
yì shù zhí dǎo
  • art director
  1. 艺术指导负责布景和服装。

    Scenery and costumes are the responsibility of an art director .

  2. 室担任设计师和艺术指导。

    Room as a designer and art director .

  3. 2000年的电影《卧虎藏龙》将文艺片的风格和功夫动作画面融为一体,由李安(AngLee)执导,赢得了四项奥斯卡奖(AcademyAwards):最佳外语片奖、最佳摄影奖、最佳艺术指导奖和最佳原创音乐奖。

    The original 2000 movie , which blended art-house sensibilities with kung-fu action scenes , was directed by Ang Lee and won four Academy Awards : best foreign-language film , art direction , original score and cinematography .

  4. 这里的艺术指导是ErvRaible,他是纽约市一家俱乐部的老板。

    The artistic director is Erv Raible , a club owner in New York City .

  5. 在钢琴演奏与艺术指导作曲理论,双排键(包括MIDI)的研究,钢琴室内乐等一系列课程的设置中。

    The curricula of piano performance , art coach , melodizing theory , double lines key of a piano ( including MIDI ) and chamber piano music were studied in this paper .

  6. 1978年他成了萨德勒韦尔斯芭蕾舞团的艺术指导。

    He became artistic director of the sadlers wells ballet in1978 .

  7. 梅尔·吉布森是该片的艺术指导之一。

    Mel Gibson was one of the film 's art directors .

  8. 在工作上,我主要处理艺术指导和概念。

    At work , I deal mainly with art direction and ideas .

  9. 卡罗尔·马索的书后来成为了我的艺术指导。

    Carole Maso wrote the book that later became my art bible .

  10. 上世纪80年代初,我从事过艺术指导。

    Then in the early 1980s I did art direction .

  11. 我们的艺术指导帮助请来管弦乐队。

    Our artistic director was instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come .

  12. 艺术指导是关于质地、感觉和灯光。

    Art direction is about the texture , the feeling , the lighting .

  13. 最佳艺术指导:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。

    Best Art Direction : 'Alice in Wonderland '

  14. 他最后得到了他梦寐以求的艺术指导的工作。

    He actually got the job he was hankering after * as art director .

  15. 艺术指导:美术总监的左膀右臂。

    Art Director : The right , or left , hand of the production designer .

  16. 他刚刚获得了今年奥斯卡的“最佳艺术指导”.

    And he just won the Best Art Directin Award in this year 's Oscar .

  17. 我们的艺术指导大费唇舌请来管弦乐队为我们演出。

    Our artistic director is instrumental in persuading the orchestra to come and play for us .

  18. 此外,在好莱坞举行的第80届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,布兰切特还登台颁发了“最佳艺术指导奖”。

    She presents the Oscar for best art direction during the80th annual Academy Awards in Hollywood .

  19. 谈声乐的艺术指导

    Talking on Instructions of Vocal Arts

  20. 科内利亚是位艺术指导,曾在位于罗马的美国学院学习雕塑。

    Cornelia was an art instructor who had studied sculpture at the American Academy in Rome ;

  21. 黄任艺术指导(总监)兼负责技术培训与创作有“毕图特”艺术风格的精品。

    Wang acts as art director and trains artisans in creating pieces with the Tittot style .

  22. 西北偏北获得了三项奥斯卡提名,分别是最佳电影剪辑、最佳艺术指导、原创剧本。

    North by Northwest was nominated for three Academy Awards for Film Editing , Art Direction , and Original Screenplay .

  23. 没有艺术指导,没有造型师,没有重拍的机会,更别提灯光效果。

    There were no art directors , no stylists , no chance for reshoots , not even any regard for lighting .

  24. 视听&也就是与摄影师、艺术指导、星探或他们的委托人面谈,他们会给你一些特殊的机会评估你的才能。

    AUDITION Interview with a photographer , art director , casting director or client where they evaluate you for a particular opportunity .

  25. 在他的艺术指导下,我们的女装审美焕然一新,取得了非常令人满意的经济效益。

    Under his artistic direction the me & # 769 ; tier has renewed its aesthetic and produced very satisfactory financial results .

  26. 每个客户都有一个项目团队,由项目主管、艺术指导、合作者和执行指导组成。

    Each client has a team of attendance director and art director , and the own partners and executive-directors that compound these teams .

  27. 记一记艺术指导的名字不会是什么坏事情,下班后可以取得私人联系。

    It 's not a bad thing to remember the art director 's name and then pursue a connection on your own time .

  28. 一般情况下,艺术指导或广告代理人决定图片的内容,然后雇用一个摄影师创作画像。

    Typically , an art director or advertising agent determines the content of the picture and then hires a photographer to create the images .

  29. 这很有效,因为只有在创意的方向上客户做出了决定之后,我们才会去找艺术指导。

    It is efficient because it is only after the client has settled on the creative direction that we go to the art director .

  30. 我们还要拜访华盛顿芭蕾舞团的艺术指导,他和他的舞蹈演员们一起表演这出著名的芭蕾舞。

    And , we visit the artistic director of the Washington Ballet as he and his dancers work together to perform this famous ballet .