
cǎo yuán zī yuán
  • grassland resources
  1. 中国草原资源可持续利用问题初探

    Initial discussion on the Sustainable Utilization of Grassland Resources in China

  2. 关于中国草原资源可持续利用的思考

    The Strategies for Sustainable Utilization of Grassland Resources in China

  3. 草原资源综合开发和推进产业化。

    The grassland resources should be developed comprehensively and industrialized .

  4. 第二章:内蒙古草原资源的现状。

    Chapter II : the current situation of the resources in Inner Mongolia grassland .

  5. 甘肃草原资源与生态监测预警体系建设思考

    Thinking on practice of grassland monitoring and evaluation and construction of early-warning system in Gansu

  6. 加强草原资源建设;

    Strengthen steppe resource construction .

  7. 内蒙古镶黄旗草原资源现状与动态的遥感监测

    The Applications of Remote Sensing for Grassland Resources Actuality and Dynamic Monitoring in Xianghuang Banner , Inner Mongolia

  8. 我国是草原资源大国。草原畜牧业是我国畜牧业不可或缺的组成部分。

    China is a country with abundant grassland resources and40 % of its territory is covered by natural grassland .

  9. 草原资源在维护生态环境和促进人类社会和谐方面有着重要的地位和作用。

    Grassland resources in the maintenance of the ecological environment and promote harmonious human society has an important position and role .

  10. 草原资源既是甘南的经济资源,更是生态资源,甘南草原生态系统是我国陆地生态系统的重要组成部分。

    Grassland resource is Gannan economy resource , is the ecology resources , Gannan grassland ecological system of China is an important part of land ecosystem .

  11. 第四章着重阐释了我国现行草原资源物权之侵权责任理论并指出了其存在的问题,对其进行检讨。

    By the above described , the fourth chapter focuses on current infringement of grassland resources through property rights infringement liability theory and pointed out its problems .

  12. 草原资源的严重衰竭,危及传统畜牧业的生存和生态安全。

    The serious decay of grassland resources is endangering the subsistence of the traditional stockbreeding and is threatening the zoology security and the rise and fall of the nation .

  13. 保护森林、草原资源不仅是保持水土资源和生态环境的重要措施,也是减缓全球变暖带来的极端气候事件增加的重要措施。

    Protection of forest , grassland resources , not only to maintain soil and water resources and ecological environment , an important measure for mitigating global warming increase of extreme weather events , an important measure .

  14. 风景名胜资源同水资源、海洋资源、矿产资源、森林资源、草原资源等同等重要,已被我国政府列为国家保护的十大重要资源之一。

    Scenic resources and water resources , marine resources , mineral resources , forest resources , grassland resources are equally important , our government has been classified as national protection of resources an important one of the top ten .

  15. 为进一步开展草原资源与生态动态监测和草原生态建设工程效益评价与监测等工作提供了技术模式。

    At the same time , the implement of the project and the benefit of engineering were also analyzed and estimated in this paper . It offered a technical model to further process grassland resource dynamic monitor and ecological engineering monitor .

  16. 按照科学发展观的要求,强调了牧区统筹协调发展的重要性,具体包括牧区与城市协调发展、农村牧区经济的协调发展、区域之间的协调发展、人口与草原资源的协调发展等内容。

    According to the requirement of the scientific development , it emphasizes on the importance of the harmony in the pastureland . It includes the harmonious development of pastureland and city , the economy development in the rural area population and grassland resources etc.

  17. 内蒙古典型草原露水资源研究初探

    The Elementary Study of Dew Resource in Typical Steppe in Inner Mongolia

  18. 内蒙古草原旅游资源及其开发研究

    Development of Grassland Tourism Resource in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  19. 玛曲草原气候资源利用与牧草生产力的研究

    Analysis on Climate Resource Utilization and Pasture 's Productivity in Maqu Grassland

  20. 西北草原水资源的合理利用

    Rational Use of Water Resources on Northwest Pastoral Area

  21. 草原旅游资源深度开发研究&以内蒙古自治区为例

    Deep Development of Grassland Tourism & A Study of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

  22. 达茂草原水土资源优化利用及发展牧业战略的研究

    A Study on the Optimal Utilization Water and Soil Resources and the Animal Husbandry

  23. 安西荒漠草原兽类资源分布的研究

    The Geographical Distribution of Mammal Resources in Desert Steppe in Anxi , Gansu Province

  24. 草原害鼠资源综合开发利用与鼠害防治新途径初探

    Utilizing and Controlling of Grassland Rodent Resource

  25. 加强草地等资源的保护,提高草原区域资源总量;

    Reinforce to protect the resources of grassland , and increase the gross of the resources ;

  26. 内蒙古拥有丰富的草原旅游资源,发展草原旅游对内蒙古旅游业与促进草原保护具有重要意义。

    Grassland tourism is important for tourism industry development and grassland protection of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region .

  27. 地球正迅速接近“不可逆转的临界点”。砍伐森林、污染河流和海洋、开垦草原导致自然资源正在“消失殆尽”。

    The planet was rapidly reaching a " point of no return , " cutting down forests , polluting rivers and oceans , and ploughing grasslands " into oblivion . "

  28. 中国草原生态旅游资源及可持续开发利用

    Study on the Ecotourism Resources and Sustainable Utilization of Chinese Grassland

  29. 中国草原红牛品种资源现状及展望

    Present Situation and Prospects of Chinese Red Steppe Resources

  30. 中国水域、草原、山地资源丰富,开发潜力巨大。

    China has rich water , grassland and sloping land resources which have great potential for exploitation .