
  • 网络muscle group;J.H Pilates
  1. 他们称划船是最佳运动,它可以锻炼每一处主要肌肉群。

    They call rowing the perfect sport . It exercises every major muscle group .

  2. 同一个肌肉群中起反作用的部分。

    The opposing sector of the same muscle group .

  3. 滑雪是一项很好的减肥运动,因为你可以用到从胸部到肩膀的所有主要肌肉群。

    Skiing is one great sport to lose weight because you can use all of your major muscle groups — from your chest to shoulders .

  4. MRI作为一种无创性检查手段,对颈部深肌肉群损伤的显示形象直观,敏感性高,可为颈椎病的早期诊断和疗效判断提供循证医学证据。

    As a noninvasive means of deep muscles , MRI could display neck injury intuitively and sensitively , providing evidence-based medical proof for early diagnosis and curative effect verdict in cervical spondylosis patients .

  5. 目的:老年股骨颈骨折(FNF)是骨科的常见病、多发病,主要由于骨质疏松、老年人髋关节周围肌肉群退变所致,女性发生率高于男性。

    Objective : Femoral neck fracture ( FNF ) is a common and frequently encountered disease to elderly people in orthopedics , mainly due to osteoporosis , elderly hip muscle groups degeneration or light trauma , occurred more in women than in men .

  6. 对各个肌肉群,你是在按照一个特定的顺序进行。

    You work on your muscle groups in a certain order .

  7. 拜日式交替收缩、伸展肌肉群。

    The Sun Salutation alternately contact and relax group of muscles .

  8. 肌肉群随即发出巨大的收缩力量。

    The muscles then must produce a large contraction force .

  9. 应采用较实用的专项力量训练的方法,加强小肌肉群力量训练。

    Special training methods should be taken to strengthen their leg muscles .

  10. 特定的肌肉群受到不同类型的肌营养不良症。

    Specific muscle groups are affected by different types of muscular dystrophy .

  11. 因为你腰部周围的肌肉群同时也支撑你的的脊柱,因此站直了,就能保持你的背部和腹部肌肉紧凑。

    So stand up straight and keep your back and stomach muscles taut .

  12. 当然,更结实的肌肉群也是促成这一特点的原因。

    Of course , their greater muscle mass also contributes to this trait .

  13. 组成肩袖肌肉群的肌肉包括:小圆肌、冈上肌、冈下肌及肩胛下肌。

    Shoulder rotator cuff involves the teres minor , supraspinatus , infraspinatus and subscapularis .

  14. 这是一个极为重要的肌肉群。

    This is a very important muscle groups .

  15. 它有助于加强语气和主要肌肉群,提供了更大的耐力。

    It helps tone and strengthen the major muscle groups , providing greater endurance .

  16. 以下哪组肌肉群为坐式提踵的主要涉及肌肉?

    Which of the following is the key muscle during the seated calf rise ?

  17. 专注于一些肌肉群的锻炼,这样你的身材才能恰到好处。

    Concentrate on muscle groups so that you bulge in all the right places .

  18. 瑜伽锻炼这么多肌肉群,从核心肌群到你的手臂。

    Yoga engages so many muscle groups , from your core to your arms .

  19. 而大肌肉群的运动有助于刺激骨骼的生长和强化。

    The movement of large muscle groups will help to stimulate bone growth and strengthening .

  20. 速滑运动员小肌肉群力量不足,会影响到其技术水平的形成与发挥。

    Poor strength of a speed skaters small muscle group can influence his technical performance .

  21. 大肌肉群发展测试(TGMD2)研究

    Testing on Big Muscle Group Development

  22. 小肌肉群训练对女子皮艇队员力量的影响

    Study on the Effect of Small Muscles Group Training to the Women Canoeing Athletes ' Strength

  23. 肌肉群通过微笑而为我们的脸做美容,使人们看上去更年轻。

    The muscles we use to smile lift the face , making a person appear younger .

  24. 文中还配有一张普京上半身的图解,还特意用箭头标示了他身上的几大主要肌肉群。

    An accompanying diagram of Putin 's naked torso had arrows pointing to his major muscle groups .

  25. 女性盆底是由肌肉群、筋膜、韧带及其神经构成的支持系统。

    The muscles 、 fascia 、 ligaments and nerves form a support system of the female pelvic floor .

  26. 健壮的肌肉群裹满了他的手臂和躯干,不知怎的他身上的肌肉现在看起来更吓人了。

    The thick bands of muscle that wrapped his arms and torso were somehow even more menacing now .

  27. 主要阐述了人类动作发展,尤其是大肌肉群动作技能测试(TGMD2)的主要内容及其重要作用。

    This paper explains development of human movement especially for main content and important function of big muscle group .

  28. 核心稳定性训练是针对人体核心区域肌群及其深层小肌肉群进行的练习。

    Core stability training is aimed at the body region of the core muscles and deep small muscle group .

  29. 带着面纱跳还可以帮助增强上身的肌肉群,如手臂和肩膀。

    Dancing with the veil can help to build strength of the upper-body , such as arm and shoulder .

  30. 不同的专项动作由于各自技术结构不同,需要参加工作的肌肉群力量也不一样。

    Different special action have different technical structure , and required to attend work of muscles strength is different also .