
  • 网络Hero
  1. 您的影片是否将杰姆·加里森塑造成一名英雄人物?

    Does your film make a hero of Jim Garrison ?

  2. 第六章回顾瓦仓起义前后的革命歌谣和现的英雄人物。

    The sixth chapter around review tile warehouse revolt revolutionary ballad and emergence hero .

  3. 墙上挂满了老牌英雄人物发黄的旧照片。

    The walls are hung with sepia photographs of old school heroes .

  4. 人类总不乏这样的英雄人物。

    Humanity has always had such heroes .

  5. 在史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)这类英雄人物的激励下,无数人正把目光投向非传统的职业模式。

    Heroes such as Steve Jobs have inspired millions to look outside traditional career patterns .

  6. Andy猜肯定不是那些英雄人物,而多半会是那些富豪和明星。

    Andy : Not heroes or heroines , I believe .

  7. CNN英雄人物:普通人在他们的社区产生影响。刚刚宣布了十名英雄。

    CNN heroes : ordinary people who make a difference in their communities . A top ten were just announced .

  8. 胡安国王结束了大独裁者弗朗西斯科·弗朗哥(FranciscoFranco)长达40年的独裁统治,堪称推动西班牙民主进程的英雄人物,但其在位后期却也丑闻不断。

    A hero to many for helping to restore democracy to Spain after the 40-year dictatorship of Francisco Franco , Juan Carlos 's later years on the throne were dogged by scandals .

  9. 英国19世纪作家托马斯·卡莱尔(ThomasCarlyle)曾著名地说过,历史“归根结底是历史伟人的作为”。他视英雄人物为历史的动力。

    Thomas Carlyle , the19th-century British writer , famously defined history as " at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked there ," and he saw heroic individuals as the drivers of change .

  10. 对于这样一个英雄人物影片中有很多看点:这个生活在美国中西部的年轻人(凯文•科斯特纳(KevinCostner)和戴安•莱恩(DianeLane)饰演他的养父母)在意会到那些力量时心生困惑;

    And there 's plenty to enjoy in the drama of the hero coming to grips with those powers as a confused youngster in the heartland ( Kevin Costner and Diane Lane are his adoptive parents ) ;

  11. 我甚至能更骄傲地来和各位分享一个基本的真理。作为哈佛的毕业生你也未必知道,除非你上过Nagy教授的课程,知道古希腊英雄人物。

    I 'm even prouder to share a fundamental truth that you might not have learned even as graduates of Harvard unless you studied the ancient Greek hero with Professor Nagy .

  12. 个人来说,我很愿意当一名英雄人物。

    Speaking personally I am glad to be a heroic man .

  13. 在同代人中是杰出的当代杰出的英雄人物

    Be eminent among one 's contemporaries illustrious heroes of our era

  14. 标志着无产阶级英雄人物高贵品质的豪言壮语

    Heroic words indicative of the noble character of a proletarian hero

  15. 信靠基督能从普通人中产生非凡的英雄人物。

    Faith in Christ can make extraordinary heroes out of ordinary people .

  16. 在那些西部电影里,英雄人物都有一个亲密的朋友。

    In the cowboy movies the heroes had a sidekick .

  17. 他们是同癌症作斗争的英雄人物。

    They are heroic figures in the fight against cancer .

  18. 我们这次变装舞会的主题就是传奇英雄人物。

    The theme of our costume party is legendary heroes .

  19. 林则徐是历史上一位伟大的英雄人物。

    Lin Zexu was a great hero in the history .

  20. 奥林匹斯山的英雄人物的故事极尽可能地展现人类的最高成就。

    Myths of heroes attaining Olympus express the highest possible human achievement .

  21. 林冲、柴进都是书中的英雄人物。

    Lin Chung and Chai Chin are both heroes in this novel .

  22. 第六章是结论和展望,呼吁英雄人物的出现。

    The sixth chapter is a part of the conclusion and outlook .

  23. 最近几周,伊朗涌现出了许多英雄人物。

    There have been many heroes and heroines in Iran in recent weeks .

  24. 浪漫主义与理想主义激情是这些英雄人物形象的共同特征。

    Romanism and idealism fervor are the communal characteristics of these heroic characters .

  25. 此前保尔森一直被视为英雄人物之一。

    Mr Paulson has until now been seen as one of the heroes .

  26. 问:对你来说,历史上的英雄人物是一种安慰吗?

    For you , is there solace looking at heroic people in history ?

  27. 原因:英雄人物和模范榜样揭示了一个社会的最高理念。

    Reason : Heroes and role models reveal a society 's highest ideals .

  28. 业界急需一个英雄人物,于是他们找到了阿灵顿。

    Startups needed a champion , and they found one in the blunt Arrington .

  29. 你最喜欢的历史上的英雄人物有?

    Who are your favorite heroines of history ?

  30. 你心目中的英雄人物有哪些?为什么你认为他们有如此了不起呢?

    Who are your heroes ? Why do you think they are so terrific ?