
huā qiū
  • rowan
  1. 中等尺寸的欧洲的树种,类似欧洲花楸,但产可食用的果实。

    Medium-sized European tree resembling the rowan but bearing edible fruit .

  2. 从公元前开始,人们就相信花楸树有魔力,会走很远的路去采集它。

    The rowan was a tree imbued with magical powers since pre-Christian times , and people would walk considerable distances to collect it .

  3. 建立天山花楸有效部位HPLC指纹图谱,为其质量鉴别提供依据。

    To establish HPLC fingerprint spectrum of effective components extracted from Sorbus tianschanica Rupr , provide evidential support for its identification character .

  4. 在MS培养基中加入不同植物激素,研究黑果腺肋花楸离体叶片愈伤组织的诱导及其再分化。

    Callus induction and redifferentiation of black chokeberry leaf in vitro were studied when a diversity of plant hormones were added to MS media .

  5. 无毛花楸组培苗移栽试验研究

    Study On Transplantation Test Of Glabrous Mountain Ash Tissue Culture Seeding

  6. 欧洲花楸试管苗移栽技术

    Transplanting Techniques of Test-tube Plantlets in Sorbus aucuparia

  7. 目的:研究天山花楸的化学成分并建立有效成分含量测定的方法。

    To study on the extraction process of the effective components of Sorbus tianschanica Rupr .

  8. 新乡太行山区秋色叶树种资源较多,开发潜力巨大,其中8种(连香树、盐肤木、卫矛、黄连木、花楸树、红瑞木、四照花、槲树)具有较高的开发利用价值。

    Many autumn-leaf trees , specially 8 species have the high development potential in Taihang mountain .

  9. 天山花楸有效部位提取工艺及指纹图谱的研究

    Studies on the Extraction Processes of the Effective Components and HPLC Fingerprint of Sorbus Tianschanica Rupr

  10. 结果:1.制定了天山花楸药材质量标准草案,用于控制天山花楸药材的质量。

    Results : 1.Developed the quality standard draft to control the quality of of Sorbus tianschanica Rupr .

  11. 目的:研究天山花楸总氰苷的提取工艺。

    Objective : To study on the extraction of the total cyanogen glucoside of Sorbus tianschanica Ruper .

  12. 摘要:以新疆天山花楸为原料测定不同部位萜类化合物含量。

    Abstract : Take the Sorbus tianschanica Ruper as raw material to determine different parts of terpenoids content .

  13. 以叶片为外植体进行愈伤组织诱导试验的结果表明:植物生长调节剂的种类和浓度对黑果腺肋花楸愈伤组织类型和生长量均有很大的影响。

    The results showed that : The callus type and growth were affected by the category and concentration of plant-growth regulator .

  14. 天山花楸中原花青素的可见分光光度法测定天山花楸有效部位提取工艺及指纹图谱的研究

    Determination of of anthocyanin in S. tianschanica by spectrophotometry Studies on the Extraction Processes of the Effective Components and HPLC Fingerprint of Sorbus Tianschanica Rupr

  15. 天山花楸果实的有效成分的初步研究对渭南市果业发展及浓缩果汁加工情况的调查

    Preliminary Study on the Effective Constituents of the Fruit of Sorbs tianschanica The Effective Approaches to Increase Benefits of Fruit - Processing Industry in Weinan

  16. 花楸主要靠风传播花粉,昆虫传粉对坐果率的影响不显著。

    The fruits became saffron or nacarat and so on in autumn . ( 2 ) The pollen dispersed by wind mainly , insects affected fruit setting not significantly .

  17. 作者通过对水榆花楸育苗和造林的实际操作和观测,总结出一套水榆花楸育苗和造林的技术,供广大林业工作者育苗造林上参考。

    The author summarizes a set of technique of raising seedling and forestation technique of S.alnifoila according to his actual operation and observation to provide reference for forest worker .

  18. 美国鹅掌揪几种鹅掌楸属中快速成长的落叶乔木的一种,其花为单性穗状花花楸北美东部的一种野生花楸(装饰梨)

    Any of several fast-growing deciduous trees of the genus Populus having unisexual flowers borne in catkins . A wild mountain ash ( Pyrus decora ) of eastern North America .

  19. 黄山花楸适宜生长在温凉、湿润、云雾多、湿度大、土层较深、腐殖质含量丰富、排水良好和偏酸性的暗黄棕壤中,对光照、温度和湿度的要求较高。

    S. amabilis is suitable to cool , moist , misty and humid habitat , with humus-riched dark yellow-brown acidic soil well-drained and strict demands for light , temperature and humidity .

  20. 不久之后,我几乎只能用野蛮人进行学习了,当地人重新开始在头发里绑花楸树枝,并尽量避免在月光下赶路。

    Soon , it was mostly barbarians I learned from , for the local folk resumed the practice of binding rowan twigs in their hair , and they remembered not to walk in moonlight .

  21. 该研究从无毛花楸组培育质量、移栽基质、有效叶片数、湿度、温度等方面试验,讨论了影响组培苗移栽成活率因素。

    This paper discusses the factors that can affect survival ratio of glabrous mountain ash tissue culture seeding through the aspects of culture quality , transplantation groundmass , effective leaves , humidity and temperature .

  22. 为了丰富北方寒冷地区珍贵园林绿化树种资源,于1986年从波兰引进欧洲花楸种子,进行了播种繁殖,对其植物学特性、生物学特性、生长节律等进行了系统研究。

    Seed propagation of Sorbus aucuparia was conducted with the seeds introduced from Poland in 1986 aiming to enrich the species resources for afforestation in cold regions of North China . The botanical characteristic , biological characteristic and growth rhythm of S.aucuparia were studied .

  23. 因此,他们把这个眼中钉改造成了露台花园的中心装饰。这个花园也设计有日本枫树、杨叶桦和花楸树林以及一棵常青树,在圣诞节期间,这棵树还可通过内置式轨道被推到起居室窗户的黄金位置。

    So they transformed the eyesore into the centerpiece of their terrace garden , which also features a grove of Japanese maple , gray birch and serviceberry trees , and an evergreen that can be pushed on a built-in track to a prime spot at their living room window at Christmas .