
ɡēnɡ dú
  • Farming and Reading;work part-time and study/teach part-time
耕读 [gēng dú]
  • [part work,part study] 指既从事农业劳动又读书或教学

  • 耕读小学

  1. 第三个结合我要说的是耕读商相结合。

    The third combination I must say that plowing business combination .

  2. 儒家耕读传家思想的伦理审视

    Take the Confucianism of the Thought of " Cultivation and Read to Bequeath to the Family " into Ethical Examination

  3. 小小山村内蕴含着建筑文化、耕读文化、民间信仰文化等丰富的传统文化。

    It is a village with various traditional culture , such as architectural culture , folk religion culture and so on .

  4. 明清江南耕读村落的公共景观与空间研究

    An Exploration on Public Landscape and Space of Farming-reading Village South of the Yangtze River in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  5. 与此“隐逸”新概念相关联的是东晋大诗人陶渊明据其性分,在其所主动选择的田园耕读生活中获得了自身存在的统一。

    Related to this is the seclusion of the great Tsin poet Tao Yuanming who chose pastoral life of tilling and reading to obtain his unity .

  6. 耕读传家是中国传统社会中以村落社区为文化地理空间,以家族为单位的乡民自发读书学习、耕读结合的教育习俗与文化传统。

    Part-time learning and self-study are educational customs and cultural tradition which took place in the tribes or villages in which families can be viewed as groups .

  7. 受耕读世家的文化熏陶,徐霞客,幼年好学,博览群书,尤钟情于地经图志。

    By the farmer family nurtured the culture , Xu Xiake 's , juvenile studious , Expo Group , especially deeply in love with the land to Records .

  8. 几百年乡土文化的丰厚沉积,重新唤醒了人们对中国农村重文兴教耕读文明的记忆。

    Aggradations of several hundred years of local culture serve as a reminder to make people recall again the furrow civilization of Chinese villages attaching importance to education and culture .

  9. 这些珍贵的历史文化遗存,可以使我们大体了解我国古代“耕读社会”与“宗族文化”的梗概。

    These valuable historical and cultural relics , can enable us to generally understand China 's ancient " plowing the fields of society " and " clan culture " sketch .

  10. 儒家耕读传家的思想及其教化实践,既体现了中国优良的家庭美德,又维护了社会家庭的稳定,促进了社会的发展。

    The ethical concept and civilization practice of cultivation and reading , not only shows the Chinese family virtue , but also maintains a steady society and accelerates the development of society .

  11. 既回顾昔日的耕读文化之辉煌,亦展现今日耕读文化之灿烂,更呼唤明日耕读文化之延续。

    Review the magnificent of the farming-reading culture in the former days , display the brightness of farming-reading culture of today , summon the extension of the farming-reading culture in the future .

  12. 他从个人本位与社会角度对明清之际社会变动作出回应,将自己的治世蓝图融入耕读与乡治的实践当中,并由此确立了自己立身处世的个体模式。

    He , from the angle of individuality and society , actively responded to the societal change of his times and advocated governing the world by combining farming and reading with township ruling .

  13. 耕读传家在中国传统农本社会中,是小康农家所努力追求的一种理想生活图景。

    " Cultivation and read to bequeath to the family " is a kind of ideal living diagram view that the middle-class family farmer works hard to pursue in Chinese traditional agriculture originally society .

  14. 第二章主要研究儒家建筑文脉的形成和发展概况,分为历代尊孔与儒家建筑的发展和耕读传家书院的发展两大内容。

    The second chapter studies the formation and development of Confucian architectural context . This chapter is divided into two major parts : the development of the ancient worship of Confucius and cherished heritage college .

  15. 这些吉祥图案不仅体现了关中民众对生命现象的崇拜、对知识学问的探索,对耕读传家的理解,而且也是关中民众对自己人生理想和家族命运的主动谋划。

    These auspicious patterns not only reflects the people there on the phenomenon of life worship , of learning to explore , understand this family , but also the people there on his own ideal of life and the family destiny plan actively .

  16. “和会朱陆”、耕读相兼、读书与游历相结合的原则是郑玉教育思想中最具特色的部分;

    The most characteristic part of his educational thoughts was the principles of combining the thoughts of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan ( the famous Neo-Confucianist in the Song Dynasty ), of concurrence between study and work , and of combining reading to traveling .