
  • 网络Anglo-Japanese Alliance;Anglo—Japanese Alliance
  1. 英国的外交战略和第三次英日同盟

    On Britain Diplomatic Strategy and the Third Anglo-Japanese Alliance

  2. 对美国人民来说,达成全面谅解的主要障碍是英日同盟。

    To Americans the chief obstacle to a comprehensive understanding was the Anglo-Japanese Alliance .

  3. 英日同盟的建立与英国传统的外交政策

    The Establishment of Anglo-Japan Alliance and Britain 's Traditional Foreign Policy

  4. 20世纪初英日同盟与列强在中国问题上的博弈

    The British - Japanese Alliance and the Games Played by the Powers for Looting China

  5. 第一次英日同盟使得英日两国在东北亚的地位都得到了提高,使日本在同俄国的争夺中占据优势地位;

    The first Anglo-Japanese alliance advanced the Britain and Japan 's status in Northeast Asia .

  6. 联盟的经济后果&英日同盟下的安全利益与经济合作

    The Economic Consequences of Alliances : Security Interests and Economic Cooperation in the Anglo-Japanese Alliance

  7. 英日同盟是20世纪初影响东亚国际关系格局的一个重要的国际同盟。

    Anglo-Japanese alliance affecting the pattern of international relations in East Asia is a major international alliance in the beginning of the 20th century .

  8. 同时澳大利亚支持英日同盟续约以保持与日本的关系。

    As soon as possible , Australia tried to appease Japan , and she supported the renewing of Anglo-Japanese Alliance in order to keep Australia-Japan relations .

  9. 故此,在20世纪初东亚国际关系的研究领域,英日同盟一直是学界关注的焦点。

    Therefore in the area of research about East Asia international relations of the early 20th century , the Anglo-Japanese alliance has been the focus of academic attention .

  10. 而英国作为英日同盟的发起者和主体之一,其在英日同盟中的地位、作用和影响更引人注目,学界对相关问题也存在不少分歧意见。

    The United Kingdom is more noticeable in the position and influence as the initiator of the alliance to which the academic community have many differences of opinion related .

  11. 第一次世界大战伊始,日本便以履行英日同盟的义务为借口,匆忙对德国宣战,夺取了德国在中国胶州的租借地。

    At the beginning of the World War I , Japan hurried to declare war against German on the excuse of Anglo – Japanese Alliance , and seized the Jiaozhou leased territory .

  12. 英日同盟是20世纪初英日两国为了与其它列强在远东进行竞争而结成的帝国主义政治军事同盟,其主要目的是维护和促进各自的在华侵略利益。

    The British-Japanese Alliance was a political and military alliance for them to compete with other powers for more interests in the Far East , and the issue of China was the focus of the competition .