
  • 网络british parties;political parties in Britain
  1. 因此,英国国民健康服务体系的建设过程明显带有英国政党政治的色彩。

    Therefore , the construction process of the British National Health Service reflects an obvious political color of the British parties .

  2. 共识政治是战后英国政党政治史的一个显著特点,其成因不止一端。

    Consensus politics is the main feature of the history of the post-war British party politics .

  3. 本文的目的是想通过分析工党和保守党政府战后在重大国事上的趋同与合作,说明战后英国政党政治发展的基本态势。

    The aim of this theses is to illustrate the main tendency of the development of postwar British party politics through analysing the convergence and collaboration of the Conservative and Labour governments .

  4. 它起源于英国政党政治与政党制度的移植,因而与西方国家的政党制度有着同样的属性。

    It has its origin in the transplant of the British political party politics and political party system and therefore shares the attributes of the political party system with the western countries .

  5. 这时的英国政党政治已经发展到比较高的水平,因而为恩格斯研究政党政治提供了远比德国和法国更为充足、更为典型的现实材料。

    The party-politics in England had developed into a high level then , which provided Engels more sufficient and more typical real materials than those in Germany and in France to study party-politics .

  6. 通过分析工党与保守党在中等教育综合化政策中的政治博弈,可以清晰地揭示出英国政党政治对教育政策制定与实施过程的作用机制。

    Through analyzing the political game of the Labour and the Conservative Parties on the policy of comprehensive school , the mechanism of influence of party politics on the decision and implementation of educational policy is made clearer .

  7. 然而,英国各政党已经汲取了加拿大的教训。

    However , the UK political parties have learnt the Canadian lesson .

  8. 英国的政党政治已经形成了一百多年,其对政府政策的影响也是长期存在的。在撒切尔担任首相前如此,在撒切尔上台后亦是如此。

    British party politics had existed for a long time and had exerted influence on government policies before Thatcher came into power .

  9. 英国各政党无需在北爱争夺议席,用不着担心那里的地方选区。

    There was no need for all parties in UKto compete for seats in Parliament or be worried about Geographical Constituency there .

  10. 他的题目是英国的政党制度包括其优点和弊端而他最关心的是怎样改革这种制度。

    His subject is the British party system - warts and all - and he is concerned , above all , to discover how it can be improved .

  11. 英国各政党议员要求马丁下台的呼声日益高涨。面对这种局面,马丁昨晚宣布,他将于今日发表声明,公布其议会津贴改革计划。

    Faced with mounting calls for his resignation from MPs of all parties , Mr Martin announced last night that he would make a statement today on his plans for reforms of parliamentary allowances .

  12. 公投举行之时,被煽风点火的民族主义者搞得头晕脑胀的英国主要政党的领袖们誓言,如果苏格兰选择不独立,将向苏格兰下放“广泛的新权力”。

    By then , dizzied by the yeasty nationalists , the leaders of the main UK parties had vowed that a No vote would still lead to devolution of " extensive new powers " to Edinburgh .

  13. 出乎所有人的意料,她在第一轮中就击败了希思,希思被迫辞职。她又在第二轮投票中压倒了威廉怀特劳,成为英国主要政党的第一位女性领袖。

    To everyone 's surprise , she defeated Heath on the first ballot , forcing his resignation , and she saw off Willie Whitelaw on the second ballot to become the first woman to lead a major British political party .

  14. 以罗斯伯里勋爵为代表的自由派帝国主义者认为英国的政党体系破坏了效率,只有实现政党之间的合作,进行社会改革,才能使我们的国民达到帝国的需求。

    The liberal-imperialists , Lord Rosebery as the representative , held the view that the British party system undermined the efficiency . Only through the cooperation between the political parties as well as social reform , could we make our citizens reach the needs of the empire .

  15. 民族阵线是英国极端右翼政党组织。

    The national front is an extremely right-wing political party in britain .

  16. 然而同时,英国第三政党的成员(通常是难以对付的一群)似乎心情很好。

    Yet simultaneously , members of Britain 's third party usually a fractious bunch seemed in a splendid mood .

  17. 从十九世纪三十年代的保皇党发展起来的英国的一个政党;提倡混合经济并鼓励财产所有权。

    A political party in Great Britain which developed from the Tories in the 1830s ; advocates a mixed economy and encourages property owning .

  18. 尼克在昨晚的电视直播戏剧表演英国第一场由政党领导在转换选举权的争论时候抓住了主动权。

    Nick Clegg seized the initiative last night as the televised drama of Britain 's first campaign debate between party leaders transformed the election .

  19. 英国三大主要政党的领导人昨天奔波于全国各地,以期在最后关头争夺选民支持。民调显示,全国仍有数百万人尚未决定在今天竞争激烈的选举中如何投票。

    The leaders of Britain 's three main political parties criss-crossed the country yesterday in a last-minute scramble for support with polls suggesting that millions remained undecided how to vote in today 's knife-edge election .

  20. 他正式宣布,大选将与地方选举在5月6日同时举行,从而启动了一场激烈的竞选运动,英国三大主要政党将围绕650个席位争夺多数党地位。

    His official announcement that the election will be held to coincide with local elections on May 6 kick-starts an intense campaign by all three main parties , vying to win a majority of the 650 seats contested .

  21. 英国工党是英国两大政党之一。

    The British Labour Party is one of the two large parties in United Kingdom .

  22. 支持独立的阵营一开始就不明智地宣布,苏格兰将继续保持与英国其他地区的货币联盟。这促使英国主要政党表示他们甚至不会支持相关谈判。

    The Yes campaign unwisely began with a declaration that there would be a continued monetary union with the rest of the UK , prompting the main UK parties to say they would not even countenance negotiation .

  23. 这一争议并未阻止他动用关系网巩固与中东地区的友谊,这其中就包括了与英国关系不佳的阿布扎比。因英国对当地伊斯兰政党态度不够强硬,阿布扎比与英国的关系变得紧张。

    The controversy has not prevented him from using his web of contacts to cement friendships in the region including in Abu Dhabi where relations with the UK have frayed over Britain 's less hostile stance towards regional Islamist parties .

  24. 英国工党与工会之间的这种特殊和密切的关系,不仅在英国政党中独一无二,就是在世界政党中也是十分罕见和独特。

    The kind particular and close relations between the British Labor Party and the British trade unions not only are unique among the British political parties , but also are very rare and distinctive among the world political parties .

  25. 英国工党党章公有制条款是其国内目标,亦是英国工党区别于其他英国政党的显著标志。

    The distinctive feature of the British Labour Party was the public ownership , described as its domestic goal in Clause ⅳ of the Party Constitution .

  26. 在英国,党员人数的缩减尤为明显,达到36%;目前房车俱乐部的成员人数比英国所有政党的党员人数加起来还多。

    In Britain , where the decline is even more pronounced at 36 % , the caravan club now has more members than all the political parties put together .