
  • 网络dehydration property;dewaterability
  1. 从(浓)硫酸与蔗糖的反应,验证了(浓)硫酸具有脱水性和强氧化性的特性,同时成功地利用微型化学实验手段将(浓)硫酸的性质和反应产物的检验进行一体化实验。

    This article confirmed the strong sulfuric acid to have the dehydration property and the strong oxidized characteristic by the strong sulfuric acid reacting with the sucrose .

  2. 开孔率大,因此通风性、脱水性佳。

    Aperture can be incerased for high air permeability and Hydration capacity .

  3. 污染物对三甘醇脱水性和发泡性影响的研究

    Influence of contaminations on dehydration and foaming performance for TEG

  4. 陕北石油秩序常温脱水性防锈油的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Normal Temperature Dehydrating Antirust Oil

  5. 脱落酸处理对铁皮石斛类原球茎体耐脱水性的影响

    The Influence of Abscisic Acid Treatment on Desiccation Tolerance in Dendrobium candidum Protocorm-like Bodies

  6. 在干旱、高温胁迫中沙生植物抗脱水性与膜脂过氧化关系的研究

    Correlation between Resistance to Dehydration and Lipid Peroxidation of Desert Plants under Atmosphere Dehydration and High Temperature Stresses

  7. 逐步提高培养基蔗糖浓度诱导的黄皮胚轴耐脱水性与细胞超微结构的变化

    Changes in Desiccation Tolerance and Cell infrastructures of Wampee Axes Induced by Progressively Raising Sucrose Concentration of Culture Medium

  8. 稠油常三线不同烃组成产品的吸水性及脱水性研究

    The research of dehydrating property and hydroscopicity of products with different aromatic hydrocarbon compositions from atmospheric cut 3 distillates of heavy crude

  9. 不同的污水处理工艺、不同的污泥稳定化过程、不同的污泥调理过程,所产生的污泥脱水性往往大相径庭。

    Different technique of sludge treatment , different stabilization and treatment process of sludge will lead to quite different results in sludge dewatering .

  10. 它在脱水性,纸机振动,使用寿命,生产成本和生产效率方面优于传统的造纸毛毯,由此而引起全世界广泛的兴趣。

    It is better than conventional paper machine felts in dewatering characteristics , reduction in paper machine vibration , production cost and efficiency , thus having aroused an extensive interest worldwide .

  11. 目的A组轮状病毒是引起小儿脱水性腹泻的主要病原体,对轮状病毒感染免疫应答的认识并不完全,是导致疫苗研究进展缓慢的重要原因之一。

    Objective Group A rotavirus is the single most important pathogen leading to dehydrating diarrhea in young children in worldwide scope . One of the major reasons that hindered rotavirus vaccine development is that immunity of this disease is still not completely understood .

  12. 论述了常温脱水性防锈油的配方,用煤油和10号机油混合为基础油,缓蚀剂磺酸钡和氧化石油脂钡皂质量分数的最佳值为12%~14%。

    The mixture of kerosene and No. 10 engine oil was used as the basic oil . Barium sulfonate and barium soap of petroleum grease oxide were used as the corrosion inhibitor , and their optimal content was 12 % to 14 % .

  13. 从污泥性状与脱水性分析说明,污泥浓度(重力浓缩)低,有机物含量高,则脱水性差;

    The experimental result showed that the sludge dewatering effect was good , based on analysis of the characters of sludge and dewatering , it demonstrated that low concentration of sludge , high content in organic substances , then dewatering character was poor ;

  14. 脱水改性黑液在钻井泥浆中的性能研究

    Property study of dehydrated PROPERTY-MODIFIED BLACK LIQUOR in drilling mud

  15. 脱水改性黑液磺化及磺化产品性能的研究

    The study on sulphonating and its products of dehydrated property - modified black liquor

  16. 脱水改性黑液中(总)水溶性有机物含碳比的测定

    Determination of carbon-content ratio of total water-soluble organics in dehydrated and PROPERTY-MODIFIED BLACK LIQUOR

  17. 本钢二钢厂转炉烟气洗涤水泥浆脱水工业性试验

    Industrial experiment on slurry dewatering of revolving furnace smoke washing wastewater from No.2 steel works of Benxi Steel Company

  18. 外压浸入式超滤膜处理排泥水上清液的研究在带式压滤机脱水工业性试验中,污泥从压力脱水区带两侧外溢。

    Study on immersed ultrafiltration membrane for treatment of sludge water supernatant In the slurry dewatering test with commercial scale of Belt Press Filter , slurry went out the belt when it passed through the pressure area .

  19. 与谷物类淀粉相比,荞麦淀粉具有较高的峰粘度、热粘度和最终冷粘度,较低的老化速率和凝胶脱水收缩性以及良好的冻融稳定性等特性,是一种新型的淀粉资源。

    Compared with other grain starchy feeds , buckwheat starch has the features of higher peak viscosity , heat viscosity and ultimate cold viscosity , lower aging rate and lower gel dehydration contractility as well as good freeze-thaw stability , etc. , which is a new starch resource .

  20. 酰胺类物质辅助变性碳酸脱水酶复性及动力学

    Refolding of denatured carbonic anhydrase assisted by amide and refolding kinetics

  21. 用量子化学方法,研究甲醇脱水的反应性。

    Researches in synthesis of anhydrous formaldehyde via methanol dehydrogenation ;

  22. 红土干燥脱水不可逆性对物理力学性质的影响

    The Influence of Irreversibility of Desiccation of Lateritic Soils on Their Physico-Mechanical Properties

  23. 成熟脱水是正常性种子发育的末端事件。

    Maturation drying is a terminal event in the development of orthodox seeds .

  24. 添加剂辅助变性碳酸脱水酶复性的研究氧化铁辅助农业固碳减排的技术探索

    The Refolding of Denatured Carbonic Anhydrase Assisted by Additives ; An Approach of C Sequestration and Mitigation Inspired by Ferric Oxide from Paddy Soil

  25. 本研究采用电厂废弃物粉煤灰对未脱水污泥改性,经过改性的污泥比阻降低,改善污泥脱水性能,并对产生这一现象的机制进行了探讨。

    The fly ash makes the specific resistance lower . The function of dehydration is ameliorated . The mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed .

  26. 我们一直说喝含有咖啡因的东西能清洗身体系统,实际上这些东西却增加了我们脱水的危险性。

    Anything with caffeine , we 've long been told , actually increases the risk of dehydration because it flushes water out of the system .

  27. 浆态床搅拌釜中合成反应的结果表明,用氧化铜对脱水催化剂进行改性,能改善催化剂的催化性能,提高CO转化率和产物中二甲醚的选择性,抑制副反应的发生。

    The modified dehydration catalyst could increase CO conversion and dimethyl ether selectivity and restrain side reactions .

  28. 加工工艺和复水条件对脱水胡萝卜复水性的影响

    Influence of Processing Technology and Rehydration Conditions on Rehydration Performance of Dehydrated Carrots

  29. 脱水催化剂的改性对浆态床一步法合成二甲醚的影响

    Effect of Modification of Dehydration Catalyst on Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Syngas in Slurry Phase

  30. 530例中国汉族人口δ-氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶基因多态性分析

    The gene polymorphism of δ - aminolevulinate dehydratase ( ALAD ) in 530 cases of Chinese Han population