
  • 网络abnormal liver function;Hepatic dysfunction;liver dysfunction;dysfunction of liver
  1. 结论:慢性HBV感染者HBVdna水平与患者年龄、HBeAg阳性、肝功能异常,以及中医证型演变有密切关系。

    Conclusion : HBV DNA level of chronic HBV infective patients was closely related with their age , HBeAg positive , abnormal liver function and TCM syndrome types .

  2. CsA组肝功能异常(转氨酶升高)显著增加(P<0.05)。

    The cases with abnormal liver function ( e.g. elevated transaminase activity ) obviously increased in CsA group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 目的:探讨甘草酸二铵治疗拉米夫定致HBV变异后的肝功能异常的疗效。

    Objective : To observe diammonium glycyrrhizinate for impaired liver function due to lamivudine-induced HBV mutation .

  4. 甘草酸二铵治疗拉米夫定致HBV变异后的肝功能异常

    Effects of diammonium glycyrrhizinate on impaired liver function associated with hepatitis B virus mutation to lamivudine

  5. 糖尿病合并肝功能异常患者血清AGEs水平及临床意义

    Levels of serum advanced glycation endproducts and its clinical significance in patients of diabetes mellitus with hepatic dysfunction

  6. Graves病合并肝功能异常临床研究

    Graves ' Disease and Hepatic Dysfunction : One series Study

  7. 结果:酒粉性肝病大鼠模型表现为肝功能异常,以AST变化为显著;

    Results : In the model group the hepatic function were abnormal , especially AST .

  8. 方法肾移植术后8例肝功能异常患者(男性5例,女性3例,平均38.23岁),用FK506替换CsA治疗,停用CsA24h后,开始给予FK506。

    Methods Eight patients with hepatic dysfunction received the treatment of FK506 substituting for CsA .

  9. 单纯合并HBV感染3例(2.3%),均出现肝功能异常和肝炎症状;

    Three ( 2.3 % ) AIDS patients were singly coinfected with HBV , and all of them had abnormal liver functions and hepatitis symptoms .

  10. dl3正丁基苯酞胶囊的主要不良反应是肝功能异常,以丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和天冬氨酸氨基转移酶轻和中度升高为主,两者的异常率分别为175%和62%。

    Increased alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) and aspartate aminotransferase were found in 17.5 % and 6.2 % respectively .

  11. 目的:了解海洛因依赖者HBV、HCV感染与肝功能异常情况及其影响因素。

    Objective : To understand the epidemiological situation and its relative factors including HBV , HCV infection and liver function abnormalities in heroin addicts .

  12. 结果显示:重度妊高征合并肝功能异常者达20.95%,明显高于中度妊高征(P<0.05),且与病程长短关系密切;

    The results showed that the incidence of abnormal liver function in severe PIH was 20.62 % , which was significantly higher than that in moderate PIH and closely related to the course of the disease .

  13. 对照组10例:无HBV感染的继发性肺结核患者,抗结核治疗2月后未出现肝功能异常的。

    Control group , 10 cases : no HBV infection in patients with secondary pulmonary tuberculosis , take anti-tuberculosis drugs 2 months and does not appear liver injury .

  14. 结果6000例肝功异常患者中AIH患者84例,抗-SLA/LP阳性患者18例,占肝功能异常患者的0.3%。

    Results Of these 6000 patients with liver diseases , 84 were diagnosed AIH .

  15. 伴HBV感染的NHL患者在化疗时肝功能异常较常见,应予以充分的重视。

    Liver dys fuction was frequently occurred in cases of NHL patients with HBV infection during chemotherapy , we should pay attention to protecting liver fuction .

  16. 结论不明原因肝功能异常并伴有发热和血细胞减少的患者应警惕HPS,早期诊断和治疗。

    Conclusion Awareness of diagnosis of HPS is crucial when patients have unknown hepatic dysfunction , fever , hepatosplenomegaly and pancytopenia .

  17. 在HBV患者中,肝功能异常者ACA阳性率明显高于肝功能正常者(P<0.01)。

    In addition , the positive rate of ACA in patients with abnormal liver function was higher than that in patients with normal liver function ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 对年龄在6个月以下伴有黄疸,肝肿大及肝功能异常的婴儿117例,采用间接血凝法进行了血清特异性弓形体IgM抗体检测,抗原制备所用虫株是RH株(丹麦)。

    Serum specific toxoplasmosis antibody IgM was determined by indirect hemoagglutination test in 117 infants under 6 months , suffering from jaundice , abnormal liver function . test and hepatomegaly .

  19. 结论:CMV肝炎临床主要表现为黄疸、肝脾肿大及肝功能异常,应用更昔洛韦治疗具有良好的疗效。

    Conclusion : The clinical manifestations of infantile cytomegalovirus hepatitis were mainly jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly with abnormal hepatic function and ganciclovir had better therapeutic effects to the disease .

  20. BMT组慢性GVHD的表现以肝功能异常为主,而UCBT组则以皮疹为主。

    Chronic GVHD mostly presented abnormal liver function and local skin rash in BMT and in UCBT groups respectively .

  21. 结果表明,合并用药、肝功能异常及凝血和不正确服药方法是影响CsA血药浓度的重要因素。

    The results showed that other combined drugs , abnormal liver functions , blood coagulation of samples and incorrect administration of drug were important factors which could affect the blood concentration of cyclosporin A.

  22. 婴儿CMV肝炎临床表现多样,大部分以黄疸为首发症状就诊,临床主要表现还包括肝脾肿大及肝功能异常,常合并其它系统损害或先天性畸形。

    Jaundice is the first clinical symptom in most infants with CMV hepatitis . Clinical manifestations also include hepatosplenomegaly and abnormal liver function , and may also involve other systems or congenital malformations .

  23. 结论男性、年龄<3个月、纯母乳喂养、有CMV感染、肝功能异常者易发生晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血。

    Conclusion Children of male , with age less than 3 year , only feeded with woman milk , with infection of cytomegalovirus , with abnormal hepatic function were easily to take place intracranial hemorrhage of late vitamin K deficiency .

  24. 结果:患者ENBD术后黄疸逐渐消退,肝功能异常指标较术前恢复。

    Results The jaundice of the patients extinct gradually on the postoperative period , abnormal parameters of the Liver function were improved comparing with those on the preoperative period .

  25. 目的从病毒标志物均阴性的肝功能异常患者中筛选Ⅰ型自身免疫性肝炎(AIH)病例,并探讨其临床病理表现特征。

    Objective We screened autoimmune hepatitis ( AIH ) from patients who had abnormal liver function without any viral marker in serum , and investigated the clinical and pathological features of AIH type ⅰ .

  26. 66.5%患者在治疗开始后出现白细胞升高,65.5%出现肝功能异常,多在As2O3减量或停用后1周内恢复。

    Hyperleukocytosis emerged in 66.5 % and hepatic damages in 65.5 % of the patients , they were ameliorated within one week after reduction of the As 2O 3 dose or its suspension .

  27. 慢性轻度中毒2.73%(7/256),以多肢体砷斑、肝功能异常及周围神经损害为特征,停As2O3、保肝治疗,逐渐恢复;

    Chronic mild poisoning manifestations including arsenic furuncle , liver dysfunction and peripheral nerve injury were found in 2.73 % ( 7 / 256 ) of the patients and they subsided gradually after treatment .

  28. 虽然相当一部分肝炎和肝硬化患者SAFU也增高,但这些病人往往伴有明显的肝功能异常。

    Although some patients with hepatitis and liver cirrhosis also had a elevated SAFU activity they were usually accompanied by the appearant abnormality in their liver functions .

  29. 因发现肝功能异常,高剂量组提前中止试验,提示CSL-111潜在的肝脏毒性。

    This highest dosage was discontinued early because of indications it caused a certain elevation in liver function tests , suggesting possible harmful liver effects .

  30. 治疗过程中,伊曲康唑注射液的不良反应主要为轻度肝功能异常,口服液治疗中部分病人有消化道症状,包括恶心、食欲下降,发生在服药2mo以后。

    All patients tolerated well with itraconazole . The adverse reactions including only 2 of mild liver function disorder probably due to intravenous administration and 3 of mild to moderate nausea , loss of appetite after oral intake more than 2 mo.