
  • 网络enigma;Ingemar
  1. 据英格玛人力资源集团的调查,55.6%的HR更看重毕业生的能力而非专业知识。

    According to research done by Engma HR Co LTD , 55.6 percent of HR professionals say they value a graduate 's abilities over their specific area of expertise .

  2. 英格玛的市场总监刘肖鲁表示,沟通能力,创新思维的能力,强烈的职业道德感,良好的团队管理能力等都是HR十分看重的。

    Things like communication skills , innovative thought processes , strong ethics and good team management skills are highly valuable , says Liu Xiaolu , Engma 's marketing director .

  3. 在机器阅读了来自《格林童话》(Grimm’sFairyTales)的一些德文培训数据后,人工智能程序分析了由四个转子的英格玛机器生成的数十亿个排列组合,在海量字母组合中寻找德文语句。

    Having already machine read some German language training data from Grimm 's Fairy Tales , the AI program crunched through billions of permutations generated by the four-rotor Enigma machine sifting combinations of letters for their " Germanness . "

  4. 数周前,我去了伦敦的帝国战争博物馆(ImperialWarMuseum),观摩一个人工智能程序试图破解德国人在二战期间使用的复杂的英格玛(Enigma)密码。它用了12分50秒就破解了那套密码。

    A few weeks ago I went to the Imperial War Museum in London to watch an artificial intelligence program attempt to crack the mindbendingly complex Enigma code used by the Germans during the second world war . It did so in 12 minutes and 50 seconds .

  5. 英格玛·伯格曼:从叛逆到偶像&一个观众接受研究(英文)

    Ingmar Bergman : From Rebel to Icon & A Reception Study ;

  6. 好了,今晚我们有许多值得嘉奖的好电影:《拳王阿里》、《高斯弗庄园》、《爱丽斯的情书》&那部电影连英格玛·褒曼看了都会觉得压抑。

    OK , we 've got many , many great movies to celebrate tonight : Ali , Gosford Park , Iris , a movie that even Igmar Bergman found depressing .

  7. 英格玛·伯格曼(1918&)是瑞典的一位导演,他的艺术电影在世界电影中独树一帜,成为电影史上难以逾越的高峰。

    Ingmar Bergman ( 1918 - ) is a Swedish director ; his art film is unique in the film of world , which becomes insurmountable summit in the history of film .

  8. 作为英格玛?伯格曼(著名导演)的忠实追随者,庄宇新用对女性爱情心理的展示向瑞典人致敬,他频繁地运用了中镜头和特写。

    As a loyal follower of Ingmar bergman , Zhuang Yuxin paid tribute to the late Swedish director with his exploration of female love psychology , and his pervading use of middle distance and close-up shots .

  9. 你们其中有历史背景的人或者我们看到的-,或记得起的第二次世界大战中使用的,可能知道的英格玛装置,那是一种同样的思想。

    Those of you with backgrounds in history or we 've seen & or remember World War II with technologies that were used in it might know of the Enigma machine , which is kind of the same idea .