
yīng jí lì hǎi xiá
  • the (English) Channel;the English Channel
英吉利海峡 [yīng jí lì hǎi xiá]
  • [the (English) Channel] 在法国和英国之间。西通大西洋,东北通北海。是国际航运要道,也是重要的渔场,历史上曾在此发生多次军事冲突和海战

英吉利海峡[yīng jí lì hǎi xiá]
  1. 为寻找在英吉利海峡失踪的一艘拖网渔船,人们展开了一场大规模的搜救行动。

    A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel .

  2. 英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。

    The English Channel separates England and france .

  3. 她游过英吉利海峡得用多长时间?

    How long will it take her to swim the Channel ?

  4. 英吉利海峡隧道对于建立一个统一的欧洲具有重大的象征意义。

    The Channel Tunnel has enormous symbolic significance for a united Europe .

  5. 可能推迟英吉利海峡隧道开通的问题一大筐。

    A host of problems may delay the opening of the Channel Tunnel

  6. 英吉利海峡隧道是欧洲最大的土木工程。

    The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe .

  7. 迪耶普有很多浏览胜地,吸引游客横渡英吉利海峡前来观光。

    Dieppe has plenty to attract cross-Channel visitors .

  8. 法国人在从敦克尔刻到杜埃的英吉利海峡沿岸修筑了一系列要塞。

    The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai

  9. 1875年,马修·韦布船长成为横渡英吉利海峡的第一人。

    In 1875 , Captain Matthew Webb became the first man to swim the English Channel .

  10. 北海高涨的潮水被一场风暴推涌进英吉利海峡。

    High tides in the North Sea were funnelled down into the English Channel by a storm .

  11. 那艘船缓慢驶入英国水域,沿英吉利海峡向北时,海关一直密切关注着它。

    As the boat plodded into British waters and up the English Channel , Customs had their eye on her .

  12. 英国远征军平安渡过了英吉利海峡。

    The British Expeditionary Force was safely ferried across the channel .

  13. 他是首位横渡英吉利海峡的残疾人。

    He is the first handicapped man to swim across the English channel .

  14. 她决定退休前游过英吉利海峡。

    She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired .

  15. 英国目前仅有长68英里、连接伦敦和英吉利海峡隧道(TheChannelTunnel)的高铁。

    The UK currently has just 68 miles of high-speed rail line , from London to the Channel tunnel .

  16. 疯牛病和羊痒病WESTERNBLOTTING检测方法的建立发生于东部英吉利海峡的多格海岸痒病:古老疾病的新地域分布

    Development of Western blotting for detecting BSE and scrapie Dogger Bank itch in the eastern English Channel : A newly described geographical distribution of an old problem

  17. 哈罗斯百货的董事总经理迈克尔沃德(MichaelWard)表示:法国人正在英吉利海峡对岸嘲笑我们。

    Michael Ward , managing director of Harrods , said : The French are sitting on the other side of the Channel laughing at us .

  18. 总部在英国的PO船运公司(POFerries)表示,虽然横穿英吉利海峡的乘客中,休闲顾客占了绝大多数,但商务旅行的客人数目也不小。

    UK-based P & O Ferries says that while the vast majority of its passengers crossing the English Channel are leisure customers , a significant number travel on business .

  19. 2003年,澳大利亚人FelixBaumgartner成为了第一个通过跳伞跨越英吉利海峡的人。

    In 2003 , Australian Felix Baumgartner became the first person to skydive across the channel .

  20. 该公司即将打捞名舰胜利号(HMSVictory),后者沉没于英吉利海峡,可能装载着多达三吨的金币。

    The company will soon excavate the HMS Victory , which sank in the English Channel and could hold as much as three tons of gold coins .

  21. 此举将法国的RothschildCie公司和英国的NMRothschild纳入一个统一架构,结束了英吉利海峡两岸的这两家公司的多年角力。

    This put Rothschild Cie of France and NM Rothschild of the UK into a unified structure , ending years of cross-Channel rivalry between the pair .

  22. 此举将法国的Rothschild&Cie公司和英国的NMRothschild纳入一个统一架构,结束了英吉利海峡两岸的这两家公司的多年角力。

    This put Rothschild & Cie of France and NM Rothschild of the UK into a unified structure , ending years of cross-Channel rivalry between the pair .

  23. 法国位于西欧,毗邻比斯开湾(bayofbiscay)和英吉利海峡(englishchanne),位于比利时和西班牙之间,英国的东南面,毗邻意大利和西班牙间的地中海。

    France is located in Western Europe , bordering the bay of Biscay and English channel , between Belgium and Spain , Southeast of the UK ; and bordering the Mediterranean Sea , between Italy and Spain .

  24. 但是最珍贵的收藏是这架BleriotXI,布莱里奥·路易斯驾驶它成为第一位在1909年横渡英吉利海峡的飞行员。

    But the most prized possession of the collection is the Bleriot XI in which Louis Bleriot became the first pilot to fly across the English Channel in 1909 .

  25. 如果奥斯本需要一个靶子,他最好不要把目光投向英吉利海峡对岸,而应投向伦敦,把矛头对准英国央行(BoE)。

    If Mr Osborne wants a target , he would do better to look across London than across the Channel , and to aim his fire at the Bank of England .

  26. 与此同时,在英吉利海峡的另一边,法国前总统(或许以后还会再度担任总统)尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)呼吁废止在欧盟境内取消边境管控的申根协定。

    Across the Channel , meanwhile , Nicolas Sarkozy , the former ( and possibly future ) president of France , has called for the repeal of the Schengen rules that have dismantled frontier controls within the EU .

  27. 在1858年,一位法国的工程师AimeThomedeGamond带着在英吉利海峡建造一条长为21英里隧道的计划来到了英格兰。

    In1858 , a French engineer , Aime Thome de Gamond , arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one-mile tunnel under the English Channel .

  28. 1858年,一位名叫Aime的法国工程师带着一份计划书来到英国,计划书的内容是在英吉利海峡下面建造一条长21英里隧道。

    In1858 , a French engineer , Aime , arrived in England ( 1 ) a plan ( 2 ) a21-mile tunnel ( 3 ) the English Channel .

  29. 法新社报道,Croizon在2010年就游泳横跨了英吉利海峡,现在他又要到公海里挑战自己了。

    Croizon , who made a splash with his English Channel swim in2010 , is going to dive into open seas again , Agence France Presse reported .

  30. 他一直对新鲜的策略和创意相当敏感:1909年,路易斯布莱利奥特(louisbleriot)驾驶飞机飞越了英吉利海峡,第二天,他所驾驶的那架飞机就在selfridges商店进行了展示。

    He was always alive to fresh stunts and ideas : when Louis Bleriot flew across the English Channel in 1909 , the plane in which he had made the crossing was displayed in Selfridges the very next day .