
ɡǔ dōnɡ mínɡ cè
  • register of members;stock ledger;register of stockholders
  1. 请注意,赎回股份之款项只能存入姓名已被载于「基金」股东名册的股份持有人的银行户口内。

    Please note that redemption proceeds will only be paid to the bank account of any holder of shares whose name is registered on the register of members of the fund .

  2. 公共信息的回归路径?&股东名册和营业执照保管的乌托邦

    The Road to Return of Public Information & Utopia of register of stockholders and business license

  3. 但这些基金也突然出现在一些公司的股东名册上,比如电脑芯片制造商AMD,以及日本电子集团索尼(Sony)。

    But funds have also popped up on the share registers of companies such as AMD , the computer chipmaker , and Sony , the Japanese electronics group .

  4. 在2009年金融危机期间,卡塔尔投资局和中国投资公司(CIC)出现在歌鸟股东名册上,向其注入新的股本,帮助缓解该公司的沉重债务负担。

    During the financial crisis in 2009 , the QIA and the China Investment Corp arrived on the shareholder register to inject fresh equity and help relieve the company of its heavy debt burden .

  5. 股东名册的公信力可通过托管来加强。

    The credibility of the shareholder register by hosting to strengthen .

  6. 被载入公司股东名册;

    Is written down the company shareholder register of names ;

  7. 股东名册的各部分应当互不重叠。

    There shall be no overlap between the various parts of the share ledger .

  8. 股权转让涉及到股东名册登记变更和股东工商登记变更,通常情形下股权确认应以股东名册的登记为准。

    Generally , the confirmation of share-holder is based on the share-holders'registration in the local government agent .

  9. 股东名册及其出资额、股份;

    List of names of shareholders and the amount of capital and number of stocks they each shared ;

  10. 公司内部股东名册登记具有对抗效力,未经变更登记的不能对抗公司。

    The registration of shareholder list in the corporation can be effectively against the third party , otherwise in vain .

  11. 股东名册对公司、股东、债权人以及社会公众具有非常重要的意义。

    And it is very important and significant to the company , the shareholders , the creditors and the public .

  12. 公司应当配置股东名册是世界各国公司法对于公司的强制性要求。

    It is a compulsory requirement in the corporation laws of all the countries that the corporation should make the share register .

  13. 质押合同自股份出质记载于股东名册之日起生效。

    The pledge contract shall become effective on the date on which the pledge of shares is written into the shareholders ' name-list .

  14. 股东名册是公司的内部文件,主要记载股东及其出资或者其股份的信息。

    The share register is the inner paper of a company , mainly recording the information of the shareholders and their contribution or shares .

  15. 股东名册为证明股东持有公司股份的充分证据;但是有相反证据的除外。

    The share ledger shall be sufficient evidence to verify that a shareholder holds company shares , except where evidence to the contrary exists .

  16. 股东名册是公司置备用以记载股东、股份等相关事宜的账簿,具有法定的推定效力。

    The register of shareholders is the company provisioned the books used to record shareholder , and other related matters , the statutory presumption of effectiveness .

  17. 笔者认为有限责任公司和未上市公司都可以比照上市公司的做法的,将股东名册托管于某一独立的第三方。

    The author thinks that limited liability companies and unlisted companies can practice of listed company by share register in custody , a independent third party .

  18. 记名股票的转让,由公司将受让人的姓名或者名称及住所记载于股东名册。

    In the case of assignment of registered share certificates , the company shall record the assignee 's name and domicile on the record of shareholders .

  19. 无论是出资证明书、公司内部股东名册变更登记还是公司登记机关登记,都不是股权归属的认定标准。

    None of the investment certificate , the shareholder list in the corporation or the registration in the relative authority is the certification standards of shareholdings .

  20. 但是股东名册仅在形式上有意义,也即表面上的推定力,如果有相反证据,可以推翻股东名册的记载。

    But shareholders in form meaningful only , i.e. , on the surface , if there is a presumption of force can override contrary evidence , the record of shareholders .

  21. 公共信息可采取多种保管机制,但中国社会的信用环境决定了对股东名册和营业执照采取私人保管方式必然走向失败。

    Public information may take kinds of depositary measures , but our society 's credit environment decides it will failure that register of stockholders and business license take private depositary form .

  22. 对于非上市公司的股票因其以纸面形式存在,如果是记名股票则需要在股票上进行背书并移转于质权人占有,以及在公司股东名册上进行质押登记;

    To the stocks of non-listed company , if they are order stocks , they should be transferred to the pledger with endorsement and also be registered on the register members ;

  23. 全球股市上涨也令企业狩猎者蠢蠢欲动,全球各地的公司忽然不安起来,唯恐在股东名册上找到维权股东的名字。

    The rise in global equity markets had also brought out the corporate raiders , and companies around the world suddenly found themselves in fear of finding activist shareholders on their share registers .

  24. 股东名册各部分的更改或者更正,应当根据股东名册各部分存放地的法律进行。

    Alteration or correction of any part of a share ledger shall be carried out in accordance with the law prevailing in the places at which those parts of the share ledger are kept .

  25. 公司拒绝办理股东名册变更,或者出让股东拒绝协助办理变更登记的,受让股东有权通过股东名册变更登记诉讼要求公司办理变更登记。

    Once the corporation denies the modification of the shareholder list , or the transfer shareholder refuses the assistance , the transferee shareholder may litigate the suit requiring the registration for the change of shareholder list .

  26. 隐名出资是指虽然实际出资认购公司股份,但在公司章程、股东名册和工商登记中却记载为他人的出资方式。

    Anonymous investment is the kind of investment that although somebody actually subscribe for shares , but registration in the articles of association , stock ledger and the industrial and commercial administration has recorded for others to invest .

  27. 建议公司法修改必须增加相应的不履行设置股东名册义务的民事责任、行政责任、刑事责任。

    It is suggested that the corresponding civil liability , administrative liability and criminal liability should be increased in the revision of the Company Law with regard to those staff members who do not fulfill obligations of setting Register of Shareholders .

  28. 因股权转让导致的股权变动须经过股权转让合同的签订及履行、公司内部股东名册变更登记、公司登记机关登记三个阶段。

    There are three stages before the changes of shareholdings resulting from the transfer of shareholdings are accomplished : the signature and the performance of the agreement , the change of registration for the shareholder list in the corporation and the registration in the relative authority .

  29. 对公司来说,股东名册可以帮助公司确定某个时点上公司的股东资格,从而有利于公司送达股东会决议通知、分配股息等;

    As to the company , the share register can help the company to confirm the shareholder 's qualification in certain moment , which is therefore conducive to the company 's delivery of the proposal of the shareholder 's meeting , the allocation of the dividends and so on ;

  30. 有关股东界定、股东名册的争议,可以不用仲裁方式解决。

    Disputes over shareholder status and the share ledger may be resolved through means other than arbitration .