
sū dān wánɡ
  • Sultan
  1. 有个叫“苏丹王的礼物”的展览会去年在洛杉矶开展,而该版本的MIA版本则青出于蓝胜于蓝—-还收录了从俄罗斯的Hermitage博物馆中借来的珍品(美国举办的展览中是没有的)。

    The MIA version of the " Gifts of the Sultan " show that started last year in Los Angeles includes objects from Russia 's Hermitage museum that the American exhibition did not have .

  2. 也知道他娶了苏丹王的女儿。

    And that he was married to the sultan 's daughter .

  3. 这时,老母亲把那颗漂亮的红宝石献给了苏丹王。

    Then , the old woman gave him the beautiful ruby .

  4. 她就到皇宫晋见苏丹王了。

    She went to the palace to talk to the sultan .

  5. 阿拉丁的母亲把她儿子的愿望向苏丹王禀告。

    Aladdin 's mother told the sultan about her son 's wish .

  6. 她在苏丹王办公的地方外面等了一整天。

    She waited outside the sultan 's office for one whole day .

  7. 船头一仰一潜,象个奴隶在向苏丹王叩头。

    ducked and dived her bows as a slave before the Sultan .

  8. 婚礼在苏丹王的皇宫举行。

    The wedding was at the sultan 's palace .

  9. 皇宫又大又宏伟,苏丹王很有钱。

    The sultan had a lot of money .

  10. 他和苏丹王出门打猎去了。

    He was hunting with the sultan .

  11. 原来是苏丹王的手下。

    It was the sultan 's men .

  12. 苏丹王跟她说话了。

    The sultan spoke to her .

  13. 老母亲把那颗漂亮的红宝石献给了苏丹王。苏丹红给我国食品安全法律体系带来的启示

    The old woman gave him the beautiful ruby . The Enlightenment Form " Sudan I " on China Legal System of Food Safety

  14. 他们宣称苏丹王是被贿赂的,而且,即使是占领者,他也没有任何权利去对帕特农神庙下手。

    They claim the Sultan was bribed and that , as an occupier , he really had no authority over the Parthenon to begin with .

  15. “你为什么想跟我谈话?”苏丹王问。“我很忙,只能给你五分钟。”

    " Why do you wish to speak to me ?" asked the sultan . " I am very busy . I will give you five minutes . "

  16. 埃尔金勋爵宣称他有奥斯曼帝国苏丹王的特许证明,只要他不破坏古庙的墙体,他可以搬走庙中的任何东西。

    Lord Elgin claimed his imprimatur from an Ottoman sultan , who said he could remove anything from the Parthenon that did not interfere with the ancient citadel 's walls .