
  • tea bag
  1. 你觉得下面哪种主题的茶包包装更吸引你?

    Which type of tea bag 's package do you prefer ?

  2. 她最喜欢的茶包是格雷伯爵茶。

    At Her favorite tea bag was Earl Grey .

  3. 玛丽安娜从碗橱拿了几个杯子,在每个杯中迅速地放入茶包。

    Marianne got a couple of mugs from the dresser and popped a teabag into each of them

  4. HPLC的分析结果也证明了采用原药材而制成的花旗参茶包的总皂甙含量高于花旗参的提取物和辅料混合后而制成的茶包,基本上相差了4倍。

    In HPLC , the total saponin in tea bags made from Ginseng powders is4 times higher than that made by Ginseng extractives . Therefore , HPLC analysis gave the same result with FTIR .

  5. 茶叶公司的合伙人霍尔(BillHall)说安多尔这是在吹毛求疵。这家茶叶公司使用美国制造的包装来装茶包。霍尔说,我们尽一切可能使用美国制造的产品。

    Bill Hall , a partner in the tea company , said Mr. Andol was ' kind of splitting hairs . ' The tea company uses U.S. - made envelopes for the tea bags , and ' we do everything we possibly can to be American , ' Mr. Hall said .

  6. 对英国人的进一步调查发现,马麦酱也是受欢迎的必备物品,14%的受访者出国会带着它,仅次于茶包。还有11%的人喜欢带“hobnob”牌巧克力,9%的人会带维克斯薄荷膏,只有8%的人选择了咖啡。

    Honing in on Brits , after tea bags , marmite was a popular item to pack with 14 percent of respondents taking the spread overseas , along with 11 percent carrying chocolate hob nobs , nine percent Vicks Vapor Rub and just 8 percent plumping for coffee .

  7. 许多中国人喝茶仍在用散装茶叶而不是茶包。

    Many Chinese still use loose-leaf tea rather than tea bags .

  8. 起床后,浸泡两个含有咖啡因的茶包。

    When you get up , steep two caffeinated tea bags .

  9. 你懂的,茶包和鱼,还有薯条。

    You know , back to teabags and fish and chips .

  10. 如果用精美的骨瓷杯享用,就连茶包喝起来都会更加美味的呢。

    Even teabags will taste better when consumed from fine bone china .

  11. 一分钟后去掉茶包。

    Steep for one minute , then remove the bags .

  12. 将茶包剪开后倒入,慢速搅拌均匀。

    Cut open tea bags and stir into the dough until well-combined .

  13. 额,茶包在杯里待得久点。

    well , a teabag stays in a cup longer .

  14. 而银色的茶球(茶包)及量匙又增添了节日的光彩。

    Silver tea balls and measuring spoons add holiday sparkle and shine .

  15. 甚至连茶包都是纸做的!

    Even a tea bag is made of paper !

  16. 为什么不使用美国制造的茶包呢?

    Why not use U.S. - made tea bags ?

  17. 真行!茶包内裤果然是没有边的。

    Cool ! You really can 't see the edges of the tea-bag underwear .

  18. 一个茶包你可以有一杯浓浓的茶了。

    One bag is all you need to get a strong cup of tea .

  19. 火焰原子吸收法测定茶包及茶饮料中锰元素

    Determination of Mn in tea bags and tea drinks by flame atomic absorption spectrometry

  20. 煮开水,把香料和茶包放进去,小火闷10分钟。

    Boil water , put in the spices and tea bags , simmer for10 minutes .

  21. 我只是多拿了一个茶包。

    I just took an extra teabag .

  22. 此外还可以试着用两包新鲜湿润含咖啡因的茶包。

    You might also try using two fresh , cool and moist caffeinated tea bags .

  23. 茶包,黄瓜或土豆

    Tea bags , cucumbers , or potatoes

  24. 可以用带标签的包装材料,生产出与众不同的带标签茶包。

    Tags can be used with packaging materials , to produce different tea bags with tags .

  25. 起床后,泡两个茶包。

    Step 2 De-puff your face When you get up , steep two caffeinated tea bags .

  26. 薄荷具有冰爽、舒缓疼痛的功效,因此薄荷茶包也是不错的选择。

    Mint tea bags are also a good pick , as mint has cooling , pain-relieving properties .

  27. 牙签,橡皮圈,创可贴,铅笔,橡皮,口香糖,薄荷,棒棒糖,茶包。

    Toothpick , Rubber Band , Band Aid , Pencil , Eraser , Chewing Gum , Mint .

  28. 要用烧开的水,如果你一定要用茶包的话,最后再加牛奶。

    Use boiling water and , if you must resort to tea bags , always add the milk last .

  29. 但后来一位顾客反映说,虽然茶叶是在美国种植的,但茶包却产自日本。

    Then a customer reported that , even though the tea was grown in America , the bags were from Japan .

  30. 冷却之后,紧闭双眼,用茶包敷15分钟。

    Once they 've cooled , lie down for 15 minutes with them resting on your closed eyes to reduce puffiness .