
  • 网络expanded tobacco
  1. 通过对照样品的感官质量评价,认为工艺温度的变化是改善CO2膨胀烟丝综合品质的关键点,是致香物质变化的关键点。

    Through the sensory evaluation of control samples , the results showed . that the temperature process was the key point to improve the quality and aroma substances of expanded tobacco by CO2 .

  2. 二氧化碳膨胀烟丝结构变化

    The Change Of The Structure Of Expanded Tobacco By Carbon Dioxide

  3. 不同温度对CO2膨胀烟丝致香物质及感官质量的影响研究

    Effects of Expanding Temperature on Aroma Substances and Sensory Quality of the Expanded Tobacco by Carbon Dioxide

  4. 为提高CO2膨胀烟丝在卷烟配方中的使用等级和掺兑比例,进行了CO2膨胀烟丝分类加工应用研究。

    In order to improve the role of CO2 expanded cut tobacco in cigarette blends , the classification of tobacco to be processed for CO2 expansion was tested .

  5. 改进后CO2气体监测仪测量精度达到±0.02%,且维护简单,保证了CO2膨胀烟丝车间的生产。

    After improving , the measurement accuracy of CO_2 gas monitor reached ± 0.02 % , and its maintenance was convenient . The safety in production of CO_2 cut tobacco expanding workshop was ensured .

  6. 干冰膨胀烟丝生产线控制系统设计和优化

    The Design and Optimized of Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco Plant Control System

  7. 干冰膨胀烟丝流量控制的改进

    Improvement of Tobacco Flow Control System in DIET System

  8. 新型膨胀烟丝改性添加剂的研究

    Study on new type of biosurfactant in expanded tobacco

  9. 干冰膨胀烟丝有机酸变化分析

    Analysis of Organic Acids in Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco

  10. 二氧化碳膨胀烟丝生产线储存皮带机的改造

    The Upgrading of the Storing Conveyer Belt for Carbon Dioxide Dilatate Tobacco Shred Production Line

  11. 热风温度较低和蒸汽流量较高处理的膨胀烟丝样品整体感官质量较好。

    The whole sensory qualities of the expanded tobacco with lower hot air temperature and higher steam flow ratio are better . 2 .

  12. 本论文以青岛卷烟厂膨胀烟丝生产线提高生产能力技术改造项目为应用对象,分析了此技改项目成功实施的全过程。

    This paper based on the project of enhancing the productability of expanded Tobacco Line of Qingdao cigarette factory , analysised the whole successful process of this project .

  13. 本项目还进行了膨胀烟丝在产品配方中的掺兑试验研究,考察膨胀烟丝对不同价类卷烟感官质量的影响以及不同掺兑量对成品卷烟主流烟气指标的影响。

    Blending product prescription test of cut tobacco was researched , effect of cut tobacco on smoking quality of different price cigarette and effect of different amout of blending on mainstream smoke index of cigarette .

  14. 另外,影响膨胀烟丝整丝率与填充值指标的各自工艺参数差异明显,说明在现有生产条件下,同时提高这两项工艺指标是困难的。

    The discrepancies of each technology parameter of the whole expanded tobacco ratio and filling power are obvious , which showed that it is difficult to improving these two technology indexes under existent product conditions .

  15. 在4丝配方中,对梗丝、膨胀烟丝和再造烟丝的预测准确度较低,其平均相对误差在10%左右。

    While the veracity of the predictive model for blend containing cut stem , expanded tobacco , reconstituted tobacco , and cut lamina was not as good , the average relative errors were around 10 % .

  16. 工艺参数优化后,膨胀烟丝的膨胀率下降20%,整丝率提高1.7%,感官质量也得到一定程度的提升。

    After optimization of setting index of process parameters , the expansion rate was decreased by 20 % and the change rate of long strands proportion was increased by 1.7 % and sensory quality was improved .

  17. 在烟气方面,膨胀烟丝的使用可以起到改善烟支的燃烧状态从而降低抽吸口数、焦油及烟气烟碱的作用,产品单口焦油和单口烟气烟碱随着膨胀烟丝搀兑比例的增加而增加。

    But the use of the expanded cut tobacco may improve burning state of tobacco rod , thus reduce pump number and the contents of tar and nicotine . the contents of the tar and nicotine in single mouth increase along with the increase of expanded cut tobacco added .

  18. CO2膨胀前后烟丝中游离氨基酸的变化

    Changes of Free Amino Acids in Cut Tobacco Before and After CO_2 Expansion

  19. IMPEX烟丝膨胀完全可以取代目前广泛采用的CFC(氟利昂)膨胀工艺,使烟丝的填充值提高90%以上。

    IMPEX technology can make the filling value of cut tobacco increase more than 90 % and replaced completely CFC expansion technology currently used .