
  1. 近日,九部委联合发文,提倡过世的家庭成员合葬在一个墓位,而非传统的一人一个墓位。

    A joint statement released by nine ministries called for burial of deceased family members in a cemetery plot rather than the traditional one-plot-for-one-body practice .

  2. 为了认真贯彻落实卫生部等三部委联合发文《大型医用设备配置与使用管理办法》,制定配置规划是很重要的一环。

    In order to implement " the management of the disposition and application of the major medical equipment ( MME ) " put forward by the ministry of healthy and etc.

  3. 于是2001年,海关和商务部联合发文,决定对进出口量在1亿美元以上的高新科技企业实行便捷通关制度。

    So in 2001 , China Customs and Commerce Ministry established the rulings , which decide to give facility clearance to the high-tech company which quantity of foreign trade exceed to 100 million dollars .

  4. 流域水环境管理的部门协作形式包括联合发文、联合执法检查等,部门协作的协调机制包括科层协调和制度协调。

    Forms of department cooperation during river basin water environment management include joint dispatching documents , association of enforcement and inspection and so on , which need proper coordination mechanisms such as bureaucratic coordination and institutional coordination .

  5. 不管有没有这份破坏节日气氛的联合发文,中国人在面对墓地不可企及的价格时,总会感到沮丧,在大城市中尤其是这样。大城市里房价极高,工作压力大,又有空气污染问题,这都使得生活非常困难。

    With or without the festivity-mutilated statement , Chinese people are still frustrated with the beyond-reach prices of cemeteries especially in big cities where sky-high housing prices , job pressure , and air pollution have already made for difficult standards of living .