
  • arable land minimum;the red line of farmland area
  1. 这样做显然不具备可持续性,还可能对1.2亿公顷的耕地红线构成威胁。

    That is clearly not sustainable . It would threaten the 120 million hectares red line .

  2. 城市工业用地集约利用是实现资源合理配置与可持续利用的必然要求;城市工业用地集约利用潜力挖掘是化解社会经济发展用地需求与坚守耕地红线之间矛盾的有效途径。

    Intensive use of urban industrial land is the necessary requirements for economically rational allocation and sustainable use of resources .

  3. 山区粮食安全的耕地红线及其对策措施体系&以云南省为例

    Study on the Red Line of Farmland Area for Ensuring Food Security of Mountainous Area in China and the Countermeasures System

  4. 对中国的十八亿亩耕地红线和粮食安全战略发出了挑战。土地复垦迫在眉睫。

    This is a challenge what keep one billion eight hundred million hectares of arable land red line and food security strategy .

  5. 然而,矿产资源的开发必然会破坏土地资源,尤其是表土资源,这与坚守18亿亩的耕地红线是相悖的。

    However , the development of mineral resources will destroy land resources , particularly topsoil resources , and this is disobeying with the " stick to 18 million mu of primary arable-land red line " .

  6. 近几年,18亿亩耕地红线,成为制约我国城市发展的瓶颈,各大城市都出现了建设用地不足的紧张局面。

    In recent years , the " 1.8 billion mu " red line of arable lands becomes a bottleneck restricting development of cities in China , and larges cities all face the tension of insufficient construction lands .

  7. 而中国农地资源已经非常稀缺,再将部分转化出去,则国家规定的18亿亩耕地红线很难保证。

    But by now , China is so lack of farmland resources that the 18 million mu of land is difficult to maintain within the red line , if some of the farmland lose their original function .

  8. 随着城市化、工业化进程快速推进,坚守18亿亩耕地红线不仅是国家粮食安全的重要基础,也是社会经济可持续发展的重要保障。

    Along with the rapid progress in the process of urbanization and industrialization , adhering to the cultivated land red line of 18 million mu is not only an important basis for national food security , but also an important guarantee for sustainable socio-economic development .

  9. 严守耕地保护红线,严格土地用途管制。

    We should ensure that the red line for protecting farmland is not crossed and strictly control land uses .

  10. 他表示,国家必须保留1.2亿公顷耕地的“红线”。

    He says the country must retain a " red line " of 120 million hectares of arable land .

  11. 耕地保护的必要条件是坚守18亿亩耕地红线,而充分条件是保持并提高耕地质量。

    Adhering to the cultivated land red line of 18 million mu is the necessary condition for cultivated land protection , while the sufficient condition is to maintain and improve the quality of cultivated land .