
  • Yield;Quality;yield rate
  1. C、H、O等杂质作为GaN中的非故意掺杂元素,会直接影响外延材料的质量,器件的最终性能与产品的良率。

    As foreign impurities , C , H and O may affect the quality of epitaxial films , properties of devices and yield of production .

  2. 影响SOC设计成败的因素很多,而影响SOC良率的关键因素已经成为嵌入式Flash的良率问题。

    There are many factors for designing a SOC successfully , but the key factor for SOC yield is the yield of the embedded Flash .

  3. 晶圆测试的结果是良率和分bin的map图。

    The result of wafer probe is wafer map .

  4. 而在2012年,OLED面板的材料成本则比LCD面板高50%,良率则比后者低30%左右。

    In2012 , the OLED panel will have a50 % higher material cost and30 % lower yield than LCD panels .

  5. 要制造出成本低廉且性能/良率良好的OLED面板,厂商需要攻克驱动电路,有机EL材料以及密封技术等方面的技术难题。

    Big challenges for OLED panels today include driver elements , organic EL materials , and the sealing process .

  6. 芯片在出厂前都必须经过ATE(自动测试设备)测试,ATE测试是否可靠会直接影响到出厂芯片的良率。

    Chips must pass ATE ( automatic test equipment ) test before leaving factory . Whether ATE test is reliable or not will directly affect the yield rate of chips .

  7. 相信这样的方法,能够帮助设计者面对深次微米制程(deep-submicron)的挑战,加快设计速度以及提升电路良率。

    We believe that these approaches can help analog designers overcome the design challenges with deep-submicron technologies .

  8. 随着减成法在PCB制作中的日益广泛使用和精细化线路发展的要求,提高良率和线路质量越来越重要。

    As the wide application of the subtractive process in the PCB manufacturing , especially in the fine line and HDI fabrication , it becomes more important to improve the yield rate and the line quality .

  9. 对于性能稼动率,分析影响其原因,并提出改善的方法;对于产品良率,应用X-R控制图控制工序质量,以预测产品的质量,从而达到提升良率的目的。

    To performance efficiency , the paper analyzed the major factors impacting it and provided corrective methods . As for product yield , X - R control chart will be applied to predict product quality to achieve advance the yield rate .

  10. 最后通过GRR验证来确定整个测试系统的稳定和可靠性最终通过以上的工作,在保证产品良率和测试精度的情况下提高测试速度,降低测试成本。

    Finally , by GRR verify the test system to determine the stability and reliability . Finally , all the above work managed to increase the test speed as well as lower the test cost while ensuring the product yield and the test accuracy .

  11. 使用软性刀模,模切压力一致,使您的开机率高且良率也高。

    With flexible die-cutting , makes your production in best performance .

  12. 从设备角度协助其他部门,共同提高产品的良率;

    Support other department to improve the yield from equipment side ;

  13. 铜在化学机械研磨面临的铜腐蚀问题使得产品良率和可靠性都受到威胁。

    The corrosion of Cu CMP will impact product yield and reliability .

  14. 本论文研究一个新制程良率预测的问题。

    This thesis researches a problem about forecasting yield in new manufacturing process .

  15. 与各部门合作,提高产品良率和品质。

    Work with departments to improve yield and quality .

  16. 因此,有效提升系统晶片中记忆体良率之技术是需要的。

    Effective yield-enhancement techniques thus are needed for RAM cores in an SOC .

  17. 对于良率的提升和供应链整合的效率都有非常积极的影响。

    It has positive impact on improving deficiencies and integration of supply chain .

  18. 在光刻工艺中存在着多种多样的图形缺陷,这些都会影响到产品的良率,本文主要针对0.15微米工艺光刻图形缺陷攻关项目进行分析研究。

    In lithography the existence of a kinds of defects affecting the product yield .

  19. 分析良率和电路失败原因。

    Performs analysis of yield and electrical failure .

  20. 这种缺陷现象的发生经常会导致半导体电性参数不正常,器件漏电流增大,影响产品的良率。

    Such defects often lead to the electrical parameters abnormal even affecting product yields .

  21. 应用田口质量工程于积层陶瓷电容器检验良率提升的研究

    A Study on the Parameters Setting to Multiplayer Ceramic Capacitor Test Machine by Using Taguchi Method

  22. 这些成效证实,多层陶瓷元件的制作可达到高程序良率与优良的产品可信度之地步。

    These efforts verified that high process-yields and excellent product-reliability for ceramic packaging devices could be achieved .

  23. 本论文中提出一种维持比值良率的绕线方法在电容阵列布局的应用上。

    In this thesis , a yield-aware ratio-keeping channel router is proposed for capacitor array block creation .

  24. 将该方案应用于在线产品后,晶圆良率可以提高8%。

    As a result of inline implementation , the wafers die yield can be improved 8 % .

  25. 在现今新的晶圆中,每一个制程的参数上的改变,往往对最后的晶圆生产上的良率有重大的影响。

    In the new age of process technology , production yield is eventually influenced by the parameters changed in process .

  26. 解决方案以修订设计规则、修改版图来彻底改善产品良率并成功量产。

    Finally , through amending the design rules and tape out new layout to improve product yield and successfully complete production .

  27. 即使是在较低的温度下操作,也能轻易的做到高良率的产出。在改变贮存的水温,或重置高温限制控制器时,请务必按照下列步骤操作。

    The following procedures must be performed when changing the temperature of the stored water or resetting the high limit control .

  28. 最后的测试结果说明芯片具有很好的性能和很高的良率,这也验证了电路设计的成功。

    The final test results show good performance and high yield about this chip , which proved the circuit design is successful .

  29. 你能够通过良率的颜色分辨它,而且它经常被用作宝石,且非常的吸引人。

    You can identify it by its bright green colour . It 's often used in jewelry and really is quite attractive .

  30. 美容手术治疗组优、良率各为23.91%、60.87%;

    The cosmetic results of the cosmetology and the CO 2 laser were excellent in 23.91 % ? 4.35 % and good in 60.87 % ?