
  • 网络Ibaraki;Ibaraki Prefecture;Ibaraki-ken;HITACHINAKA
  1. 人与自然交融的场所&日本茨城县自然博物公园

    The Place of Blending Human and Nature & Ibaraki Natural Museum Park

  2. 茨城县水户艺术馆,日本

    Art tower Mito , Ibaraki Japan , 1990

  3. 茨城县大概位于被破坏的核电站和东京中间。

    The prefecture is approximately half-way between the damaged plant and Tokyo .

  4. 日本目前停止了福岛县的原料奶以及茨城县菠菜的销售。

    Japan is now halting the sale of raw milk from Fukushima prefecture and spinach from Ibaraki prefecture .

  5. 日本茨城县自然博物馆是一座以人为本,观众可以观看、可以提问、可以触摸、可以参与的绝妙场所。

    Ibaraki Natural Museum Park is a human-oriented place where enables visi-tors for watching , question-asking , touch , and real participation .

  6. 中国驻日使馆宣布,将协助本国公民撤离海啸破坏最严重的四个地区宫城县、福岛县、茨城县和岩手县。

    The Chinese Embassy offered to help evacuate its citizens from four of the areas worst hit by the tsunami Miyagi , Fukushima , Ibaragi and Iwate .

  7. 然而,如果将邻近的长野县,茨城县,新泻县这些受灾较轻的地方计算在内,这一数字则会上升至10.8%,这是一个不小的数字。

    Adding in neighbouring Nagano , Ibaraki and Niigata prefectures , which were much less damaged , brings the affected area 's contribution to GDP to 10.8 % . That is a big chunk .

  8. 他最著名的一个项目是日本茨城县的光之教堂,因神坛后面混凝土墙上的十字形裂缝而得名。

    One of his most famous projects is the Ibaraki Kasugaoka Church in Ibaraki , Japan , which is known as the Church of the Light because of the cruciform-shaped opening in the concrete wall behind the altar .

  9. 根据他们的估计,30年内,宫城县海岸附近发生8.0级大地震的可能性为99%,而茨城县海岸附近的几率则为90%。

    By their reckoning , there was a 99 % chance of an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 occurring off the Miyagi coast , and a 90 % chance of one off Ibaraki prefecture , within the next 30 years .