
  • 网络business suit
  1. 职业套装会是最好的选择,不过,所有穿起来让你感到自在的服装都是可以的。

    A business suit would be best , but whatever makes you feel comfortable is good .

  2. 现代职业套装设计风格与发展趋势分析

    Analysis of modern office suit design styles and development tendency

  3. 职业套装历史与发展研究

    The Study for the History and Development of Office Suits

  4. 职业套装设计影响因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Occupational Suit Design

  5. 对职场新人来说,再昂贵的职业套装也遮不住言谈举止中的青涩。

    On the new workplace , expensive occupation suit nor shelter speech and deportment in green .

  6. 穿着要得体,鞋要擦亮,男性要西装笔挺,女性要穿职业套装。

    Dress well , with shoes polished clean , pressed suit for men and comparable business attire for women .

  7. 新时代,职业套装的消费者需求已发生了改变,然而现有的设计却相对滞后。

    In the new century , consumer demand of office suit has changed , but the existing office suit design has developed slowly .

  8. 女生需身穿两件套的职业套装,裤装和裙装都可以,裙子的长短应该是在你坐下来的时候,裙子能盖住你的大腿。

    Women should wear a two-piece , matched suit . Pantsuits and skirts are acceptable . Skirts should cover your thighs when you are seated .

  9. 有些学生就业服务中心——比如巴纳德学院——提供套装出借服务,没有职业套装的学生可以用自己的学生证免费借用捐赠的套装。

    Some student career service centers - like Barnard 's - have a suit-borrowing program from which students without business-professional clothing can borrow a donated dress suit with their student ID , at no cost .