
yào mián
  • cotton wool;absorbent cotton
药棉 [yào mián]
  • [absorbent cotton] 医疗上用的消毒脱脂棉

药棉[yào mián]
  1. 旋覆花素抑制内皮剥脱和高脂血症诱导的活性氧产生及生化机制的研究医用脱脂药棉生产成套设备

    ABL Inhibits ROS Products Induced by De-endothelium and Hyperlipidemia in Rats ; complete equipment for making plaster medical absorbent cotton

  2. 在药棉的生产中,煮练和漂白是关键工序,可使纤维洁白柔软且具有良好的吸水性。

    Scouring and bleaching are key steps in the production of absorbent cotton , which make the fiber white and soft with good absorbency .

  3. 他把针头拔出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。

    He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot .

  4. 真丝织物过氧化氢练漂一步法工艺医用脱脂药棉的练漂生产工艺

    Hydrogen Peroxide Single Stage Bleaching and Scouring Process of Real Silk Fabrics

  5. 她需要一些药棉来处理伤口。

    She needed some cotton wool to treat her wound .

  6. 我想说些什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。

    I tried to say something , but my mouth was full of cotton-wool .

  7. 是的,我要一些药棉。

    Yes , I want some cotton wool .

  8. 医用脱脂药棉生产成套设备自行车及轻便摩托车轮胎工厂成套设备

    Complete equipment for the manufacture of bicycle and light motor cycle tires and tubes

  9. 一种脱水的药棉或亚麻纤维。鸡毛角蛋白脱色剂处理中药废水的实验研究

    The Experiment Study of Chicken Feather Keratin for the Treatment of Chinese Herbal Medicines Wastewater

  10. 很走运,我在化妆包里带了一些药棉。

    Luckily I had brought with me in my toilet bag a quantity of cotton wool .

  11. 目的评价药棉液氮浸冷冷冻头冷凝视网膜裂孔的安全性和疗效。

    Objective To evaluate cryotherapy safety and effect of liquid nitrogen cooled cotton cryoprobe on seal retinal tears .

  12. 药棉浸冷冷冻头冷凝视网膜裂孔临床实验研究

    Head continuous with body ; Clinical and experimental studies on seal retinal tears by cotton cryoprobe cooled liquid nitrogen

  13. 在耳朵里放药棉是可以的,只是事后一定要记得把它取出来。

    It is useful to place cotton wool in the ears , so long as care is taken to remove afterwards .

  14. 当那位牙医最后将药棉从我嘴里取出时,我总算可能告诉他,他拔错了牙。

    When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth , I was able to teel him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth .

  15. 方法(1)动物实验分2组:I组药棉浸冷冻头直接接触兔巩膜,观察冷冻环和他的稳定性;

    Methods The animals were divided into two groups , the first group , rabbit scleras were contacted by cotton cryoprobe which had been soaked in liquid nitrogen , scleral ice ring and its stableness was observed ;