
  1. 上月,蚂蚁金服成为中国8家获发个人征信牌照的民营机构中首家推出个人征信服务名为芝麻信用(SesameCredit)的机构。

    Last month , Ant Financial became the first of eight companies granted a licence to launch a credit-scoring service , Sesame Credit .

  2. 两年前,阿里巴巴的支付业务关联公司蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)上线了芝麻信用(SesameCredit),利用其掌握的消费者数据来评估他们的信用,为小企业和消费者带来安慰。

    Ant Financial , Alibaba 's payments affiliate , launched its Sesame Credit two years ago , parlaying its data on consumers into a measure of their trustworthiness , providing comfort for small businesses and consumers alike .

  3. 中国的个人信用卡、按揭贷款和在线支付系统迅猛增长,为此迫切需要建立一个信用评估数据库,芝麻信用(SesameCredit)等个人征信系统应运而生。

    Sesame Credit and other credit rating systems are responding to a glaring need for a credit rating database in a country that has seen rapid growth in personal credit cards , mortgages and online payments systems .

  4. 她的芝麻信用分是813分(最高分为950分),属于“信用极好”。

    Sesame Credit rated her 813 out of a possible score of 950 , or " credit extremely good . "

  5. 在一个信用历史不长、数据收集流程过时且不畅通的市场上,芝麻信用可能会改变消费金融的面貌。

    In a market with short credit histories , and outmoded and disconnected data collection processes , the new business could change consumer finance .

  6. 芝麻信用的优势是,它可访问阿里巴巴拥有的3亿消费者和3700万小企业用户的数据,包括关于商家现金流的信息。

    It will benefit from access to data on Alibaba 's 300m consumers and 37m small business users - including visibility on merchants " cash flows .

  7. 租房者必须重复地比较不同的应用程序上的租房信息,而且这些公司并没有阿里巴巴旗下蚂蚁金服芝麻信用体系这么真实准确的信用系统。

    Apartment seekers have to repeatedly compare offers from different apps , and these companies lack a mature credit system comparable to Zhima Credit from Alibaba subsidiary Ant Financial .