
yīng lián bāng
  • commonwealth;the British Commonwealth
英联邦[yīng lián bāng]
  1. 战后缅甸脱离英联邦原因探析

    Why Burma Separated from the British Commonwealth after World War ⅱ

  2. 英联邦内的一个独立国家,位于斐济岛上。

    An independent state within the British Commonwealth located on the Fiji islands .

  3. 英联邦开发公司已经同意推迟坦桑尼亚的债务偿还时间。

    The Commonwealth Development Corporation has agreed to reschedule Tanzania 's debt .

  4. 1987年加拿大主办了英联邦大会。

    In 1987 Canada played host to the Commonwealth Conference

  5. 我参加了在克赖斯特彻奇举办的英联邦运动会,那是我的告别比赛。

    I competed in the Commonwealth Games in Christchurch , which was my swan song .

  6. 例如,在这种计算方法指导下,英联邦的经济福利达到了美国的97%,而墨西哥只达到了美国的22%。

    For example , this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97 % of U.S. levels , but estimates Mexican well-being at 22 % .

  7. 如今,回想起父亲的话语,还有我们中的一些人亲历的庆祝活动,我对英国、英联邦以及所有盟国表现的力量和勇气深表感激。

    As I now reflect on my father 's words and the joyous7 celebrations , which some of us experienced firsthand , I am thankful for the strength and courage that the United Kingdom , the Commonwealth8 and all our allies displayed .

  8. 辛格的政府已深陷各种丑闻泥潭,包括英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)、贿选以及一桩涉及军方高官的土地诈骗。

    His administration is already mired in scandals over the Commonwealth Games , cash for votes and a land scam involving military top brass .

  9. 在英联邦的BSE风险评估?一个冒险交易?

    BSE risk assessments in the UK : a risk tradeoff ?

  10. 在英联邦国家中包括印度、马来西亚、博茨瓦纳、加纳和肯尼亚等这一天被称为国殇纪念日(RemembranceDay)。

    In the Commonwealth countries including India , Malaysia , Botswana , Ghana and Kenya , among many others the day is referred to as Remembrance Day .

  11. 16岁时,弗里曼作为4×100m接力队的一员,在英联邦运动会上赢得了金牌。

    At 16 years of age Freeman won gold at the Commonwealth Games as part of the 4 × 100m relay team .

  12. 野村(Nomura)分析师IvanLee表示:收购英联邦国家受监管的资产完全是长江基建的扩张方式。

    Buying regulated businesses in Commonwealth countries is very much a CKI way of expansion , says Ivan Lee , analyst at Nomura .

  13. 你会看到每天每个HIV患者体内出现的病毒变异比引发今年流感流行季节整个英联邦流行流感的病毒变异更为显著。

    Yet you will see more viral diversity develop in a single HIV patient in a single day than you will in the whole flu season this year across the whole of the UK .

  14. 登基会议的成员包括神职和俗职的上议院议员、枢密院(privycouncil)成员、英联邦代表以及“其他有质素的显要绅士”。

    This body comprised lords spiritual and temporal , members of the Privy Council , representatives of the Commonwealth and " other principal gentlemen of quality " .

  15. 过去一年,多名印度公司高管和政府官员因涉嫌电信业欺诈、承办英联邦运动会(commonwealthgames)以及非法铁矿石采矿入狱。

    Over the past year , senior executives and politicians have been put behind bars for suspected scams in the telecoms sector , the running of the Commonwealth Games , and illegal iron ore mining .

  16. David先生称赞女王对于英联邦保有的热情:“在很在意英国和整个自然世界,这个节目的意义要造福未来环境。”

    Sir David highlighted her deeply-held passion for the Commonwealth : ' She certainly cares for the Commonwealth and she very clearly cares for the natural world . What this project does is to ensure the future . '

  17. 无论是在欧盟(eu)内还是在英联邦(commonwealth)内,他们都没有提出能让英国在全球发挥新作用的重大改革建议。

    Neither in the European Union nor in the Commonwealth , the latter once deemed important for British identity , are significant changes proposed that would give the UK a new role in the world .

  18. 名为“法语国家组织”(LaFrancophonie)的联盟假装自己是一个类似英联邦(Commonwealth)一样的组织——如果你能设想如此苍白无力的模仿的话。

    The bloc known as " La Francophonie " passes itself off as a pale imitation of the Commonwealth , if you can imagine anything quite so etiolated .

  19. 《星期日电讯报》(TheSundayTelegraph)上个月报道,在2010年一项不太重要的体育赛事&英联邦运动会前,印度德里将清除街上的大约5.8万名乞丐。

    And it goes on . The Sunday Telegraph reported last month that the estimated 58,000 beggars on the streets of Delhi will be removed before the Commonwealth Games , a fairly insignificant sporting event , is staged there in 2010 .

  20. 这位新公爵夫人会负责以下4个机构,英国皇家大剧院,智慧工作慈善机构,英联邦大学协会还有Mayhew!

    The four charities the new princess will be working with arethe National Theatre , Smart Works Charity , the Association of Commonwealth Universities ( ACU ) , and Mayhew !

  21. 这是著名气候科学家、国际环境与发展研究所气候变化项目负责人SaleemulHuq在本周(6月11日)于伦敦举行的英联邦基金会气候变化与卫生通气会上演讲时作出的呼吁。

    These were the words of a leading climate scientist speaking at a Commonwealth Foundation briefing on climate change and health in London , United Kingdom , this week ( 11 June ) .

  22. 7月,评委会公布了提名者的大名单,13位提名作品中有五本是美国人创作,BBC和其他英国新闻媒体纷纷抱怨英国和英联邦作家被美国闯入者“排挤”了。

    When the longlist of nominees was announced in July , those fears seemed to have been borne out : Five of the 13 nominees were American , prompting the BBC and other British news media outlets to complain that British and Commonwealth authors were being " edged out " by American interlopers .

  23. 根据1995~1997年最新版CABI(国际英联邦农业文摘数据库)资料,就以下几个方面着重讨论麦类作物分子标记的最新进展及存在的问题:①遗传连锁图的绘制;

    On the basis of CABI data ( 1995 ~ 1997 ), the authors of this paper discussed recent progress and problems related to molecular marker application to tritical crops in the following four aspects : ① genetic chain mapping ;

  24. LLM的一个卖点是,它们能够帮助学生完善盎格鲁-撒克逊式普通法的知识英国前殖民地的英联邦国家也使用这种法律体系以及世界许多其它国家的民法体系。

    One selling point of LLMs is that they help round out students ' knowledge of Anglo-Saxon common law - used also in the Commonwealth of former British colonies - as well as the civil law-based systems in much of the rest of the world .

  25. 一名工人在清洗为英联邦运动会运动员村意味着一个房间,在新德里,印度2010年9月16日窗口-在后台Akshardham寺庙。

    A worker cleans the window of a room meant for athletes at the Commonwealth Games village , in New Delhi , India on Sept.16,2010-the Akshardham temple in the background .

  26. 沃森当时正在英联邦推销他的新作《避免烦扰他人》,发生此事后他即缩减了在英联邦的旅程,并返回CSHL来处理该事件。

    Watson cut short his tour of the United Kingdom , where he was traveling to promote his new book Avoid Boring People , and returned to Cold Spring Harbor to deal with the fallout .

  27. 《英联邦农业局叙词表》评介

    A Review of the " Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau The saurus "

  28. 英联邦秘书处/世界银行小国问题联合工作队

    Commonwealth Secretariat / World Bank Joint Task Force on Small States

  29. 享受优惠税率的项目英联邦特惠税的优待

    Tax preference item preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System

  30. 英联邦在第一次世界大战前曾是一个强大的帝国。

    The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I.