
  • 网络Chicago River
  1. 芝加哥河的河水淹没了城市的地下隧道系统。

    The Chicago River flooded the city 's underground tunnel system

  2. 只有两个选择:降低芝加哥河或抬高城市。

    The only two options were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city .

  3. 早在20世纪初期,为了使Bubbly的污染河水不流进城市饮用水源,芝加哥河的流向逆转了,污水流向密西西比河远离密西根湖。

    In the early 20th century , the flow of the Chicago River was reversed , sending it toward the Mississippi River and away from Lake Michigan , in order to keep the river 's pollution from entering the city 's source of drinking water .

  4. 泡泡河被认为是芝加哥河污染最严重的部分。

    Bubbly Creek is considered the worst part of the river .

  5. 再往前几个街区,跨过芝加哥河大桥上到沃克车道。

    Proceed a few block and go over Chicago River Bridge to Wacker drive .

  6. 一头掉进芝加哥河。

    And swan-dived into the Chicago river .

  7. 奈尔斯美国伊利诺斯州东北部的一个村落,是芝加哥河沿岸芝加哥市的一个工业郊区。人口28284。

    A village of northeast illinois , an industrial suburb of Chicago on the Chicago river . population , 28284 .

  8. 或者是另一幕,每年都要把芝加哥河染绿,那要用40磅的染料才能做到。

    Or this , the annual greening of the Chicago River , which takes 40 pounds of dye to do .

  9. 参观者在建筑物西面获得开阔的视线,下面街道和芝加哥河的远景令人心跳停止–对那些有胆量向下直接俯视的人来说。

    Visitors are treated to unobstructed views of Chicago from the building 's west side and a heart-stopping vista of the street and Chicago River below & for those brave enough to look straight down .

  10. 既然芝加哥的废水正大量地排入芝加哥河,那么该市的下一步工作就是清理这条受到污染的河流。

    Now that Chicago 's waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River , the city 's next step was to clean the polluted river .