
  1. 澜沧-耿马地震的S波偏振及P波、S波振幅比变化特征

    S-wave polarization and variation characteristics of amplitude ratio of P-and S-waves for the Lancang-Gengma earthquake

  2. 本文采用P、S最大振幅比资料测定中、小地震震源机制参数的方法,测定了澜沧&耿马地震前后震区182个中、小震的震源机制参数。

    The source mechanism parameters of 182 moderate and small events in the seismic area before and after Lancang-Gengma Earthquake have been determined by the method of P and S maximum amplitude ratio .

  3. 与此同时,对大震前后P波、S波最大振幅比值分布和S波偏振角空间分布进行研究发现,北纬22°57′可能是澜沧、耿马两地区介质差异的分界面。

    Study on the distribution of maximum amplitude ratio of P-and Swaves and spatial distribution of S-wave polarization angles before and after the earthquakes shows the line of 22 ° 57 ′ north latitude may be the medium boundary between Lancang and Gengma areas .

  4. 澜沧&耿马地震前FSQ仪记录到的粘滑和慢地震及对短临预报探讨

    Stick-slip and slow shocks recorded on FSQ tiltmeters before Lancang-Gengma earthquake and primary study on short-impending earthquake prediction

  5. 耿马地震地表断裂活动的明显证据包括一系列北北西走向的地裂缝带和一段长约5km的地震断层陡坎。

    Clear evidence of new surface faulting caused by the Gengma earthquake includes a series of relatively continuous north - northwest - trending linear ground crack zones and a 5 km long section of fault scarps .

  6. 本文收集了国内各个单位和国外EDR报告给出的澜沧&耿马地震的震源参数和震源机制解参数,讨论了它们之间差别的原因。

    The source parameters and focal mechanism solution parameters of Lancang-Gengma earthquake , published in various internal journals and external EDR reports , have been gathered in this paper , and reasons that made difference between them have been discussed .

  7. 1988年11月6日澜沧&耿马地震的水氡异常

    Radon anomaly in the Nov. 6 , 1988 , Lancang-Gengma earthquake

  8. 澜沧&耿马地震前地下水流量动态的异常特征

    The anomalous characteristics of groundwater outflow before the Lancang-Gengma earthquakes

  9. 澜沧、耿马地震前的定点形变异常特征

    Fixed-point deformation anomaly and its characteristics before the Lancang-Gengma earthquake

  10. 澜沧-耿马地震强余震的反应谱

    Response spectrum to strong aftershocks of the Lancang Gengma earthquake

  11. 澜沧-耿马强震地面运动特征研究

    Researches on strong ground motion of lanchang - Gengma earthquake

  12. 澜沧&耿马地震的剩余形变和源

    The Residual Deformation and Equivalent Source of Lancang-Gengma Earthquake

  13. 关于云南临沧市耿马县少数民族地区基础教育的几点思考

    Some Thinking on the Basic Education in Minority Area of Gengma in Yunnan

  14. 耿马帚状构造的基本轮廓及其找矿意义

    Basic configuration of the Gengma brush structure and its significance for mineral prospecting

  15. 澜沧&耿马地震震源动力学参数研究

    A research on focal dynamic parameters of Lancang-Gengma earthquake

  16. 云南耿马7.2级地震破裂与震源应力场

    Seismic rupture and source stress field of Gengma M7.2 earthquake in Yunnan Province

  17. 澜沧&耿马震害中暴露的设计与施工质量问题

    Problems of Building Design and Construction in Lancang-Gengma Earthquake

  18. 外力扰动加剧与澜沧&耿马大地震的爆发

    Intensified external disturbing force with the burst of lancang & gengma great earthquake

  19. 云南省耿马县鼠疫疫源地及人间鼠疫调查报告

    An Investigation on the Plague Focus and Human Plague in Gengma County , Yunnan

  20. 澜沧&耿马地震的破裂过程

    The rupture process of Lancang - gengma earthquake

  21. 1952-2007年云南省耿马县报告法定传染病疫情分析

    Analysis of notifiable communicable disease epidemic in Gengma county , Yunnan province , 1952-2007

  22. 云南澜沧、耿马地震中建筑物的震害调查

    Investigation of Earthquake Damages of Building Structures in Lancang and Gengma of Yunnan Province

  23. 澜沧&耿马地震带大震47年复发周期及其科学意义

    Recurrence period of 47 years and its scientific significance in Lancang Gengma seismic fault

  24. 澜沧&耿马地震民用建筑震害

    The civil building hazard caused by Lancang-Gengma earthquake

  25. 澜沧&耿马地震带下一个强震活跃期的初步研究

    Preliminary research on next strong earthquake active period of lancang , gengma earthquake belt

  26. 云南省耿马县蔗区土壤主要养分状况分析研究及对策

    Study on the Principal Soil Nutrients of Sugarcane Fields in Gengma County of Yunnan Province

  27. 汞含量在澜沧&耿马余震中的反映

    Mercury content reflection of the Lancang-Gengma aftershocks

  28. 澜沧耿马地震序列特征

    Characteristics of the Lancang-Gengma earthquake sequence

  29. 澜沧-耿马7.6级地震腾冲等台地电阻率异常特征

    Characteristics of earth resistivity anomalies at Tengchong and other stations before the Lancang-Gengma m 7.6 earthquake

  30. 云南耿马县坝区小兽革螨调查

    An Investigation of Gamasid Mites on small Mammals in the Flat Areas of Gengma County , Yunnan