
jù liǎn
  • amass wealth by heavy taxation;levy heavy taxes
聚敛 [jù liǎn]
  • [amass wealth by heavy taxation] 课重税来搜刮(民财)

  • 季氏富于 周公,而 求也为之聚敛而附益之。--《论语.先进》

聚敛[jù liǎn]
  1. 《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)发现,现年44岁,高中文化程度,且无房地产开发经验的瓦德拉在姻亲执掌新德里政权的十年间聚敛了大量房地产资产。

    The Wall Street Journal found that during the decade Mr. Vadra 's in-laws have held sway in New Delhi , the 44-year-old with a high-school education and no experience in property development amassed a large real-estate portfolio .

  2. 石英晶体偏光干涉谱紫外区聚敛特性研究

    Polarization Interference Spectrum 's Gather Characteristic in Ultraviolet Area of Quartz

  3. 它聚敛财富他们一次又一次。

    And it has amassed them fortunes time and time again .

  4. 聚敛型板块边缘岩浆作用及其相关沉积盆地

    Volcanism and its related sedimentary basins in convergent plate boundary

  5. 济阳坳陷中、新生代构造沉降与板块聚敛速率关系探讨

    Relationship between Meso-Cenozoic Tectonic Subsidence of the Jiyang Depression and Plate Convergence Rate

  6. 他们通过掠夺殖民地聚敛了大笔的财富。

    They amassed huge wealth by plundering the colonies .

  7. 我把我的国王的钱财聚敛在自己的宝库里。

    And I amassed in my own treasure-hose the money due to my king .

  8. 当最富裕的1%人群聚敛越来越多的财富,

    While the top one percent has amassed a bigger share of wealth and income ,

  9. 石油托拉斯是他聚敛钱财的途径,通过它,洛克菲勒为其家族积累了巨大财富。

    Oil Trust was the way from which he accumulated large wealth for his family .

  10. 在纽约,不到八年,他就聚敛了五百万美元。

    In New York he had amassed five million dollars in less than eight years .

  11. 虽然盆地都属于聚敛的应力场,但在太平洋东西两岸还有区别。

    However , they are of differences in two sides of E-W Pacific in convergent stress field .

  12. 逆断层和聚敛型扭断层下盘圈闭条件分析及勘探意义

    Analysis of Footwall Trap Conditions of Reversed Fault and Convergent Torsion Fault and Its Significance of Exploration

  13. 第四,上级不体贴下级,只是专门聚敛获取。

    The superior does not take care of his subordinates but concentrate on gaining benefits for himself .

  14. 镁铁质大火成岩省是地幔柱岩浆活动的直接产物,一般与聚敛板块边界无关。

    Mafic LIPs are generally thought to have a mantle plume origin and not directly related to convergent plate boundaries .

  15. 台湾西南海域位于新生代东亚聚敛边缘,也是天然气水合物发育的有利地区。

    Located in the Cenozoic convergent margin of East Asian , Southwest Taiwan is a favorable area of gas hydrate .

  16. 此外,“金融业创造和聚敛的巨额财富,给予了银行家巨大的政治影响力。”

    Moreover , " the great wealth that the financial sector created and concentrated gave bankers enormous political weight . "

  17. 但是,采用此类非正统的战术与此同时聚敛大笔财富似乎激怒了一些党内领导人。

    But pursuing these unorthodox tactics – while amassing a sizeable fortune – appears to have riled some party leaders .

  18. 在一个以聚敛财富为人生主要目标的社会中,人们会积聚财产。

    In a society that sets the gathering of possessions as the chief human objective , they will amass property .

  19. 但是,采用此类非正统的战术——与此同时聚敛大笔财富——似乎激怒了一些党内领导人。

    But pursuing these unorthodox tactics - while amassing a sizeable fortune - appears to have riled some party leaders .

  20. 只需举两个例子:全面实行房产税可能暴露那些聚敛了大量房地产的官员。

    To take just two items : introducing a property tax risks exposing officials who have amassed vast real estate holdings .

  21. 约瑟聚敛埃及地七个丰年一切的粮食,把粮食积存在各城里;

    Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities .

  22. 在克里姆林宫,谈及普京和他的亲密盟友聚敛的财富,总是有一些吞吞吐吐。

    Over at the Kremlin , there is a certain coyness about the fortunes amassed by Mr Putin and his close allies .

  23. 安帕团家族被控在前总统阿罗约强力支持之下,聚敛不少财富和权势。

    The Ampatuans are accused of keeping their wealth and power , thanks to unwavering support from former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo .

  24. 三是完善环境经济政策。充分发挥排污费聚敛资金功能,开展二氧化硫排污权交易试点。

    Third , we will improve the financial subsidies , emission fees , environmental and economic policy , a pilot emissions trading .

  25. 累积的实验证据终于证明,左大脑半球负责聚敛性思考,而右大脑半球则负责扩散性思考。

    The accumulation of experimental evidence now proves that the left hemisphere is responsible for convergent thinking and the right hemisphere for divergent thinking .

  26. 蚂蚁没有元帅,没有官长,没有君王,尚且在夏天预备食物,在收割时聚敛粮食。

    Which having no guide , overseer , or ruler , Provision her meat in the summer , and gather her food in the harvest .

  27. 在广告聚敛公众注意力的效果分析与评判中分析了媒体对引发公众注意力的贡献,采用市场问卷调查的形式得出济南公众对媒体的关注规律和对主要客源国日本的媒体推广方案;

    Partly originally and ; In advertisement effect analysis and judging of focusing mass attention analyses contributions to the causing masses ' attention of media .

  28. 聚敛(挤压)型,与岩石圈板块碰撞相关;

    Divergence ( stretching ) type , related to the crustal cracking , 2.convergence ( compressional ) type , related to the collision of lithospheric plates ;

  29. 但在两次选举之间的那几年,他们却常常用政治势力来聚敛财富,无情地对待民众,并粗暴地羞辱对手。

    During the years between the elections , it is often used to accumulate wealth , treat citizens in an unfeeling manner , humiliate adversaries crudely .

  30. 与弧背前陆盆地和周缘前陆盆地相并列,并对应于板块构造演化历程中的大洋消减、大陆碰撞和陆内缩短三个不同性质的聚敛阶段。

    Therefore they are corresponding to the three different featured convergent stages of ocean subduction , continental collision and intra-continent contraction in the structural evolution of plates .