
yì shù jì qiǎo
  • artistic craftsmanship;artistry;art
  1. 总而言之,在《了不起的盖茨比》这部代表作中,菲兹杰拉德熟练地运用现代叙述技巧为其主题服务,展示了精湛成熟的艺术技巧。

    To sum up , Fitzgerald applies modern narratology to serve his illustration of the themes , which is a triumph of artistic craftsmanship .

  2. 小提琴手的表演展现了高超的艺术技巧。

    The performance of the violinist displayed great art .

  3. 然后,Stovall用他的艺术技巧把这些原始图在印刷版画上面诠释出来。

    Then , Stovall uses his artistic skills to translate that work into a print version .

  4. 我挑选了几张Jean-LeanGerome的相似主题的油画作品作为色彩和构图参考。我强烈推荐大家研究一些传统画家的作品,以加强对艺术技巧的理解。

    I choose several of Jean-Lean Gerome 's paintings with a similar theme to use as a reference for my color pallet and composition .

  5. 山谷词艺术技巧还体现在情与景的运用上。

    The artistic skill was also embodied in feelings and scene utilize .

  6. 论《看得见风景的房间》的艺术技巧

    On the Artistic Techniques of a Room with a View

  7. 对于那些没有艺术技巧的人来说,这算得上一种不错的方法。

    Not too bad for someone with no artistic skills !

  8. 艺术技巧,优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合。

    A confluence of artistry , superb choreography , and stage design .

  9. 元杂剧科诨艺术技巧研究

    The Buffoonery in the Yuan Drama : A Study of Its Artistic Techniques

  10. 富有亲和力的语言艺术技巧。

    Third , the language artistry rich in affinity .

  11. 您的性格有很大的艺术技巧?

    Does your character have a great artistic skill ?

  12. 这门课程主要探究照明设计的艺术技巧。

    This class explores the artistry of Lighting Design .

  13. 梵高模仿了许多米勒的艺术技巧。

    Van Gogh copied many of Millet 's compositions .

  14. 这批精彩的画达到了这位画家绘画艺术技巧的顶峰。

    This group of brilliant paintings reaches the climax of the painter 's artistry .

  15. 秘书口语表达的艺术技巧

    Artistic Skills in a Secretary 's Oral Expressions

  16. 其次是对山谷词艺术技巧及艺术特点的探究。

    The second part is the study of the artistic skill and artistic characteristic .

  17. 在具体的创作过程中,艺术技巧显得十分重要。

    During the course of the creation , the artistic skill is greatly important .

  18. 他嗜好乖僻的未被任何艺术技巧限定的电影制作(约翰西蒙)

    His appetite for kinky filmmaking , unmitigated by any artistry ( John Simon )

  19. 同情心或者对艺术技巧的崇敬比嘲笑的份量重得多。

    Sympathy or admiration for artistic skill are felt to be stronger than laughter .

  20. 写作技巧和其他艺术技巧一样困难。

    The technique of writing is no less difficult than that of the other arts .

  21. 艺术技巧还能体现在人体修复上。

    Artistry can also be seen in the repair and recovery of the human body .

  22. 在《狂人日记》中,鲁迅思想的深刻性,是借助于独特的艺术技巧得以实现的。

    The depth of thought in A Madmans Diary is realized through unique artistic techniques .

  23. 这种影响表现在母题构架、形象塑造、艺术技巧、诗意境界设置等多个方面。

    The influence manifests in motif structure , image creation , artistry and poetic realm .

  24. 很多人都忽略了雷伊在讲述孟加拉一农家故事时的精湛艺术技巧。

    Many people overlooked the exquisite artistry in ray 's story of a rural Bengali family .

  25. 开始自觉地追求小说的艺术技巧和审美价值。

    The author had begun to pursue the art technique and the value of aesthetic self-conscious .

  26. 论托尔斯泰人物塑造的艺术技巧

    Tolstoy ′ s techniques in characterization

  27. 独特的现代主义实验&论新感觉派小说的艺术技巧

    An Unique Experiment of Modernism

  28. 论《圣殿》的艺术技巧

    On the Artistry of Sanctuary

  29. 康拉德是一位在艺术技巧上和思想上都走在时代前列的作家。

    Conrad is a writer ahead of his times both in his artistic techniques and his ideas .

  30. 健笔柔情冷香幽韵&论姜夔词的艺术技巧

    Kin Pen Tenderness , Cold aroma and Elegant Charm & On the lyrics of Jiang Kui art skills