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  • Perseus
  1. 武仙座、英仙座和山案座都是星座的名称。

    Hercules , Perseus , Mensa are all names of constellations .

  2. 对英仙座一个亮蓝致密反射星云的观测

    Observations of a bright blue compact reflection nebula in Perseus

  3. 英仙座流星雨将会于周三降临。

    The annual Perseid meteor shower will occur on Wednesday .

  4. 一年一度的英仙座流星雨将达到高峰期。

    The annual Perseid meteor shower is about to reach its peak .

  5. 在图的下方,英仙座的几颗亮星延伸到了前景树影的间隙中。

    Bright stars in Perseus extend into the gap between the foreground trees .

  6. 2003年7月31日准备观看英仙座流星雨的时间到了。

    31 It is time to get ready for the Perseid meteor shower .

  7. 今晚,英仙座流星雨将迎来高峰期。

    Tonight is the start of the peak of the Perseid meteor shower .

  8. 但这一显着的看法,抓获宇航员朗伽蓝看起来在英仙座流星雨。

    But this remarkable view captured by astronaut Ron Garan looks down on a Perseid meteor .

  9. 每年,英仙座都会有一次太空雨——嗯,可以这么说。

    AZUZ : Every year , Perseus gets a space shower - well , kind of .

  10. 英仙座流星雨的流星体进入大气层的速度约为130000英里/时(209215公里/时)。

    Chase that , Superman : Perseid meteoroids enter the atmosphere at approximately 130,000 miles per hour .

  11. 英仙座流星雨每年8月都会出现,是由于彗星残片接近地球而形成。

    The annual event occurs every August when space debris from a comet passes close to the earth .

  12. 一年一度的英仙座流星雨是最著名、最壮观的流星雨,一般在8月12日达到高峰。

    The most famous and spectacular meteor shower , the annual Perseids , will peak on August 12th .

  13. 流星雨是由发出光源的所在星座而命名,例如英仙座流星雨。

    Meteor showers are named after the constellation in which the radiant appears , for example the Perseids .

  14. 周日距离英仙座流星雨高峰还有两天,而超级月亮将迎来圆月。

    On Sunday , two days before the meteor shower reaches its peak , the moon will become full .

  15. 观看英仙座流星雨的最佳时间是在本周六和下周三之间,周二达到流星雨高峰。

    The best time to see the meteors is between Saturday and Wednesday , with activity peaking on Tuesday .

  16. 它被叫做英仙座流星雨是因为它出现的地方正好是英仙座所在的地方。

    It 's called the Perseid meteor shower because it happens in the same part of the sky as the Perseus constellation .

  17. 说明:地球居民观看今年的英仙座流星雨的仰望月夜的天空。

    Explanation : Denizens of planet Earth watched this year 's Perseid meteor shower by looking up into the moonlit night sky .

  18. 英仙座北半球的一个星座,临近仙后座和金牛座女王威严地坐在王座上

    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga . The queen is seated on the throne in all her majesty

  19. 说明:这颗明亮而艳丽的流星在本周二的黎明时分划过天际,它属于每年一度的英仙座流星雨。

    Explanation : This bright and colorful meteor flashed through Tuesday 's early morning skies , part of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower .

  20. 8月中旬英仙座流星雨从英仙座星群方向“飞出”,而英仙星座在天空的东北方向,大约晚上11点出现。

    Perseid meteors will appear to " rain " into the atmosphere from the constellation Perseus , which rises in the northeast around 11 p.m. in mid-August .

  21. 让我们看一看英仙座流星雨,有些来自过去几年,有一张是今年的,还有一张是在太空中看到的。

    Here are a few looks at the Perseid meteor shower , some from past years , one from this year , and a view from space .

  22. 在黑暗区域的观察家表示,每小时最多有60颗英仙座流星,周二清晨流星雨达到高峰时,实际落下的流星数可能会加倍。

    Observers in dark sky areas have been reporting as many as 15 Perseids per hour , that rate could double by early Tuesday morning when the shower peaks .

  23. 英仙座流星雨也被称作圣劳伦斯之泪。这个称呼来源于公元前258年被罗马人烧死在大铁炉里的基督教殉道者圣劳伦斯。

    The Perseids are also called the Tears of Saint Lawrence after a martyred Christian deacon whom the Romans burned to death on an outdoor iron stove in A.D. 258 .

  24. 本周末是英仙座流星雨的高峰期,这是观星爱好者每年八月都能观看到的最棒的流星雨。

    This weekend marks the start of the peak of the Perseid meteor shower , these are among the best shooting stars for star watchers to observe every year in August .

  25. 本文搜集中国史书和地方志记载的32次英仙座流星雨的资料,首先对这些资料进行认证、校订和说明,其中有3条是笔者最新发现的。

    The data on32 times of perseids-September meteors are gathered from history books and local chronicles of China these data are identified firstly , three items among these data are discovered by the author recently .

  26. 环绕着的是内外环行星、柯伊伯带、奥尔特云、半人马座阿尔法星系、英仙座星系、银河系,其它附近星系包括有仙女座星系,还有宇宙网、宇宙微波辐射,以及最边缘大爆炸产生的夸克胶子等离子体。

    the Kuiper belt ; Oort cloud ; Alpha Centauri star ; Perseus Arm ; Milky Way galaxy ; other nearby galaxies including theAndromeda galaxy ; the cosmic web ; cosmic microwave radiation ; and , at the very edges of the image , quark-gluon plasma produced by the Big Bang .