
huā biān xīn wén
  • tidbits;titbits;box news;colour news
花边新闻[huā biān xīn wén]
  1. 我们已对最终结果做了详细报道,但还有一些花边新闻值得关注:(1)与黑石合作的InsightVenturePartners从未和戴尔的管理层展开过会谈。

    We 've already detailed the end results , but a few interesting tidbits ( 1 ) Insight Venture Partners , working with Blackstone , has never held discussions with members of Dell management .

  2. 这份杂志满是生动的花边新闻。

    This magazine is full of juicy titbits .

  3. 是谁告诉你那条花边新闻的?

    Who passed that titbit on to you ?

  4. 不过我们热爱故事,而忘记了这些花边新闻、奇闻趣事并不是资料。

    But we love stories , and forget of anecdote is not data .

  5. 我知道“大众点评”上的花边新闻,我背后还有一个叫WolframAlpha的牛叉算法。

    I know nifty tidbits from yelp and Wolfram Alpha .

  6. 你可以去Reddit这样的网站,找到sub-Reddit栏目,比如“向历史学家提问”或者“了解科学知识”,你可以向相关领域专家提问,什么问题都可以,从国计民生到花边新闻。

    You can go to places like Reddit , and find sub-Reddits , like " Ask a Historian " or " Ask Science , " where you can ask people who are in these fields a wide range of questions , from very serious ones to very silly ones .

  7. 一星期之后,这便刊登在他的花边新闻栏中了。

    A week later , this appeared in his gossip column .

  8. 那你知道谁弄了这些花边新闻的吗?

    Any idea who could know such intimate details about you ?

  9. 她讨厌伴随着她的活动而来的一切宣传和花边新闻。

    She hated all the publicity and gossip which attended her activities .

  10. 为了获取一些花边新闻,艾玛每天读小报。

    Emma reads tabloids everyday in order to get some juicy titbit .

  11. 以下是10个关于巴黎最为人熟知的花边新闻。

    Here are 10 of the best tid-bits about Paris .

  12. 小报最喜欢报道形象良好的名人们的花边新闻,但是科学家们也不例外。

    The tabloids love a good celebrity romance . But so do scientists .

  13. 她喜欢毫不顾及地谈论调情、找老公和花边新闻。

    She likes to chatter incessantly about flirting , husband-hunting , officers and other trivia .

  14. 以你现在的人气,这只会成为又一则花边新闻。

    As far as you are concerned , it would be just another news item .

  15. 最好讲一些……你们懂的比如好莱坞的花边新闻一类的事

    Would be to talk about something , you know really like juicy Hollywood stuff like ...

  16. 他跟那些总想从他身上挖出花边新闻的记者处不来。

    He was not at ease with those reporters who were always hunting for succulent titbits from him .

  17. 如果您已经淡忘了卡莉·扎克怀孕的花边新闻,那麽接下来这则消息将会提醒您,她要当妈妈了。

    If it had slipped anyone 's mind that Carly Zucker was pregnant , then here 's your reminder .

  18. 鲍勃想得知谁赢得选举,但他看到的只是花边新闻。

    Bob wanted to find out who won the election , but he could find only a scandal sheet .

  19. 有那么几年,这家花边新闻不断、业务不良的企业运转得还相当不错。

    For a few years , the company & a bastion of soap operatic drama and underachievement – operated smoothly .

  20. 它希望通过大量炮制名人的花边新闻以及其他低俗内容来吸引访问量,从而为严肃报道赚取资金。

    By churning out loads of lowbrow celebrity gossip and the like , huffpo hopes to be able to draw the traffic necessary to finance more serious content .

  21. 罗密欧的哥哥布鲁克林常年以花边新闻霸占头条,这回却是罗密欧第一次公开的恋情。

    While Romeo 's big brother Brooklyn regularly finds himself in the headlines over the women he 's dating , this will be Romeo 's first public relationship .

  22. 他们要求美国政府采取更严格的隐私法并禁止公众购买专登花边新闻得无聊小报。

    Imploring the US government to introduce tighter privacy laws and the public to stop buying the tabloid scandal sheets . Would you drop in tomorrow evening for a chat ?

  23. 他拒绝做代言,也永远与小报的花边新闻绝缘。他纯粹只是个球员,完美无缺,据传即便是严厉的弗格森也只对他发过一次火。

    He is just a footballer , so good that legend has it , he 's been on the receiving end of Ferguson 's wrath just once in his career .

  24. 我基本上不太看花边新闻,但是有一天我看到一个网站上的文章,上面载着一张我穿着运动裤往健身房走的照片。

    Now I try not to read gossip as a rule , but the other day a website ran an article with a picture of me wearing sweatpants on the way to the gym .

  25. 隐私话题、货品的真实价格以及花边新闻高居保密排行榜之首。女性最可能在见面聊天、打电话或发短信时与他人分享秘密。

    Intimate issues , true cost of purchases and affairs emerged top of the secret-keeping list , with girls most likely to share a secret chatting face-to-face , on the phone or via a text message .

  26. 消息称:瓦妮莎一直疲于处理丈夫的这些花边新闻,她一直对丈夫忠心耿耿,但是现在她已经受够了,这件事简直是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。

    She 's been dealing with these incidents for a long time and has been a faithful wife , but she 's finally had enough , one source said . This one is the straw that broke the camel 's back .

  27. 虽然有些人喜欢听一听老板或同事的花边新闻,但是太多的闲言碎语会破坏职场的精神。另外,你还要一直提防着他们什么时候会说你的闲话。

    While some people like to hear juicy tidbits about the boss or their colleagues , too much gossip can undermine the spirit of the workplace . Plus you 're always wondering when the Psst-er will make you the topic du jour .

  28. 美国的花边电视新闻如《硬拷贝》等利用渲染手法来吸引观众。

    American TV tabloid news programs like Hard Copy use sensationalism to attract viewers .