
  1. 中石化董事长苏树林周二在一份声明中表示:“中石化与repsol的成功合作,反映了两家公司开启长期广泛合作的共同愿望。”

    " The successful co-operation between SINOPEC and Repsol reflects the shared desire of both companies to start a long-term and extensive partnership , " Su Shulin , Sinopec chairman , said in statement on Tuesday

  2. 但苏树林称,中石化已经在设法降低成本。

    Mr Su said that Sinopec had managed to cut costs , however .

  3. 苏树林表示,中国石化正面临前所未有的困难时期。

    Sinopec is facing its toughest time ever , according to Mr Su .

  4. 据北京的消息人士称,中石化董事长苏树林很快将离职出任福建省省长。

    According to people in Beijing , Su Shulin , Sinopec chairman , will soon leave to become governor of Fujian Province .

  5. 苏树林表示,中石化将通过进一步优化产品结构,多生产高附加值产品,来抵消炼油业务的亏损。

    To further offset refining losses , Mr Su said that Sinopec was looking to improve its product mix by offering more high-value products .

  6. 苏树林表示,几个部门正在研究这一问题,但“目前我们尚未从政府那里听到任何消息”。

    Mr Su said several departments were studying the issue but " so far we have not yet heard anything from the government " .

  7. 中石化董事长苏树林表示:“目前公司最大的困难是原油价格的上涨。”

    Su Shulin , the chairman , said : " the biggest difficulty faced by our company is the rise in crude prices . "

  8. 苏树林表示,该公司还将尽一切可能削减成本,包括对公司办公室的开灯时间做出限制。

    It is also cutting costs wherever it can , including restricting when lights could be turned on at Sinopec offices , Mr Su said .

  9. 今春在政府指示的人员调动中,中海油董事长傅成玉调任中石化董事长,而中石化总经理苏树林被提拔至福建省政府高层。

    In a state-directed reshuffle this spring , Fu Chengyu , CNOOC chairman , was appointed chairman of Sinopec , while Su Shulin , Sinopec president , was promoted to a political role in Fujian Province .