
  1. 前言:目的了解通过《药品经营质量管理规范》(GSP)认证后药品经营企业的现状。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the status quo of the drug handling enterprises that passed GSP authentication .

  2. 通过GSP认证后陕西省药品经营企业调查研究

    Investigation on Shanxi Provincial Drug Handling Enterprises after Passing GSP Authentication

  3. 目的加强药品经营企业GSP认证后的监管。

    Objectives Strengthen supervision of drug enterprises after the GSP certification .

  4. 加强GSP认证后药品经营企业管理问题的研究

    Reinforce GSP attestation queen medicines and chemical reagents manage business administration problem go into

  5. 药品经营企业GSP内部评审的要求、程序及重点

    GSP Interior Appraisal of Request , Procedure and Key in the Drugs Management Enterprise

  6. 在采购管理子系统的数据库分析和设计中,结合药品经营管理系统的应用实际,使用UML进行了分析和建模,建立数据库模型图,最后生成了数据库。

    In the analysis and design of database for purchase , using UML to analyze and model , achieve the database model chart , and establish the database .

  7. 为了规范药品经营和确保药品经营企业的健康发展,我国开始实施GSP认证。

    In order to regulate the pharmaceutical business and ensure the pharmacies a smooth development , China took GSP into effect .

  8. 方法:采用实地调研的方法分析陕西省药品经营企业在GSP认证过程中存在的实际问题。

    METHODS : Practical problems existed in the GSP authentication of drug supply enterprises in Shannxi province were analyzed by the on the spot research method .

  9. 方法以陕西省通过GSP认证的部分药品经营企业为对象,采用个别访谈、实地调研以及问卷调查等方法进行研究。

    METHODS : Targeted at part of GSP authentication-passed drug handling enterprises in Shanxi province , research methods like interview , direct observation , questionnaires etc. were adopted in the study .

  10. 方法:针对部分药品经营企业通过GSP认证后质量管理出现的大滑坡现象,结合企业的具体实践和操作情况,调查和分析影响认证成果巩固的原因。

    METHODS : Based on real practices and operations , factors affecting the consolidation of GSP authentication were investigated and analyzed aimed at the dropping back of some enterprises'quality management after passing the GSP authentication .

  11. JN药业集团是一家有着悠久历史企业,是山东省药品经营历史最长、药品经营规模最大、药品经营种类最全的医药流通企业之一。

    JN Medicine Group is a company with a long history of enterprises , is the Shandong Province Medicine trading with the longest history , the largest medicine management , medicine management types of the most complete one of the medicine circulation enterprises .

  12. 对药品经营的新认识药品经营环节中存在的问题及对策

    Some Thoughts on Drug Marketing Problems in drug Distribution and Countermeasures

  13. 无《药品经营许可证》的,不得经营药品。

    No one is permitted to distribute drugs without the certificate .

  14. 药品经营企业如何建立完善的质量管理体系

    How to Establish a Perfect System of Drug Quality Management

  15. 浅谈现代医药物流背景下药品经营监管的几个问题

    Discussion on Administration of Pharmaceutical Distribution under Modern Pharmaceutical Logistics

  16. 药品经营企业环境与场所配置探讨

    Discussion on the Allocation of Location and Environment of Drug Supplying Enterprises

  17. 高职高专生物制药专业(药品经营与管理方向)课程建设的探索

    Explores of the Curriculum Construction in Bio-pharmacy Major of the Higher Professional Education

  18. 药品经营企业药学技术人员药品不良反应认知度调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of the ADR recognition of the phar-technicist in medicine enterprises

  19. 药品经营企业质量管理的文书档案

    Archives of Quality Control in the Drug Marketing Enterprises

  20. 对医院药品经营中反常现象的分析

    Analysis on the abnormality in hospital medicine market

  21. 药品经营企业销售中药材,必须标明产地。

    Drug distributors shall indicate the habitat of Chinese crude drugs to be sold .

  22. 报验单位的《药品经营许可证》和《企业法人营业执照》复印件;

    Copy of the applicant 's Drug Business License or Enterprise Legal Person Business License ;

  23. 我国药品经营企业执业药师人力资源开发研究

    Development and Research of Personnel Resources of Licensed Pharmacist of Drug Supply Enterprises in China

  24. 药品经营企业购销药品,必须有真实完整的购销记录。

    Drug distributors shall keep a real and perfect records of purchasing and selling drugs .

  25. 此外,此内资公司注册,才能在越南进行药品经营活动。

    Additionally , this local company should be registered to conduct pharmaceutical trading activities in Vietnam .

  26. 关于株洲市五县(市)药品经营、使用现状的调查与思考

    Investigation on the Current Situation of Drug Distribution and Using in Five Counties of Zhuzhou City

  27. 我国各省药品经营(零售)许可管理部分规定的比较

    Comparison of Some Articles of Regulation on Drug Retailing License Issued by Each Provincial Drug Administration Authorities

  28. 然后针对药品经营企业的业务进行系统的需分析,给出了系统的业务模型、功能模型。

    Secondly , we introduce the requirement of drug management business and provide business model and functional model .

  29. 开办药品经营企业必须具备以下条件:(一)具有依法经过资格认定的药学技术人员;

    A drug distributor to be established shall meet the following requirements : staffed with legally qualified pharmaceutical professionals ;

  30. 随着药品经营行业的不断发展,市场对于药品经营提出了更高的要求。

    With the continuous development of drug managing enterprises , the market for drug management has set higher requirements .