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zhào shǐ
  • start;initiate;commence
肇始 [zhào shǐ]
  • [start; initiate] 开始;发端

肇始[zhào shǐ]
  1. 陕西现代数学研究肇始

    The Start of Modern Mathematical Research in Shaanxi Province

  2. 本文给出了这样一种情况,即2008年从美国开始的金融和经济危机意味着新自由资本主义系统性危机的肇始。

    This paper presents a case that the financial and economic crisis began in the U.S.in2008 indicates the start of a systemic crisis of neoliberal capitalism .

  3. 这一食品丑闻肇始于今年1月15号,当时在爱尔兰和英国超市销售的冷冻牛肉汉堡中发现了马肉DNA。

    The food scandal began on January 15 when horse DNA was discovered in frozen beef burgers sold in Irish and British supermarkets .

  4. 学校效能研究(SchoolEffectivenessResearch,简称SER)是20世纪60年代中后期肇始于美国的一项教育研究,至今已经有40多年的历史。

    As an education research , School Effectiveness Research has more than 40 years history , which began in Mid 1960s in the United States .

  5. 公司社会责任(CorporateSocialResponsibility)是20世纪肇始于西方的一个涉及经济学、伦理学、社会学、管理学以及法学等多学科的理论概念。

    Corporate social responsibility is a multi-disciplinary concept which is emerged in the 20th century and involved with many disciplines , such as economics , ethics , sociology and law , etc.

  6. 他还读《对外政策》(ForeignPolicy)杂志上的文章,以及兰德公司(RANDCorporation)对镇压叛乱的研究,努力跟上由他肇始的恐怖主义战争的形势。

    He also read Foreign Policy magazine articles and RAND Corporation studies on counterinsurgency , trying to keep a handle on the war on terrorism he had set off .

  7. 这场肇始于瑞士索绪尔(FerdinanddeSaussure)的范式革命开启了对文化,人,文学艺术等的新理解。

    This " Frame Revolution " originates from the famous Swiss Linguist-Ferdinand de Saussure ( 1857-1913 ) and ushers in a new period of understanding the culture , man , literature and art .

  8. 语法隐喻研究肇始于M.A.KHalliday的系统功能语法。

    It is fair to say that the real beginning of the study of grammatical metaphor is marked by M.A. K Halliday 's systemic functional grammar .

  9. 虽然高管薪酬在经济衰退期间大幅下跌,但肇始于20世纪70年代的上升趋势已经再次启动。2013年是CEO薪酬持续增长的第四个年头,高达8.8%的增速远远超过同期通胀率。

    And though executive compensation fell sharply during the recession , the upward trend it had been on since the 1970s has once again resumed , with CEO pay increasing by 8.8 % in 2013 , a rate that 's far greater than inflation and the fourth straight year of increases .

  10. 在西方,它肇始于古代哲学僭主&柏拉图。

    In Western , it started from the ancient giant philosopher-Plato .

  11. 巴蜀文化的肇始:神话和上古传说

    Inchoation of Ba and Shu Culture : Fairy Tales and Legend

  12. 宗教改革时期资本主义革命肇始,国家权力上升。

    In the Reformation , capitalism appeared and national power rose .

  13. 新建陆军军乐队的诞生标志着中国现代军乐肇始。

    Its birth symbolized the beginning of Chinese modern military music .

  14. 戏剧的写实主义&由文艺复兴肇始的戏剧美学观

    Realism in Drama & Aesthetic View on Drama Starting from the Renaissance

  15. 日本战后的道德教学理论是肇始于战前近代日本的。

    The post-war Japanese moral education theories originated from the pre-war period .

  16. 奥林匹克圣火的现代启用肇始于一九三六年。

    The modern use of the Olympic flame was instituted in 1936 .

  17. 他的文学生涯肇始于评论文章。

    His literature career began at publishing critical articles .

  18. 中国交响音乐肇始与早期交响音乐创作

    The Beginning of Chinese Symphony and Its Early Creation

  19. 甚至可以说:英国文化本身就肇始于伦敦的酒吧。

    You could say that English culture itself began in a London pub .

  20. 《汉密尔顿》在肇始之初就是一个充满戏剧性的故事。

    The genesis of " Hamilton " " has already entered theatrical lore .

  21. 成长小说作为一个小说类型,肇始于西方启蒙主义时期。

    The initiation novel , as a novel type , originates during the Western Enlightenment .

  22. 我国旅游房地产的肇始&李德立及其牯岭公司

    The first tourism real estate in China

  23. 中国近代报刊业,肇始于外国人在华创办的报刊。

    Chinese modern press industry started from the press hold by the foreigners in China .

  24. 从萨穆尔·理查森到简·奥斯汀&自由间接文体的肇始和滥觞

    From Samuel Richardson to Jane Austen - The Inchoation and Perfection of Free Indirect Style

  25. 阴阳五行思想肇始于齐文化。

    The thoughts of Yin & Yang and Five Elements started with the Qi Culture .

  26. 从学术转型看我国现代大学制度的肇始

    On the Commencement of Modern University System in China from the Angle of Academic Transformation

  27. 新中国对于程序正义的关注肇始于二十世纪五十年代。

    Our country began to put premium on procedural justice since the middle of 20th century .

  28. 这概因肇始于英美的信托收据在移植中国时,未以本土法进行同化与整合的缘故。

    The reason may be the absence of assimilation and conformity with Chinese law in the naturalization .

  29. 这种肇始于英美法系国家的判例教学法在我国出现了一定的水土不服。

    Being started in common law countries ," case method " suffers certain climate sickness in China .

  30. 准占有制度自罗马法肇始,在近现代法上蹒跚前行。

    Originating from Roman law , quasi-possession ' KG-8s evolution has undergone much hardship in modern laws .