
  • 网络occupational cancer;occupational tumor;occupational tumour
  1. 职业性肿瘤的监测和预防措施

    Monitoring and Prevention of Occupational Cancer

  2. 尘肺、慢性中毒、职业性肿瘤和噪声聋为职业病诊断鉴定的主要争议病种。

    Pneumoconiosis , chronic occupational poisoning , occupational cancer and noise-induced deaf are the main diseases .

  3. 氯丁二烯作业工人职业性肿瘤调查

    A survey of occupational tumors in the workers contacting chlorobutadiene

  4. 职业性肿瘤是肿瘤学的重要分支。

    Occupational oncology is an important branch of oncology .

  5. 国外职业性接触抗肿瘤药物的研究和防护对我国的启示

    The inspiration from developed countries on studies and preventive measures of nurses occupationally handling chemotherapy drugs

  6. 职业性肺癌占职业性肿瘤的大部分,确证对人类致癌的63种化学物质中,与职业有关的大约有35种,其中与肺癌有关的25种。

    Occupational lung cancer is one kind of occupational tumors . Among 63 kinds of proofed carcinogenic to humans , there are about 35 kinds with relation to occupation and 25 kinds related to occupational lung tumor .