,在癌症形成初期使基因发生突变,另外还有一些抑制酶具有双重阻癌或抑癌功能,对有毒物进行降解,从而起到抗癌效果。

    Sulforaphane may have some effects on the carcinogens at the very beginning , cause gene mutation , besides there are other inhibitive enzyme which have the ability to inhibit cancer , and can degrade the toxins .

  3. 萝卜硫素对基因变异Tubby小鼠视网膜感光细胞保护作用的研究

    Investigated by Sulforaphane in Photoreceptor Cell Survival / Protection in Tubby Mouse

  4. 甘蓝也含有充分的萝卜硫素,另一种癌症预防剂。

    Kale is also full of sulforaphane , another cancer-prevention agent .

  5. 西兰花中萝卜硫素提取、分离与抗癌活性研究

    Study on extraction , isolation and anticarcinogenic activity of sulforaphane in broccoli

  6. 西蓝花中的化学物质萝卜硫素可以减缓软骨受损进程。

    A chemical , sulforaphane , in broccoli can slow down cartilage destruction .

  7. 西兰花中萝卜硫素的抗癌活性的研究

    Studies on Anticarcinogenic Activity of Sulforaphane in Broccoli

  8. 花椰菜含有萝卜硫素,这种物质可以对抗癌症。

    Cauliflower contains sulforaphane , a compound that has been shown to have anti-cancer effects .

  9. 当花椰菜分解时,会释放萝卜硫素,所以一定要在吞咽之前好好咀嚼它们。

    Sulforaphane are released when cauliflower is broken down , so focus on chewing it before swallowing .

  10. 乙醇处理提高了总酚、总硫代葡萄糖苷和萝卜硫素含量。

    The contents of total phenolic compounds , glucosinolates and sulforaphane were also profoundly increased after treated with ethanol .

  11. 青花菜富含蛋白质、维生素、硫代葡萄糖苷及萝卜硫素等物质,营养价值远高于一般蔬菜。

    Broccoli is rich in protein , vitamins , glucosinolates , sulforaphane and nutritional value is much higher than general vegetables .

  12. 这项研究测试了萝卜硫素对患有乳腺癌女性的乳腺组织的效果,而该新发现正是第一次临床应用后所得出的结论。

    The findings were the result of the first clinical studies to look at the effect of sulforaphane on breast tissues of women diagnosed with breast cancer .

  13. 密歇根大学的一项研究显示,花椰菜中包含的萝卜硫素能够减少老鼠体内的乳腺癌肝细胞(导致癌细胞扩散和复制)。

    Sulforaphane -- a compound in broccoli -- reduced the number of breast cancer stem cells ( which cause cancer spread and recurrence ) in mice , according to research from the University of Michigan .

  14. 他说,西兰花越苦,萝卜硫素含量越高。他还说,大约150克西兰花中所含的萝卜硫素才与3克西兰花芽中的含量相当。

    ' The more bitter your broccoli , perhaps the better , ' he said , adding that one would have to consume roughly 150 grams of broccoli in order to consume the same amount of sulforaphane contained in three grams of broccoli sprouts .

  15. 俄勒冈州立大学公共卫生和人文科学学院的教授何艾米丽说:“我们最初的目标是想确认萝卜硫素补充剂是否有很好的耐受性,并看它是否能改变与癌症相关的表观遗传机制。”

    Emily Ho , a professor at the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences , said " our original goal was to determine if sulforaphane supplements would be well tolerated and might alter some of the epigenetic mechanisms involved in cancer . "

  16. 花椰菜和其他十字花科蔬菜含有的萝卜硫素长期以来就被证明具有防癌价值,而据俄勒冈州立大学及俄勒冈卫生与科学大学联合进行的新研究显示,萝卜硫素还能减缓癌细胞的扩散。

    While sulforaphane has long shown evidence of value in cancer prevention , researchers at Oregon State University ( OSU ) and the Oregon Health and Science University suggested in a new study that it may play a role in slowing cancer growth as well .