
zì liú jǐnɡ
  • Artesian well;artesian/gravity well
自流井 [zì liú jǐng]
  • (1) [artesian well]

  • (2) 自动地喷出水来的井

  • (3) 一个通常由钻孔造成的深而窄的井,钻孔所达深度使井水因自流水压而能顺利上升

  1. 用LW150型涡轮流量变送器、CZ1002型数字记录仪组成的观测系统,在庐江台自流井进行了流量固体潮观测。

    The flow earth-tide has been observed with observational system consisting of LW-150 flow sensor and CZ-1002 digital recorder at Lujiang artesian well .

  2. 高温自流井最佳观测装置讨论

    Discussion about best observation system for high temperature and artesian well

  3. 太原市森林公园Tc-S2自流井饮用天然矿泉水水质特征

    Characteristics of Potable Natural Mineral Water from Artesian Well Tc-S_2 in Taiyuan Forest Park

  4. 村中自流井里的水源源不断地流向麦田。

    Water from the artesian well in the village is flowing continuously into the wheatland .

  5. 海子田位于自流井构造西段南西倾伏端北西翼次级构造上。

    The Haizitian shallow gas field lies in the northwestern limb of the Ziliujing structure .

  6. 自流井水位响应能力与水柱高度关系的分析振荡水柱的自振运动

    On the relation between response capacity of artesian well water level and well water height

  7. 四川盆地侏罗纪的湖相碳酸盐岩主要分布于早侏罗世自流井组地层之中。

    The lacustrine carbonates mainly distribute in the early Jurassic Ziliujing Formation in the Sichuan basin .

  8. 自流井构造西段浅层天然气挖潜探讨

    Discussion on Tapping the Potential Shallowly-Bedded Natural Gas in the Western Section of the Ziliujing Structure

  9. 自流井井房设计

    Well house design of artesian well

  10. 庐江台自流井流量固体潮观测资料调和分析的初步结果

    The preliminary harmonic analysis results of observational data of flow earth & tide on Lujiang artesian well

  11. 在天然气工业史上,自流井气田的早期开发,占有重要地位。

    The early development of Ziliujing gas field occupies an important place in natural gas industry history .

  12. 氨太克3599聚胺酯防水密封涂料在渡槽伸缩止水缝中的应用高压自流井止水工艺

    Application of Polyurethane Waterproof Paint in Expansion Joint of Flume Technology for Water Shut-off in High Pressure Artesian Wells

  13. 本文以苏18井为例介绍了自流井泄漏的处理技术与井口水动力参数的试验结果。

    This paper introduced the technique of treating leakage of artesian wells and the results of experiments on hydrodynamic parameters .

  14. 而相距不远的王2和王3井同为自流井,钻孔分别揭露中新元古界和奥陶系热储层,水温为94.5℃和60℃。

    Wang 2 well and the Wang 3 well are not far from the Wang 4 well , with the temperatures 94.5 ℃ and 60 ℃ .

  15. 本文论述了近代冲击式(顿钻)凿井技术的发展、工艺流程、功能、关键技术操控等,以及在自流井盐场运用所取得的综合效益。

    This paper is a description of the technical development , flow , function and key control of modern cable drilling and its profit in Ziliujing salt site .

  16. 文摘:自流井构造西端盐卤伴生气已开采多年,气源并未枯竭,仍有进一步挖潜、勘探、开发的必要。

    Abstract : the associated gas in the west end of the Ziliujing structure has been mined for several years , but it is necessary to exploit further .

  17. 四川自流井构造西段T1j~(4-1)~T1j~3气藏气水分布特征及其控制因素探讨

    Gas and Water Distribution and Its Controlling Factors in Gas Pools in T_1j ~ ( 4-1 )~ T_1j ~ 3 on the Western Climb of the Ziliujing Anticline in Sichuan

  18. 不同成土母质发育的土壤,有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量均是在沙溪庙组最高,自流井组次之,遂宁组最低;

    Soil from different soil parent materials , organic matter , total nitrogen , alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen , rapidly available phosphorus , rapidly available potassium was the highest in J_ ( 2s ) .

  19. 简述了自流井背斜构造,卤水伴生低压天然气富集的构造特征,分析了开采中存在的问题,并提出了合理开采的相关技术措施。

    This paper briefly elaborates the characteristics of Ziliujing anticlinal structure and enrichment of low-pressure natural gas associated with brine , analyzes problems in mining and puts forward relevant technology and measures for rational mining .

  20. 本文回顾了自流井浅层气的开发历程,介绍了构造各气区当前的生产状况,阐述了浅层气的储集特征。

    This paper reviews the development history of the shallow gas in Ziliujing structure , introduces the present production status in each region of the structure and elucidates the reservoir characteristics of the shallow gas .

  21. 从而证明了自流井水位对含水层应力应变的响应能力与水柱高度存在正相关关系,即水柱高度(动水位)不同时,水位对含水层应力应变的响应灵敏度不同。

    Thus the positive correlation between the response capacity of artesian wells , aquifer stress and strain , and well water height is proved , that is when the dynamic well level is different , the response sensibility of well level to the aquifer stress and strain is also changed .