
hánɡ hǎi jiā
  • navigator;seafarer
  1. 庇护Maupiailug,航海家,于七月十二日逝世,终年78岁

    Pius Mau Piailug , master navigator , died on July 12th , aged 78

  2. MauPiailug的祖父是一名航海家,从小,祖父把小小的他绑在潮汐湖里,让他体会不同的地方拍打着的浪和风,体会各地风浪的区别。

    He began to learn all this as a baby , when his grandfather , himself a master navigator , held his tiny body in tidal pools to teach him how waves and wind blew differently from place to place .

  3. 27H,它远远可以望见夏威夷群岛,这是1779年2日14日有名的航海家库克被杀死的地方。

    On the 27th it passed in sight of the Hawaiian Islands , where the famous Captain Cook met his death on February 14 , 1779 .

  4. 艾恩斯利是有史以来最成功的奥林匹克航海家,总共获得了5枚奥运奖牌。他也是路虎本·艾恩斯利帆船队(LandRoverBAR)的船长,他经常在比赛中后来居上,最终取得胜利。

    Ainslie - the most successfulOlympic sailor in history , with five medals - is captain of theLand Rover BAR sailing team and has a penchant for come-from-behind victories .

  5. 然而,目前还不清楚此人在交火中是否受伤。东非航海家辅助项目协调员AndrewMwangura表示,这名船长可能还活着,正在前往肯尼亚海岸蒙巴萨的途中。

    Though it is unclear whether or not the man had been injured in the exchange , the Coordinator of the East African Seafarers ' Assistance Program , Andrew Mwangura , said the captain likely was alive and en route to Mombasa , on the Kenyan coast .

  6. 荷兰航海家阿贝尔·塔斯曼发现新西兰。

    The Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovered 1642 New Zealand .

  7. 他从小便立志要当一个航海家。

    He wanted to become a navigator when he was a child .

  8. 医生握有航海家号的指挥密码。

    The doctor does hold the command codes to voyager .

  9. 旅行者号太空探测器,还是《星际迷航:航海家号》电视剧?

    Voyager the space probe or Voyager the Star Trek TV show ?

  10. 我对前辈航海家还是寄予几分信赖的。

    I will put some trust in preceding navigators .

  11. 纪念郑和下西洋600周年系列(一)郑和&世界历史上最伟大的航海家

    ZhengHe , the greatest Navigator in the World History

  12. 它使东西两半球的航海家糊里糊涂,

    that had muddled and misled the minds of seamen in both hemispheres ,

  13. 这是《航海家号》剧集里罗姆兰人出现三次中的第一次。

    This is the first of three appearances by the Romulans in Voyager episodes .

  14. 那个人是十六世纪的航海家。

    The man is a sixteenth Spanish navigator .

  15. 让航海家去寻觅新的世界吧。

    Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone .

  16. 国际航标协会航标制航海家哥伦布出航时;

    IALA Maritime Buoyage System when Columbus sailed ;

  17. 葡萄牙探险家、航海家瓦斯科·达·伽马逝世于印度。

    1524 Vasco da Gama , Portuguese explorer and navigator , died in India .

  18. 有多少成分主要航海家窗口,是目前算作六人。

    The number components in the main navigator window is currently counted as six .

  19. 众所周知,美洲是在1492年被一位意大利航海家克里斯托弗伦布发现的。

    It is well-known that America was discovered in1492by Christopher columbus , an Italian navigator .

  20. 克里斯托弗·哥伦布是一位伟大的航海家,他在咒骂大西洋的时候发现了美洲大陆。

    Christopher Columbus was a great navigator who discovered America while cursing about the Atlantic .

  21. 一个叫威廉姆斯的航海家在海上航行时发现了这个岛。

    A navigator whose name is Williams navigated on the ocean and found the island .

  22. 詹姆士·库克&英国最伟大的航海家

    James Cook - The Britain Greatest Navigator

  23. 世纪西班牙和葡萄牙的航海家

    The 16th-century Spanish and Portuguese navigators 16

  24. 哥伦布是位伟大的航海家。

    Columbus is a great navigator .

  25. 哥伦布是个有名的航海家。

    Columbus was a famous navigator .

  26. 1405年的今天,中国明代著名航海家郑和首次下西洋。

    1405-Chinese fleet commander Zheng He set sail to explore the world for the first time .

  27. 挪威航海家,他探索与命名了格陵兰岛,并建起了岛上第一个居住点。

    Norwegian navigator who explored and named Greenland and founded its first settlement ( c.985 ) .

  28. 我正念着上面这个句子,心里忽然想起一个久经风霜的荷兰航海家一句古怪箴言。

    In reading the above sentence , a curious apothegm of an old weather-beaten Dutch navigator come .

  29. 作为非赢利组织的一项服务,慈善航海家给予和平医师最高级的服务。

    Charity Navigator , a service that rates nonprofit organizations , gives Physicians for Peace its top rating .

  30. 这些是航海家常用的仪器,我答,我知道它们的用法。

    These are the normal navigational instruments , I replied , and I 'm familiar with their uses .