
là yuè
  • December;the 12th lunar month;the twelfth month of the lunar year;the 12th month of lunar calendar;the twelfth moon
腊月 [là yuè]
  • [the 12th lunar month; the 12th month of lunar calendar] 农历十二月

  • 寒冬腊月

腊月[là yuè]
  1. 我这辈子从未感到像腊月天这么寒冷。

    I have never felt so cold in my life like december .

  2. 我们让腊月温暖的方法

    The Way We made December Warm .

  3. 如今,我的心如同腊月寒冬

    Now my heart feel like December

  4. 一进腊月节日气氛就一天比一天浓。

    When it got close to the 12th Lunar Month Festival , the atmosphere got busier every day .

  5. 屈指算来,已是深冬,阴历腊月的脚步在蹒跚走来。

    Calculating by heart , it 's late winter , and the last month of the lunar year is coming hitchily .

  6. 这里的人们每年只洗一回澡,就是在腊月二十七的这天。

    People in that township took only one bath in a whole year , which occurred on the27th day of the12th month .

  7. 先秦的腊日在冬至后的第三个戌日,南北朝开始才固定在腊月初八。

    Pre wax at the third after the winter solstice Xu day fixed in the twelfth lunar month before the Northern and Southern started eighth day .

  8. 因朱元璋吃糖粥的日子是腊月初八,所以这粥也就叫“腊八粥”了

    By Zhu Yuan sugar porridge eighth day of the days of the twelfth lunar month , so this porridge is also called " laba porridge " of

  9. 作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。

    The activities of the twelfth lunar month as the witchcraft epidemic of custom drum drive , this and other areas in Hunan is still retained Xinhua .

  10. 中国人从阴历腊月二十三日就开始过春节了。这一天的活动叫做祭灶,也就是拜灶王爷。

    Spring Festival begins on the 23rd of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar . People offer a sacrifice to the Kitchen God on this day .

  11. 在寒冷中持久凝视,那冰雪蓬松的刺柏丛林,那闪烁在远处腊月阳光下的迷漫云杉。

    And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice , The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun ;

  12. 在横卧萨利纳斯河的丘陵地上,农场里的茬地泛着黄色,象是沐浴在冷冷的苍白日光下;不过,现在时至腊月,山谷里没什么阳光。

    On the foothill ranches across the Salinas River , the yellow stubble fields seemed to be bathed in pale cold sunshine , but there was no sunshine in the valley now in December .

  13. 朱元璋便把这些东西熬成了粥,因那天正是腊月初八,朱元璋便美名其曰这锅杂粮粥为腊八粥。

    The emperor put these things boiled the porridge , eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is the result of the day , the emperor said that it has a reputation as Laba porridge pot grains .

  14. 夏代称腊日为嘉平,商代为清祀,周代为大蜡;因在十二月举行,故称该月为腊月,称腊祭这一天为腊日。

    Xia said the December date , Ka-ping , Shang was clear Si , Zhou as big wax ; due to be held in December , it said the month is the twelfth lunar month , known as La La at the festival that day .