
cǎo zhǐ
  • papyrus;toilet paper;rough straw paper;coarse straw paper;coarse paper
草纸 [cǎo zhǐ]
  • (1) [coarse straw paper]∶以稻草等为原料制成的纸

  • (2) [toilet paper]∶特指手纸

  • 草纸铺

草纸[cǎo zhǐ]
  1. 他们是用一把铁片磨成的“小刻刀”,将黄色的草纸刻成五颗五角星。

    They are ground into metal plates with a " small knife ", will be carved into five yellow five-pointed star of toilet paper .

  2. 从人们第一次使用纸莎草纸开始,律师们就是用笔来书写国家法律。

    The lawyers took up their pens and wrote the law of the country from the days when papyrus was first used .

  3. 这张草纸上可能记录着图特摩斯三世统治时期出现的UFO。

    The papyrus supposedly contains sightings of UFOs during the time when Thutmosis III ruled Egypt .

  4. 忙碌的生活与纸莎草纸管你和你的手机。

    Manage your busy life with Papyrus and your mobile phone .

  5. 纸浆反射率测定用草纸制备方法

    Method for forming hand sheets for reflectance tests of pulp

  6. 西方国家经历了纸莎草纸、羊皮纸最后到纸张的使用。

    Western countries has experienced the papyrus and parchment to the use of paper .

  7. 可惜那条曲线最后跑出了草纸的顶部。

    Unfortunately , that curve also quickly went straight off the top of the page .

  8. 羊毛料和木材送到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。

    Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus .

  9. 纸浆草纸物理实验方法

    Physical testing method of pulp hand sheets

  10. 我能灌些笔水在草纸上写些字吗?

    Can I fill some ink in and write a few words on the scratch paper ?

  11. 埃及人书写用薄草纸。

    The Egyptians wrote on papyrus .

  12. 但纸莎草纸也具有自身不可克服的诸多局限性,其最终被羊皮纸和纸所代替,更是一种历史的必然和进步。

    With lots of insurmountable disadvantages , the papyrus is substituted by parchment and paper at last .

  13. 所有人都很有钱,铜板很少出现,一张一张的银票比草纸还便宜。

    Everyone is rich , copper coins is seldom seen , but bank notes are cheaper than paper .

  14. “图利草纸”可能埃及时代存在外星人的最主要证据。

    The Tulli Papyrus is potentially the best primary source that suggests an alien presence in ancient Egypt .

  15. 比如说,在底比斯发现了一张纸莎草纸,悬赏捉拿一个逃跑的奴隶。

    For example , there is a papyrus discovered at Thebes offering a reward for a run - away slave .

  16. 我们正在寻找能提供埃及产品的供应商,包括纸莎草纸和玻璃香水瓶雕像。

    We are looking for suppliers to supply us with Egyptian products including papyrus , statues and glass perfume bottles .

  17. 在古埃及,虽然纸莎草纸曾在一个长时期中被广泛使用,但是也有其它的书写材料。

    Although papyrus was widely used over a long period of time , other materials were also used for writing in ancient Egypt .

  18. 早在公元前2700年,埃及人便开始把纸莎草纸改进为较厚的纸张或是羊皮纸,以便用芦苇制成的笔记录文字。

    As early as 2700 BC Egyptians were converting papyrus into thick forms of paper or parchment ready to receive markings from reed pens .

  19. 因为牧羊人并不知道这些卷轴是何物,他们便以每卷几美元的低廉价格,将这些草纸卖给了耶路撒冷当地的一位古玩店老板。

    Not knowing what they had found , the men sold the blackened scrolls to antiquities dealers in Jerusalem for a few dollars apiece .

  20. 据说梵蒂冈博物馆埃及区的前任主管阿尔贝托·图利发现了这张草纸。

    The papyrus is said to have been found by the former director of the Egyptian section of the Vatican Museum , Alberto Tulli .

  21. 虽然这份草纸的可靠性还有待商榷,但图利草纸留下了古埃及时代存在外星人的主要迹象。

    Although a lot have questioned the authenticity of the document , the Tulli Papyrus remains a major indicator of extraterrestrial life in ancient Egypt .

  22. 纸莎草纸的出现是一种进步,表明了人类利用自然之赐,探索新的书写材料的创造力。

    The papyrus is indispensable in the course of the development of human communication media , which symbolizes the creativity of human on exploring writing material .

  23. 当我看到这个传说,我就意识到它叙述的就是我多次游历的那些场景,因此我花了很长时间阅读这张泛黄的纸莎草纸。

    When I saw this lore , I knew that it touched on the scenes I had haunted , and I therefore read long in the yellowed papyrus .

  24. 通过希腊文蒲草纸的发现,通俗(意为共同的)希腊语证明是新约写作时代的语言。

    Hellenistic or Koine ( meaning common ) Greek has been proved to be the language of the New Testament period through the discoveries among the Greek papyri .

  25. 他去世之后,他的弟弟继承了他的财产,但是很久以前,他的弟弟也去世了,而那张草纸也消失了。

    When he died , Tulli 's belongings passed to his brother , but before long , the brother died , too , and the papyrus could not be located .

  26. 其中有趣的是,由于比布鲁斯是当时较为重要的港口之一,纸莎草纸也经由此港进口,英语单词中的“圣经”竟来源于“比布鲁斯”一名。

    An interesting thing is that the English word Bible is derived from the name of the town , since Byblos was an important port , through which the papyrus was imported .

  27. 有一些莎草纸的片段,三张莎草纸片段,上面有希腊语版的部分多马福音,只在埃及的俄克喜林库斯发现了几张。

    We had a few papyrus fragments , three papyrus fragments , that had Greek versions of just parts of the Gospel of Thomas , just pieces of it from Oxyrhynchus , Egypt .

  28. 他顺势向漆黑一片的洞内投了一块石头,随之而来的则是瓦罐破碎之音,于是这个牧羊人召来了他的同伴,两人一起进入洞中,带走了一些密封陶罐,陶罐里装着几卷纸莎草纸。

    Dropping a stone into the blackness , he heard a pot shatter . Returning with his companion , they carefully lowered themselves into the cave and retrieved several sealed clay pots containing worn rolls of papyrus .