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  • navel orange
  1. Cu胁迫对脐橙幼苗光合特性的影响

    Effect of copper stress on photosynthesis of navel orange seedlings

  2. GA3和套袋对红肉脐橙果实品质的影响

    Effects of GA_3 and Bagging on Fruit Quality of Cara Cara Navel Orange

  3. 研究了一种适合脐橙果实成熟过程中有效的RNA提取方法。

    An efficient RNA isolation method was established in the present paper .

  4. 脐橙VC含量近红外光谱消噪小波优化

    Wavelet Optimization for Near-infrared Spectra Denoising of Vitamin C Content of Umbilical Orange

  5. SOD是影响椪柑、锦橙及脐橙果实风味劣变的重要因素之一。

    SOD is one of the important factors affecting on citrus flavor deterioration . 6 .

  6. 纽荷尔脐橙及其芽变系的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis on Newhall Navel Orange and Its Variant Line

  7. 以不同地点的纽荷尔脐橙为材料,测定了果实发育过程中果皮叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的含量,以及成熟果实的外观色泽。

    Changes of chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b and carotinoid contents , and peel color of Newhall navel orange in different production places were studied .

  8. 应用MSAP技术对脐橙品种进行DNA甲基化分析

    Analysis of DNA Methylation in Navel Oranges Based on MSAP Marker

  9. 运用GIS技术和寻乌县1∶5万的DEM数据将气候要素值计算到寻乌县地图网格点上,并结合寻乌县TM遥感影像数据和GPS考察数据,对寻乌脐橙种植进行气候地形土壤综合区划。

    And using the GIS technique and 1 ∶ 50000 DEM data , the climatic value of division indexes was computed onto Xunwu map 's grid .

  10. 纽荷尔脐橙变异株系主要性状及SRAP分析研究

    Characteristics Study and SRAP Analysis of Newhall Navel Orange Mutants

  11. 以脐橙为研究对象,首先提取R分量图像并除去背景后获得原始图像;

    Navel orange was selected as experiment object . Firstly , the R component image of navel orange was extracted and original image was obtained by removed R component image background .

  12. 等高固N植物篱脐橙园为贫困山区发展绿色农业、实现资源可持续利用和环境保护提供了有效途径。

    Therefore , contour hedgerow intercropping system seems to be a practicable way for development of pollution free agriculture , sustainable use of sloping land , and conservation of environment in mountain areas .

  13. 3,脐橙果实整个发育过程中,可食部分的PG和Cx活性均比果皮的活性高。

    Cx and PG activation of pulp is higher than peel during navel orange fruit growth .

  14. 柑桔果实有机酸代谢生理和奉节脐橙芽变株系的AFLP分析研究

    Research on the Organic Acids Metabolism in Citrus Fruits and the AFLP Analysis of the Fengjie Navel Orange Mutants

  15. 以生长一致的红肉脐橙成年植株为试材,研究了果实转色前外源GA3和ABA处理对果实品质的影响。

    The effects of exogenous GA3 and ABA treatments on quality of Cara Cara orange before fruit coloring were studied .

  16. 红肉脐橙果实发育过程中番茄红素、β-胡萝卜素、糖、GA、ABA含量的变化

    Changes in the Contents of Lycopene , Beta-carotene , Sugar and Endogenous GA and ABA in Flesh during the Fruit Development of ' Cara Cara ' Orange

  17. 结果表明,脐橙基因组的CCGG序列中检测到4.7%~15.0%的DNA发生甲基化;

    4.7 % - 15.0 % DNA methylation events were detected in the CCGG sequence of navel orange genomes .

  18. 脐橙果实脐部黄化过程iPAs和ZRs浓度的变化

    The Changes of Endogenous iPAs ZRs in Navel Orange Fruits During Secondary-fruit Yellowing

  19. 同时为了测定重金属溶液浸泡后脐橙表皮中Pb和Cr含量,本文详细介绍了样品的化学消解过程和原子吸收分光光度仪的检测过程,并得到了实际含量。

    Navel orange samples after soaking in heavy metal solution of chemical dissolution process and atomic absorption spectrophotometer monitoring were introduced to obtain Pb and Cr actual content in skin at the same time .

  20. 结果表明,脐橙果实膨大进程遵循Logistic方程的时间变化规律,由此而导出的果实膨大速率、果实大小及生长期之间的关系与实测资料一致。

    The results show that the expanding course of fruit obeys the regula-tion of Logistic equation . The relations among expanding rate , fruit diameter and expanding dura-tion are consistent with those obtained from field measurements .

  21. 2,在果实生长发育过程中,同一生境的脐橙和夏橙果实,除幼果期的脐橙和夏橙果实可食部分的Cx活性都很低,几乎检测不到以外。

    During the course of fruit developing and maturating , Cx activity of sweet orange pulp were low at young stage .

  22. 对该文库特性研究表明,该文库包含了2.15×106个单个克隆,背景低于100pfu/μgDNA,插入片段平均大小约为17kb,证明是一个较为完整的脐橙基因组DNA文库。

    A DNA library with 2 . 15 × 106 individual clones and a low background at 100 pfu / μ g DNA was obtained . The average length of inserts is about 17 kb . The library was proved to be standard and representative .

  23. 除柠檬和脐橙果肉的SDF含量稍多于果皮中含量外,其他各组分均是果皮中的含量大于果肉。

    Contents of fiber constituents in peels were higher than in pulp except for the SDF content in the pulp of lemon and navel orange .

  24. 分析研究了脐橙果实生长和成熟过程中汁泡、果实维管束和果皮内糖分含量与SPS活性变化动态。

    Variations in sugar content and SPS activity in the juice sacs , peel and fruit vascular bundles were monitored during fruit growth and maturation of Newhall orange ( Citrus sinensis Osb . )

  25. 但夏橙果皮的Cx活性出现高峰值比脐橙果皮晚一个月左右,这符合夏橙果实生长期长的特性;并且夏橙和脐橙的果皮Cx活性在幼果期升高与此时的六月落果相关。

    But Cx activity of navel orange peel reached maximum earlier than Valencia Orange about one month and Cx activity of sweet orange were increased at young stage .

  26. 年均温在19.2℃以上,海拔在800~900m的斜坡地脐橙能持续丰产。

    Continuous high yield could be achieved in the regions where the mean annual temperature is over 19.2 ℃ and the altitude is between 800 ~ 900m .

  27. 测定了红肉脐橙果实发育期间果皮叶绿素和总类胡萝卜素含量的变化动态,并在果实转色前用不同浓度的外源ABA和GA3处理后测定果皮色素含量的变化动态。

    The contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid in peel of Cara cara during fruit development were determined and effects of exogenous ABA and GA3 treatments before colour break on changes of chlorophyll , carotenoid content were also investigated .

  28. 金堂脐橙区的K2O、P、Mn、Se高,生长在姜石黄壤土和黄红紫泥土的界面上,造成元素的互补是造就“中国脐橙第一乡”的主要原因。

    The high K_2O , P , Mn and Se , in Jintang umbilical orange area , as complements on the interface of the ginger-stone-yellow soil and the yellow-red-purple soil , are the main factor bringing up " Umbilical Orange Area No.1 in China " .

  29. 应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)技术对24个脐橙品种胞嘧啶甲基化模式和程度进行评估。

    The extent and pattern of cytosine methylation in 24 navel orange cultivars , genomes were assessed by using the technique of methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism ( MSAP ) .

  30. 其次是800ppm的脐橙提取物,抑制率为85.7%。

    Then the inhibitory rate of orange skin extractant with 800 ppm concentration is 85.7 % .