
  1. 《史记·孟子荀卿列传》的撰写方式

    The Writing Style of Biography of Mencius and Xun Qing in Historical Records

  2. 《荀子。天论》是战国晚期儒学思想家荀卿的一篇杰出的唯物主义哲学论著。

    " Xunzi Tianlun " is an outstanding paper of materialist philosophy by Xunqing , a confucian thinker in the late warring states period .

  3. 荀子(约公元前313年~公元前238年),名况,宇卿,时人尊称为“荀卿”,汉代避宣帝讳,称之为孙卿。赵国人,儒家代表人物之一。

    Xun Zi ( 313 B. C. ~ 238 B. C. ) , whose given name was Kuang and courtesy name Qing , was born in the State of Zhao and was a key figure in the Confucius school .

  4. 最后对赋诞生时期产生的荀卿《云》与宋玉《风赋》进行了简单的论述,肯定其对汉魏六朝天象赋发展的意义。

    Finally to discuss the Xun Qing 's 《 cloud 》 and Song Yu 's 《 Fu on the wind 》 which is born at the Fu 's birth period simply , affirm its meaning to the development of Han-Wei and six dynasties .