
  • 网络spleen governing transportation and transformation
  1. 进一步印证了中医脾&线粒体相关理论,从亚细胞水平,较确切的阐明了脾主运化的实质内涵。

    The research confirmed further the theory of relevance of spleen of TCM and mitochondria and elucidated exactly the essence connotation of spleen governing transportation and transformation on sub-cellular level .

  2. 脾主运化,气血津液生化之源。

    Spleen transport , gas blood body fluid biochemical source .

  3. 目的:脾主运化是脾胃学说的重要理论之一。

    Objetcive : The theories of spleen governing movement and transformation is an important part of the Spleen-stomach Doctrines .

  4. 脾主运化与细胞线粒体细胞色素氧化酶相关性理论的临床与实验研究

    The Clinical and Empirical Study about the Theory of the Relationship between Spleen Governing Movement and Transformation and Bioblast Cytochrome Oxidase

  5. 脾主运化,胃主受纳,为气血生化之源,脾胃又是人体气机升降之枢纽。

    The spleen governs the transportation , stomach and the main receiving source of qi and blood , spleen and stomach is the hub of the human air-lift .

  6. 胃虽为六腑之一,但是具有受纳和腐熟水谷的生理功能,是脾主运化水谷精微的先决条件,其生理意义同样非常重要。

    Though the stomach is one of the six fu-organs , it has the physiological function of receiving food and decomposition , so is the prerequisite of the spleen to transform and transport subtle , its physical significance is also very important .

  7. 补脾法即调理脾脏,恢复脾主运化、主升和统血的生命机能,使之在人体中发挥正常的生命效应,既是治病之法,亦是指导养生、抗衰延年之法。

    Bu-spleen is to help to recover the normal function of the spleen , which is not only a therapeutic method , but also a guideline to acquire long-life .