
  • 网络cultivated land
  1. 广西耕地保有量与粮食安全分析

    Analysis of retaining cultivated land and food safety in Guangxi

  2. 耕地保有量外部性探讨

    A Discussion of the Externality of the Amount of Cultivated Land Reserved

  3. 贵州省黔南州耕地保有量研究

    Study on Insurance Quantity of the Land in Qiannan of Guizhou Province

  4. 我国耕地保有量的指数预测模型

    Index Prediction Model of Total Farmland in China

  5. 而规划期间确定的永修县耕地保有量必须确保本区域的粮食安全。

    The least cultivated areas of Yongxiu must guarantee its own grain security during this period .

  6. 土地利用总体规划耕地保有量预测方法研究&以桂林市资源县为例

    The Study of the Predictive Method about the Quantity of Cultivated Land Reserved in General Land Use Plan

  7. 其研究内容主要是基于产能动态平衡的耕地保有量确定。

    The research is mainly on the least cultivated areas which based on the dynamic balance of productivity .

  8. 然后分别采用了粮食安全法、供需平衡法和趋势外推法对恩施市的耕地保有量进行预测,研究结果表明三种方法的预测结果各不相同,各有其优点和局限性。

    Then it predicted the quantity of cultivated land reserved according to the methods of food security , aggregate balance and trend extrapolation , and the research showed that the prediction results of three methods were different , and each had its advantages and limitations .

  9. 确立耕地保护目标的首要前提就是获得科学而合理的耕地保有量预测数值,因此,关注耕地保有量的最低值,建立一种合理的耕地保护机制是非常必要的。

    Establish a primary goal of cultivated land protection and rational science is the premise of cultivated land forecast values . Therefore , Establish a comprehensive and scientific prediction method and system of arable land concerning the lowest of cultivated land is very necessary .

  10. 根据增加有效耕地面积,完善耕地占补平衡、推进土地开发、整理复垦等措施,提出耕地保有量和基本农田保护方案及原则。

    Relying on adding effective cultivated land 、 perfecting the requisition-compensation balance of the cultivated land 、 promoting the development of the cultivated land 、 arrangement 、 reclamation and other measures , we put forward the amount of cultivated land and the programs and principles of protecting the basic farmland .

  11. 最后根据恩施市的土地利用现状和耕地利用中存在的主要问题,有针对性地提出了耕地保护和利用对策,来保证耕地保有量目标的实现。

    In the end , according to the land use status and problems of cultivated land use , this study pertinently put forward measures of land protection and utilization , to ensure the realization goal of the quantity of cultivated land reserved .

  12. 针对土地整理工作实践,分析目前新增耕地存在的主要问题并提出了对策措施,通过加强农村土地整理管理,以实现真正意义上的耕地保有量和耕地总量动态平衡。

    In light of land arrangement practice , this paper analyzes the major problems arising from the newly-increased farmland in land arrangement and proposes countermeasures , so as to really realize a dynamic balance between the tenure quantity and total quantity of cultivated land .

  13. 耕地面积减少不会对我国的粮食安全带来任何影响,因为现有耕地面积已超出了此前设定的12400万公顷耕地保有量目标。

    The decline of farmland will not bring any effect to the country 's food security , as the current area of farmland is safely above the 124-million-hectare line set for cultivated land .