
  • 网络Natural Atmosphere
  1. 峡谷沉浸在一种不自然的朦胧气氛里。

    The vale was wrapped in a dim atomosphere of unnaturalness .

  2. 同修们尊重生命和纯朴自然的修行气氛,彷佛连路边的一草一木都成为我们的亲密朋友。

    Permeated by the atmosphere of our respect for life and pristine nature even the plants and trees by the roadside seem to have become our dear friends .

  3. 此一自然环境的气氛可以帮助我们唤醒我们内在的感情,激发我们寻找我们与自然环境之间理想的关系。

    The atmosphere of this natural setting can help us to awaken our inner feelings , and inspire us to seek a proper relationship between ourselves and the natural environment .

  4. 参加葡萄酒品酒会既可以提高个人的生活品位,也可以享受自然轻松的优雅气氛。

    To participate in wine tasting can improve quality of life of individuals , but also can enjoy the natural atmosphere of relaxed elegance .