
duò gān
  • Rudder stock;rudderstock
舵杆 [duò gān]
  • [rudderstock] 舵的旋转轴杆

舵杆[duò gān]
  1. 叙述了大方头弯舵杆整体锻制工艺过程,以及各主要参数的确定。

    This paper describes the technology process and determination of main parameters for the monoblock forging bend rudderstock with large square head .

  2. 本文给出了按船级社规定的模型计算舵和舵杆中的弯矩和剪力的公式。

    This paper introduces the bending moment and shearing force calculation formula of rudder and rudderstock according to the model required by classification society .

  3. 运用Excel确定舵托支撑的平衡舵舵杆直径计算

    Using Excel to caculate the diameter of balance rudder stock supported by the rudder carrier

  4. 结合CCS规范介绍了运用Excel确定舵托支撑的平衡舵舵杆直径的计算方法。

    According to CCS rules , the paper presents a calculation method using Excel to decide the diameter of balance rudder stock supported by the rudder carrier .

  5. 巨型大方头弯舵杆整体锻造

    The Solid Forge for the Large Square Head Bending Rudder Bar

  6. 1000吨级冷藏船舵杆的修复方法

    Repair of rudder stock for 1 000 dwt cold storage ship

  7. 舵杆直径的选择及其与挂舵臂的匹配分析

    Selection of rudder stock diametre and its matching with rudder horn

  8. 实船舵杆扭矩的测试和分析

    A Real-Time Measurement and Analysis of the Rudder Torque

  9. 舵柄与舵杆无键液压套合连接推入量计算

    The Calculation of Pull-up on Keyless Oil Shrink Fitting for Tiller and Rudder Stock

  10. 带弹性支座舵杆的受力分析

    Force Analysis of Rudder Stock with Spring Fulcrum

  11. 舵杆舵销锥形无键联接的计算方法

    A method to calculate the keyless connection of the rudder stock and pintle cone

  12. 本文介绍了这种类型平衡舵舵杆的受力计算方法。

    The paper presents a force calculation method for the stock of semi-balanced rudder of this kind .

  13. 舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查。连结活塞和机器连杆的销。

    Inspection alignment of stock , rudder blade and pintle . pin joining a piston to a connecting rod .

  14. 介绍了舵柄与舵杆无键液压套合工艺的优点。

    This article describes the advantages of the fitting of keyless tiller with rudder stock by oil shrink method .

  15. 舵叶与舵杆平台找正副翼舵机拉杆应基本上垂直于副翼转动轴线。

    Alignment of rudder blade and rudder stock on Aileron servo pull rod should be vertical to the shaft of aileron basically .

  16. 通过对舵装置的可靠性分析,以舵杆为例详细介绍了与传统设计相结合的可靠性设计方法。

    The paper presents the reliability analysis for rudder design and , based on rudder post as an example introduces a reliability design method combining traditional design .

  17. 由于海损船舶订制新舵杆时间长,费用高,因而对扭曲变形舵杆的恢复性修理具有较高的经济效益和现实意义。

    To repair twisting and deformative rudder pole shows higher economic efficiency and practical significance compared with order a new one , as it will cost much time and money .

  18. 各国船级社认为悬臂在船体上的舵托或挂舵臂应视为弹性支座,对舵杆进行直接计算。

    The classification societies of the world hold that the shoe piece or the horn should be taken as an elastic fulcrum of the rudder stock in the stock calculation .

  19. 介绍了巨型大方头弯舵杆整体锻造工艺的要点、操作难点及解决办法。

    This paper describes the main point of solid forging process for the large square head bending rudder bar , as well as the operation difficult points and its solution .

  20. 舵的转动在机械上是靠舵杆、油缸、舵轴、舵叶、舵柄等机械部件组成来实现工作过程的。

    Rudder rotation machinery is based on the rudder stock , oil cylinder , rudder axle , rudder blade , rudder handle and other mechanical components to achieve the work process .

  21. 此外,在选择电机容量时,还必须考虑电机的确切工作制、工作环境和实际的舵杆阻力矩曲线。

    Besides , in selecting the capacity of electrical machine , the correct duty rating of electrical machine , working environment and practical resistance-torque curve of the rudder-stock should be taken into consideration .

  22. 分析了锥体联接船舵舵叶与舵杆发生松动故障的原因,并提出了两种不同修理方案,说明运用金属修补剂技术修理的新方案是简便可行的,具有推广价值。

    This paper analyses the causes of slack between blade and bar on cone union rudder and gives two different repairing methods , one of which is simple , feasible and popular with metal repairing agent applied .

  23. 介绍船舶意外搁浅对舵系的损坏,进行了舵的受力分析,重点讲述了舵杆、舵柄、舵销、舵承等的修复过程,以供同行参考。

    This paper provides some reference on repairing procedures for rudder stock , rudder tiller , rudder pintle and rudder bearing by introducing the damages of rudder system when the ship is stranded in an accident and analysing the rudders force bearing .

  24. 程序将这些尺寸导入计算模块中进行计算,由用户决定所选用的材料型号,选用的舵杆直径等,最后得到舵设计计算书。

    Procedures for the calculation send these dimensions into the calculation module . Some dimensions such as diameter of the rudder were selected by the user who decides which materials to choose . Finally the book of rudder design and calculation was generated automatically by the procedure .