
  • 网络morales;evo morales;Moralez
  1. 2005年,莫拉莱斯在抗议所谓的“华盛顿共识”(WashingtonConsensus)政策——财政紧缩、贸易自由化、去监管化和私有化——的浪潮中当上总统。此前的20年里,这些政策在他的国家产生了不好的效果。

    In 2005 , Morales became president on the wave of protest against the so-called Washington Consensus policies of fiscal retrenchment , trade liberalisation , deregulation and privatisation that had ill served his country in the preceding two decades .

  2. 玻利维亚总统埃沃•莫拉莱斯说斯诺登在他的国家是受欢迎的。

    Bolivian President Evo Morales says Snowden is welcome in his country .

  3. 莫拉莱斯说他还没有收到斯诺登正式的申请庇护。

    Morales says he has not yet received a formal petition for asylum from Snowden .

  4. 莫拉莱斯是继委内瑞拉总统马杜罗和尼加拉瓜的丹尼尔•奥尔特加之后提出接收的。

    Morales follows Presidents Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua in making the offer .

  5. 一当上总统,莫拉莱斯就将该国主要的出口产业天然气行业国有化。

    Upon becoming president , Morales nationalised the natural gas industry , the country 's main export industry .

  6. 莫拉莱斯总统说,在阿根廷出生的教宗访问玻利维亚,表明教宗支持玻利维亚人民的解放。

    Mr. Morales said the visit of the Argentinean-born pope represents support for the liberation of the Bolivian people .

  7. 莫拉莱斯接受采访时表示,因为查韦斯是连任,所以从上一任期到下一任期是连续的。

    Morales told reporters that because Chavez was reelected , there 's continuity from one term to the next .

  8. 莫拉莱斯总统说,在阿根廷出生的教宗访问玻利维亚,表明教宗支持玻利维亚人民的“解放”。

    Mr. Morales said the visit of the Argentinean-born pope represents support for the " liberation " of the Bolivian people .

  9. 三个月前,当我即将拿到莫拉莱斯的文件时,埃文趁虚而入将它拿走了。

    Three months ago , when I was on the verge of getting the Moralez account , Evan swooped in and snagged it .

  10. 莫拉莱斯能够继续他的旅程,但尚不清楚是否会爱德华·斯诺登继续,他可能会去那里。

    Marales was able to continue his journey but it remains unclear whether Edward Snowden will continue his or where he might go .

  11. 莫拉莱斯表示,支持其参选是“对国家利益的攻击和对该地区的背叛”。

    Morales says that supporting the candidacy would be " an attack against the interests of the country and a betrayal of the region . "

  12. 这位印第安总统称这条路将为可可种植者带来惠泽,并拓展他们的种植园。莫拉莱斯仍然担任古柯种植者联盟的主席。

    The Indians said the road would be a boon to coca growers , whose union Mr Morales still heads , and expand their plantations .

  13. 玻利维亚投票者奔向投票站,为区域和当地选举投票。这次投票被广泛地视为总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯和反对派之间的关键竞争。

    Voters are going to the polls in Bolivia 's regional and local elections , widely seen as a key contest between President Evo Morales and the opposition .

  14. 总统莫拉莱斯希望按照当地人民的利益对自然资源和土地进行重新分配。他必须赢得9个州中的大多数。

    President Morales , who wants to redistribute natural resources and land in favor of Bolivia 's indigenous people , needs to win in most of the nine states .

  15. 教宗方济各星期三抵达玻利维亚,莫拉莱斯总统前往机场欢迎。玻利维亚是教宗南美三国之行的第二站。

    Pope Francis was greeted by Bolivian President Evo Morales when he arrived Wednesday on the second leg of his three-nation tour of his home continent of South America .

  16. 声明玻利维亚不惧怕美国和它的欧洲盟友,莫拉莱斯说他愿意给予这位美国人庇护,如果他要求。

    Declaring Bolivia has no fear of the US and its European allies , Morales said he would be willing to give asylum to the American , if he asks .

  17. 莫拉莱斯早些时候说他愿意考虑庇护斯诺登,厄瓜多尔也持同样的立场,这是玻利维亚在拉丁美洲又一左翼盟友。

    Morales earlier said he was willing to consider asylum for Snowden , the same position taken by Ecuador , which is another of Bolivia 's leftist Latin American allies .

  18. 玻利维亚总统莫拉莱斯,在她与反对党在12月大选法律方面达成共识之后,结束了五天的绝食抗议。

    Evo Morales , Bolivia 's president , ended a five-day hunger strike after his government and the opposition reached agreement on a law that sets a general election for December .

  19. 在莫拉莱斯执政后,玻利维亚的人均收入增长加速——从上世纪90年代每年增长1.5%加速至2005年到2013年间每年增长3.3%。

    After Morales came to power , its per capita income growth accelerated - from 1.5 per cent a year during the 1990s to 3.3 per cent between 2005 and 2013 .

  20. 玻利维亚军队开始使用有总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯提出的有争议的座右铭。这是莫拉莱斯企图将军队变成他的社会主义革命卫队的一部分努力。

    The army in Bolivia has begun using a controversial new motto introduced by President Evo Morales as part of his effort to turn the armed forces into guarantors of his socialist revolution .

  21. 这时奥列弗插入了一段视频,内容是《今日》主持人娜塔丽•莫拉莱斯和塔玛龙•豪尔正在煞有介事地争论全脂牛奶的利弊,并各自搬出了一些科研成果作为理论依据。

    That much was teed up in a clip featuring co-hosts Natalie Morales andTamron Hall gently arguing about the health benefits of whole milk vis a vis scientific studiesregarding its pros and cons .

  22. 总统埃沃•莫拉莱斯此举是想提高公众的环境意识,但批评者早已声责总统要保护环境就放弃在雨林修筑公路的计划。

    Evo Morales , the president , wants to raise awareness about the environment , but his critics have told him to take a hike over plans to build a road through the rainforest .

  23. 莫拉莱斯是玻利维亚第一位原住民总统。他2006年就任后,玻利维亚天主教会和政府间的关系出现紧张,但2013年方济各出任罗马天主教教宗之后,关系有所改善。

    Relations between Bolivia 's Catholic Church and the Bolivian government became strained after Mr. Morales , the country 's first indigenous leader , first took office in 2006 , but have improved since Francis 's election in 2013 .