
ɡēnɡ chù
  • farm animal;draft animal
耕畜 [gēng chù]
  • [farm animal;beast of the field] 耕地用的牲畜,如牛、马、骡子等

  • 保护耕畜过冬

  1. 也许我可以写一篇关于耕畜的生活故事。

    Perhaps I can write a story about the life of that draft animal .

  2. 它们也将提供饲料来饲养更多耕畜。

    They will also provide feed for raising more draught animals .

  3. 所有人力和耕畜都被强征服役。

    All available manpower and draught animals were pressed into service .

  4. 在干旱时期,很多耕畜都生病或者死亡了。

    During droughts , many farm animals get sick or die .

  5. 农奴连买农具都不敢想,更不用说买耕畜了。

    The serfs could not aspire to buying farm tools , let alone draught animals .

  6. 访问农场或其它公众可能直接接触耕畜的地方也被确定为感染出血性大肠杆菌的一个重要危险因素。

    Visiting farms and other venues where the general public might come into direct contact with farm animals has also been identified as an important risk factor for EHEC infection .

  7. 农业生产工具依然落后,农户耕畜缺乏,水利灌溉设施等农业生产条件有渐趋恶化的趋势,农业生产处于停滞状态。

    Tools are still lagging behind in agricultural production , farmers lack of draft animals , irrigation facilities , agricultural production conditions have gotten worse in the trend of agricultural production at a standstill .

  8. 南京国民政府时期,农业的生产工具依然落后,没有什么发展,并且很大一部分农户拥有的农具不足,耕畜缺乏,农业水利灌溉设施没有什么发展,并有恶化的趋势。

    Nanjing National Government period , the agricultural production tools is still lagging behind , there is no development , and a large part of rural households have inadequate tools , draft animals , lack of irrigation facilities in agriculture there is no and there is a trend of deterioration .