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  • Jig frame;bed-jig
胎架[tāi jià]
  1. 越南中央体育场主桁架胎架设计

    Design of the Main Truss Support Frame of Vietnam Central Stadium

  2. 胎架设计依据、内容、荷载及工况;

    Presents the basis content , load and condition of the design .

  3. 大跨度钢桁架胎架整体曲线滑移施工技术

    Integral Curvilinear Sliding Construction Technology for Large Span Steel Truss Structure and Falsework

  4. 组合式多功能胎架的设计方案

    Design scheme of composite multifunction bed - jig

  5. 对索拱结构在胎架张拉阶段和高空张拉阶段的预应力进行了控制,保证了索拱的支座反力处于最小的状态。

    The prestress control on the construction of the cable-arc structure insure the minimization of the support reaction .

  6. 胎架摩擦力和施工张拉次序对张弦梁结构成形的影响

    Impact of Friction Force Between Beam String Structure and Tension Bed and Beam Tension Sequece on Forming of System

  7. 将钢骨柱固定在专用胎架上,通过倒链滑移至安装点下方后,采用滑轮组和卷扬机进行提升就位。

    Steel column is fixed to special jig , slipping below the installation position by chain block and lifting by pulley block and windlass .

  8. 与常用的单双排脚手架计算不同,胎架承载力的计算需要通过设计确定。

    Load-carrying capacity of staging of should be calculate by special design , which is from common used single row or double rows falsework .

  9. 首次在实际工程中采用型钢管胎架进行桁架胎架整体曲线滑移施工,拓展了滑移施工工艺。

    The paper studies the integral curvilinear sliding construction for truss structure by using shape steel tube falsework for first time , which developes the technology of sliding construction .

  10. 分析了滑移施工中的加固问题,阐明了加固基本原理及计算方法;通过对胎架滑移主体结构加固、重载承重架加固以及空洞支撑加固的分析,提出了有效的加固方案。

    Studies the reinforce of the sliding construction , which is applied to the main structure , heavy load supporting and supporting for cavity . Puts forward a effective reinforce program .

  11. 本文通过船体型线光顺、最佳胎架放样和锚穴辅助设计三组例子对画法几何模型的设计思想和方法作简要介绍。

    This paper presents three groups of examples related to hull lines fairing , optimized jig 's lofting and computer-aided anchor pit design with a view to outline the design philosophy and applying techniques of descriptive geometrical models .

  12. 从材料的焊接性能、焊接结构、焊条、预热与焊后热处理、焊接工艺参数等角度对岸吊胎架焊缝裂纹进行了分析,提出了改进措施,取得了良好的效果。

    By analyzing the effect of the material welding capability , welding structure , warm-up , heat treatment after welding and crafts parameter on welding crack in shore crane , the paper put forward the improving measure and acquires favorable result .

  13. 文章结合某大跨度工业厂房的安装系统,介绍了钢屋盖胎架整体滑移施工技术以及相关技术措施,实践证明这种技术在大跨度钢屋盖安装中具有显著的技术经济效益。

    In combination with the installation process of a large-span industrial factory building , this article introduces the integral sliding technique of the large-span steel roof 's falsework and the related measures ; the technique proves to be cost-effective for the installation of large-span roof .